new FLEX jobs posted

I had a screening interview, completed the app and few questions online. Have phone interview today. Hiring by the middle of this week, start date jan 5th. no more than 29 HOURS per week, 48 cents per mile reimbursement, no bennies. That's all I know right now

Have had screening phone interview, face to face interview with one manager and phone interview with another. All seemed positive but...still waiting. Would the official job offer be by phone, e-mail, letter? (Hoping...). Has anyone else received a firm offer?

There is a final phone interview mine basically lasted 15 minutes person just confirmed I understood what job paid. Entailed. Asked if I had any conflicts with dates etc have not heard back on offer yet

I had an initial phone interview with a recruiter then a face to face w the manager then a final phone interview with another recruiter yesterday. Haven't heard anything either way.