New Hematology Sales Director


What was Ester thinking, this guy has zero experience in oncology. 3 calls per day is a complete joke. He should never have been hired. Primary care mentality metrics, metrics, metrics that'll grow share! Can't wait to see what else he rolls out I am sure it will be innovative. I'll be looking at other opportunities along with many others. BMS Hem went downhill fast.


I couldn’t agree more, he needs to go back to primary care. So tired of these directors who couldn’t produce an original idea on how to drive a sales force if their life depended on it. I’m not impressed with Ester either. If she says um one more time on a call I’m going to lose my mind. I get that English isn’t her first language, but stop with the filler words while you think. It’s annoying and makes her seem stupid.

I couldn’t agree more, he needs to go back to primary care. So tired of these directors who couldn’t produce an original idea on how to drive a sales force if their life depended on it. I’m not impressed with Ester either. If she says um one more time on a call I’m going to lose my mind. I get that English isn’t her first language, but stop with the filler words while you think. It’s annoying and makes her seem stupid.

Um I think um you are um so correct

What was Ester thinking, this guy has zero experience in oncology. 3 calls per day is a complete joke. He should never have been hired. Primary care mentality metrics, metrics, metrics that'll grow share! Can't wait to see what else he rolls out I am sure it will be innovative. I'll be looking at other opportunities along with many others. BMS Hem went downhill fast.

What was Ester thinking, this guy has zero experience in oncology. 3 calls per day is a complete joke. He should never have been hired. Primary care mentality metrics, metrics, metrics that'll grow share! Can't wait to see what else he rolls out I am sure it will be innovative. I'll be looking at other opportunities along with many others. BMS Hem went downhill fast.
Doxie, Doxie, Doxie. You primary care tool! When will you realize you are not in Kansas anymore? This is going to be some ride...............

It cracks me up that they are going to be monitoring if physicians are at programs. I think we would all love that to happen. My guess is that if they don't see attendance that speaker programs could get nixed. I understand other companies have gone that direction.

After they do that they'll be asking for six calls a day. (sarc)

Many people in this industry have made a lot of money and retired millionaires, yet they complain when asked to work. No one keeps you at BMS and if you think it's wildly different elsewhere, by all means move on. Otherwise, find ways to be impactful and make the most of your highly compensated role. Many of you are so f'ing entitled, yet unbelievably lazy.

Many people in this industry have made a lot of money and retired millionaires, yet they complain when asked to work. No one keeps you at BMS and if you think it's wildly different elsewhere, by all means move on. Otherwise, find ways to be impactful and make the most of your highly compensated role. Many of you are so f'ing entitled, yet unbelievably lazy.

Self righteous.

And there it is, the you get paid well so shut up and work comment. Simply because we don’t like our leaders and they have unrealistic expectations doesn’t mean reps are lazy. Maybe stop being a “yes” guy and have the courage to address real problems so we can change this industry for the better.

Many people in this industry have made a lot of money and retired millionaires, yet they complain when asked to work. No one keeps you at BMS and if you think it's wildly different elsewhere, by all means move on. Otherwise, find ways to be impactful and make the most of your highly compensated role. Many of you are so f'ing entitled, yet unbelievably lazy.

You must not be in Onc, it's impossible to get three f2f calls per day. As for being lazy, I am doing overnights several times a month, dinner programs, events and conferences on the weekends. I work plenty.

Many people in this industry have made a lot of money and retired millionaires, yet they complain when asked to work. No one keeps you at BMS and if you think it's wildly different elsewhere, by all means move on. Otherwise, find ways to be impactful and make the most of your highly compensated role. Many of you are so f'ing entitled, yet unbelievably lazy.

If you're in Onc you know talking with three providers a day is impossible. I fly multiple times a month, do overnights, dinner programs, events, and conferences at nights and weekends. I work a lot!

You must not be in Onc, it's impossible to get three f2f calls per day. As for being lazy, I am doing overnights several times a month, dinner programs, events and conferences on the weekends. I work plenty.
It’s impossible when your car is in your driveway every day. Unless the wife has you pick up food on the company credit card