New contract with Janssen?

300 PCP reps across the country and 55 specialty reps will be hired selling
Invokana and Xarelto. Salary for PCP around 70K and specialty in the 80's.

Good Luck!!!, ,

This contract is in addition to the contract they currently have with Quintiles which expires on December 31st. Apparently Quintiles could not guarantee Janssen that they would have everyone hired and in place by 6/1 so they went with inVentiv. There are currently 160 PCP reps on this contract. I have heard that Janssen wants everyone in place for a start date of June 1st.

No word on whether Janssen is planning on extending the Quintiles contract beyond 2014.

DM's are still being patient!

I hope this is coming from a recruiter or somebody in the know. I applied for a rep position and haven't heard anything yet, but am hoping to still get a call next week. I heard this would be moving fast (start date June 1), so I was getting anxious. Thanks for any helpful info.

I hope this is coming from a recruiter or somebody in the know. I applied for a rep position and haven't heard anything yet, but am hoping to still get a call next week. I heard this would be moving fast (start date June 1), so I was getting anxious. Thanks for any helpful info.

Likewise, cause I just heard that in PA, they have closed some positions. And my recruiter did not tell me this!!!! Does anyone know what closed ?

Talked to inVentiv recruiter yesterday. The interviews start May 12th and will be in either LA or Dallas. One day of interviews. If you pass the first one, you move on to the second one. It's set to be a 3yr. contract. Base is low at 70K with bonus target of 22K at 100% to plan. Company car and all the usual benefits. They are moving fast and will have a start date of June 1 as of now.