new FLEX jobs posted

My point is you could drive around trying to get to know your territory and docs schedules, get no signatures and get NO PAY. That's why I asked! Ever consider you might be working for free if you don't have perfect territory info from day one? Does that work for you? So I would be working yes, and have NOTHING TO SHOW FOR IT. DUH!!!

Yes that's how it starts. I would give him a text back again on Monday if you haven't heard anything. One manager hired day before my interview. They have a lot to do. Jan 5th start. I have had 2 interviews. Very easy questions.

At the beginning of any new contract you will work for free
After a few months, you will get to know your area and you will be able make some money
Has anyone had a discussion with a hiring manager about hours vs. pay/call. You get paid per call, but they say you can't work more than 29 hours per week. If you're paid per call, you're essentially an independent contractor. Other than the issue of the mileage, what does it matter to PDI how many hours I put in if they're not paying me by the hour, but by the call?