New GPS/ Cell Control ??

I don't think this is true. If they do this who does Lilly management think they are snooping into our private lifes? It doesn't seem fair. We have a hard time seeing customers because offices aren't letting us in. I go in the office and try but the receptionist doesn't let me in. Offices are not nice to us and management knows what it is like so why are they starting to be hard now? It isn't realistic.

I don't think this is true. If they do this who does Lilly management think they are snooping into our private lifes? It doesn't seem fair. We have a hard time seeing customers because offices aren't letting us in. I go in the office and try but the receptionist doesn't let me in. Offices are not nice to us and management knows what it is like so why are they starting to be hard now? It isn't realistic.

'Why are they starting to be hard now?"

Dave Ricks would be my guess. New leadership, new mentality, new things are valued and the center of focus. I just hope they remember ..happy employees outperform dissatisfied ones and having a positive mindset is preferable to a "check the box and cover my ass mindset ".

My guess is that GPS data will be used to eliminate positions "for cause" thus eliminating severance. This helps DR get Lilly to the 50/50 opex/revenue ratio he has promised by Q1 without the encumbered severance packages.

My guess is that GPS data will be used to eliminate positions "for cause" thus eliminating severance. This helps DR get Lilly to the 50/50 opex/revenue ratio he has promised by Q1 without the encumbered severance packages.
Isn't it cheaper to look at gas receipts? This overstretched by corporate is insane! I already know one rep in the SE is looking into this from a privacy standpoint! Why can't we go back to having a car allowance? My guess is because they want to keep tabs on us!

Isn't it cheaper to look at gas receipts? This overstretched by corporate is insane! I already know one rep in the SE is looking into this from a privacy standpoint! Why can't we go back to having a car allowance? My guess is because they want to keep tabs on us!

It is not cheaper to look at gas receipts. That requires several FTEs where this can be done with software and minimal ongoing attention by employees.

Isn't it cheaper to look at gas receipts? This overstretched by corporate is insane! I already know one rep in the SE is looking into this from a privacy standpoint! Why can't we go back to having a car allowance? My guess is because they want to keep tabs on us!

This has nothing to do with safety & 100% with tracking the hours the field is working. Welcome to kindergarten!

Isn't it cheaper to look at gas receipts? This overstretched by corporate is insane! I already know one rep in the SE is looking into this from a privacy standpoint! Why can't we go back to having a car allowance? My guess is because they want to keep tabs on us!

Privacy stand point? You do realize the car you drive belongs to Lilly? The iPad you use belongs to Lilly? and the Company distributed phone you use belongs to Lilly? Of course they can monitor and track their equipment.

My brother in law is a FEDEX driver and they track him everywhere he goes in his company assigned truck during work hours. The only difference between him and Pharma reps is that offices are happy to see him and FEDEX doesn't have the ability to track him 24/7! The good old days of staying home or going shopping or working a second job or coaching little league during works hours is over.

This has nothing to do with safety & 100% with tracking the hours the field is working. Welcome to kindergarten!
I guess since they can track us, why are there SO many managers!!! Hey DR, every division is so top heavy, let's use the axe and get rid of DSMs and ADs!!!! Since you are so cost conscious this seems like a great decision!!

I guess since they can track us, why are there SO many managers!!! Hey DR, every division is so top heavy, let's use the axe and get rid of DSMs and ADs!!!! Since you are so cost conscious this seems like a great decision!!

Just do your job and if you can't handle being held accountable to do your job this may not be a good fit for you any more. Technology is inexpensive and allows companies to manage and track resources (staff, equipment, samples...) much more efficiently so if you aren't up for it do everyone including yourself a favor and move on.

gotta love the calming nature of the HR flack who posted above.

Trust no one- use this job as a springboard to something less soul crushing. These gigs ceased to be a good job 15 years ago. Get smart and get out.

gotta love the calming nature of the HR flack who posted above.

Trust no one- use this job as a springboard to something less soul crushing. These gigs ceased to be a good job 15 years ago. Get smart and get out.

best advice, agree totally, pharma sales rep job at lilly is not what it used to be and if you think you can do job without being tracked, good luck with that

I wonder if upper management anticipated the negative response to the tracking device. Lilly is a great company because the reps care. I've been at other companies and Lilly is different in a good way. However, gps trackers are a guaranteed way to get the sales force to feel less trusted. It inspires a "cover my a.." mentality which slowly stokes the fire of resentment towards management. It all ends in a ME over WE mentality because no one trusts each other.