mileage reimbursements isn't IRS rate of 56 cents a mile? Do you need a sample signature to count as a call?
Got a text from a recruiter last week asking if I was interested....I replied yes. Haven't heard back so I replied again. Is this how it goes?
Has anyone heard back after their face to face interview? I was told we would hear by the end of the week but nothing...
Has anyone had a discussion with a hiring manager about hours vs. pay/call. You get paid per call, but they say you can't work more than 29 hours per week. If you're paid per call, you're essentially an independent contractor. Other than the issue of the mileage, what does it matter to PDI how many hours I put in if they're not paying me by the hour, but by the call?At the beginning of any new contract you will work for free
After a few months, you will get to know your area and you will be able make some money