New ig/io commission plan

Perhaps BioReference or Solstas can give me that raise I've been looking for.. This place is in the shitter.

You clowns that are riding this gravytrain into the ground can stay here and all spin your wheels together.

You IG Reps are no better than anyone else. Get off your high horse and come down to the real world. IG Reps are not indispensable get out and don't come back.

Your right jack ass we are not indispensable and your going watch my horses ass ride into the sunset very soon when i leave this god forsaken place

Welcome to Labcorp people! Anything, anyway , any scheme, any angle, not to pay ... Anyone. the commission plan of champions. Did they tell you it was a great plan? Funny thing is the Sales management people don't even understand it! Enjoy your time here.

The NEW plan will quickly morph into the clinical payout game. 3 buckets will become one- with a big hole. "Uncapped and exciting" is what your proctologist says when you hear the snap of the glove. We have heard the snap! Hope for a small ring finger.

And you get this information from where? I couldn't sell the lab corp services if it was the only lab on the planet. Your a low cost provider and doctors know your services suck. Labcorp completely destroyed Genzyme. The service is terrible and clients are leaving by the droves. Let your people sell it. I am so done.

Actually, LabCorp didn't destroy Genzyme, Genzyme destroyed Genzyme. LabCorp didn't sell Genzyme, Genzyme sold Genzyme. So your anger is a bit misplaced, and don't think for a minute the "big guys" at Genzyme didn't know what was coming for all of you. They all did and guess what? THEY didn't care, they all got a lot of $$$$$$. anyway , that's it for me :)

Actually, LabCorp didn't destroy Genzyme, Genzyme destroyed Genzyme. LabCorp didn't sell Genzyme, Genzyme sold Genzyme. So your anger is a bit misplaced, and don't think for a minute the "big guys" at Genzyme didn't know what was coming for all of you. They all did and guess what? THEY didn't care, they all got a lot of $$$$$$. anyway , that's it for me :)

Yeah know what, your right

Actually, LabCorp didn't destroy Genzyme, Genzyme destroyed Genzyme. LabCorp didn't sell Genzyme, Genzyme sold Genzyme. So your anger is a bit misplaced, and don't think for a minute the "big guys" at Genzyme didn't know what was coming for all of you. They all did and guess what? THEY didn't care, they all got a lot of $$$$$$. anyway , that's it for me :)

By this message you would think it's TW's final goodbye, but I know he doesn't come on Cafe Pharma...

The NEW plan will quickly morph into the clinical payout game. 3 buckets will become one- with a big hole. "Uncapped and exciting" is what your proctologist says when you hear the snap of the glove. We have heard the snap! Hope for a small ring finger.

Got the jelly ready? 3 buckets- one bucket only represents call in at 20%. How fast do you think that will change? This plan is more confusing than reading the directions on setting the timer to your DVD. Put everything in your pipeline to get credit for the blue bird accounts. Happy Hour is over. Ask your leaders what they have budgeted for commisions. Go over that amount and yes...the game chages.

If your actually closing a sell, and have your same salary what's the big deal? Expenses were cut on lunches and extras that could be considered a kickback, no more high dollar pay and say, proves you are worth your commission.. Us labs, Dianon, Genzyme, countless regional labs, esoteric, PGD, etc etc.

You as a salesforce were not considered in any take over buy out. You were given enough incentive to not leave in the first year after announcement of buy out, if you left then you may or may not be equal, or better then you were. Companies do not sell out because of how great their over enflamed ego, sales force may be. Companies, like those old named labs, were bought for methodology not sales force. If you really sit around thinking you taking your clients and going elsewhere is really going to impact a corporate decision, on what to or what not to, pay you.......
Then you are better off taking your skills and becoming a hair dresser or bartender.

If your actually closing a sell, and have your same salary what's the big deal? Expenses were cut on lunches and extras that could be considered a kickback, no more high dollar pay and say, proves you are worth your commission.. Us labs, Dianon, Genzyme, countless regional labs, esoteric, PGD, etc etc.

You as a salesforce were not considered in any take over buy out. You were given enough incentive to not leave in the first year after announcement of buy out, if you left then you may or may not be equal, or better then you were. Companies do not sell out because of how great their over enflamed ego, sales force may be. Companies, like those old named labs, were bought for methodology not sales force. If you really sit around thinking you taking your clients and going elsewhere is really going to impact a corporate decision, on what to or what not to, pay you.......
Then you are better off taking your skills and becoming a hair dresser or bartender.

Well said. The reality for these folks will sink in at some point.

If your actually closing a sell, and have your same salary what's the big deal? Expenses were cut on lunches and extras that could be considered a kickback, no more high dollar pay and say, proves you are worth your commission.. Us labs, Dianon, Genzyme, countless regional labs, esoteric, PGD, etc etc.

You as a salesforce were not considered in any take over buy out. You were given enough incentive to not leave in the first year after announcement of buy out, if you left then you may or may not be equal, or better then you were. Companies do not sell out because of how great their over enflamed ego, sales force may be. Companies, like those old named labs, were bought for methodology not sales force. If you really sit around thinking you taking your clients and going elsewhere is really going to impact a corporate decision, on what to or what not to, pay you.......
Then you are better off taking your skills and becoming a hair dresser or bartender.

There is some credence to your post. However the "methodology" could have come from any specialty company. The products and service were sold by highly skilled and trained TERRITORY MANAGERS (no name change). Quest and lab corp were non identities to us because they did not compete with us. I do agree that were not considered in any decision And were paid huge inventatives to stay. Now, well there is no incentative

There will be no incentive given for a IG or IO, rep to stay. Fact. Those that are left from the initial buy out dug in their heals aganist changes, were, out sold by reps that were put under the IG umbrella that came from core. SME for core and KAE for core, took over open IG positions when there was a mass exit, and these reps are ranked top 5, and most likely #1 rep in the company. So, LCA worked within IG and IO in first year after buy out, took the standard of educating reps, took core reps taught the product, and now will do the same with what is considered a speciality rep. All LCA reps have been trained on point products that will increase over all financial gains. SDE (speciality reps) are given the top $ tests to focus on. Once there is enough proof of core closing these tests, they are removed from the SDE primary quota, the SDE then is given a comp plan that (exactly like core) is confusing, because for some reason a IG/IO rep comp is tied to paps or non ap work..... This my friends is LCA way of weeding out any old dog that dug in their heals.... Or constantly complained, or never tracked their actual growth to LCA, without a core rep involvement. Out of every word in this post the last sentance is your lightbulb moment. After the buy out, can you prove the growth you were paid on vs the expenses of your salary,commissions, lunches, dinners, incidentals etc were 100% all you. If you can, your not on this site complaining.

There will be no incentive given for a IG or IO, rep to stay. Fact. Those that are left from the initial buy out dug in their heals aganist changes, were, out sold by reps that were put under the IG umbrella that came from core. SME for core and KAE for core, took over open IG positions when there was a mass exit, and these reps are ranked top 5, and most likely #1 rep in the company. So, LCA worked within IG and IO in first year after buy out, took the standard of educating reps, took core reps taught the product, and now will do the same with what is considered a speciality rep. All LCA reps have been trained on point products that will increase over all financial gains. SDE (speciality reps) are given the top $ tests to focus on. Once there is enough proof of core closing these tests, they are removed from the SDE primary quota, the SDE then is given a comp plan that (exactly like core) is confusing, because for some reason a IG/IO rep comp is tied to paps or non ap work..... This my friends is LCA way of weeding out any old dog that dug in their heals.... Or constantly complained, or never tracked their actual growth to LCA, without a core rep involvement. Out of every word in this post the last sentance is your lightbulb moment. After the buy out, can you prove the growth you were paid on vs the expenses of your salary,commissions, lunches, dinners, incidentals etc were 100% all you. If you can, your not on this site complaining.

If my commission is as complex and nonsensical as this post we are fucked. What the hell at you talking about. Speak fucking English. I read it twice and I still don't understand