New Challenge for Nobel Reps

The only report of "leaky vials" has come from an unethical competitor, and there have been no reports made to the FDA or any other government agency concerning this issue. Implant Direct's recall was ordered by a Government agency, that is the difference. Hopefully you ID reps will keep waiting around until the big recall strikes Nobel and the entire company collapses, and you guys over there at ID will own the entire dental implant market. Keep waiting for that to happen, and get back to us when it does you fucking tool. Maybe you and your Iranian Terrorist Wannabe co worker can get some gambling in while you wait for Nobel's collapse.

who is the meza corrona or whatever her name is character? I have been at Nobel 6 years, and I swear to god I have never, ever once heard this name.....saleperson of the year in 06? where? the antartica region? maybe you were, but I've never heard of you....

The only report of "leaky vials" has come from an unethical competitor, and there have been no reports made to the FDA or any other government agency concerning this issue. Implant Direct's recall was ordered by a Government agency, that is the difference. Hopefully you ID reps will keep waiting around until the big recall strikes Nobel and the entire company collapses, and you guys over there at ID will own the entire dental implant market. Keep waiting for that to happen, and get back to us when it does you fucking tool. Maybe you and your Iranian Terrorist Wannabe co worker can get some gambling in while you wait for Nobel's collapse.

This test was conducted by Nelson Laboratory and was not done in Niznick's basement.
Could the best proof that a big thing is going one here that there is NOWHERE a discussion about the actual results of the tests? There is NOWHERE an official denial that the the vials are leaking. NOBODY has ever shown ANYWHERE that the vials are not leaking.
We all know that Nobel is monitoring this site and so are investors.
Nobel can easily duplicate the test and refute the results. Is it not possible or even very likely that in fact Nobel has duplicated the test or any other test checking for leakage and is not reporting the results?
Would it not be logical for Nobel to put counter studies in all reps' hands refuting Niznick's study to show to the clinicians how wrong he is? Obviously Nobel felt that they had to react because Mosher wrote that letter that Niznick has posted but is that does not even address the leaks. Niznick posted the results of his own vials. This letter clearly shows that there is an issue that needed to be addressed and the evasive fashion how it was written could be seen as further admission that there may be leakage. Does that not sound how politicians often evade an issue: "Trust me, there is no problem because I have your best interest in mind."?

Someone can now choose to address these questions or discuss who is and who is not an Iranian or Swedish terrorist, who drank what and who gambled where and slept with who in what casino but any such deflection only deepens the suspicion that bigger things are bound to happen and probably nobody even knows the extent of it.
For all of us who are going to be in Toronto tomorrow, I am sure we will find out more.

The only report of "leaky vials" has come from an unethical competitor, and there have been Implant Direct's recall was ordered by a Government agency, that is the difference. Hopefully you ID reps will keep waiting around until the big recall strikes Nobel and the entire company collapses, and you guys over there at ID will own the entire dental implant market. Keep waiting for that to happen, and get back to us when it does you fucking tool. Maybe you and your Iranian Terrorist Wannabe co worker can get some gambling in while you wait for Nobel's collapse.

what do you mean by " reports made to the FDA or any other government agency concerning this issue."? Is that what your RM is feeding you?
Check out that Medwatch report and if you can not read it have someone help you and then change your underwear!

This test was conducted by Nelson Laboratory and was not done in Niznick's basement.
Could the best proof that a big thing is going one here that there is NOWHERE a discussion about the actual results of the tests? There is NOWHERE an official denial that the the vials are leaking. NOBODY has ever shown ANYWHERE that the vials are not leaking.
We all know that Nobel is monitoring this site and so are investors.
Nobel can easily duplicate the test and refute the results. Is it not possible or even very likely that in fact Nobel has duplicated the test or any other test checking for leakage and is not reporting the results?
Would it not be logical for Nobel to put counter studies in all reps' hands refuting Niznick's study to show to the clinicians how wrong he is? Obviously Nobel felt that they had to react because Mosher wrote that letter that Niznick has posted but is that does not even address the leaks. Niznick posted the results of his own vials. This letter clearly shows that there is an issue that needed to be addressed and the evasive fashion how it was written could be seen as further admission that there may be leakage. Does that not sound how politicians often evade an issue: "Trust me, there is no problem because I have your best interest in mind."?

Someone can now choose to address these questions or discuss who is and who is not an Iranian or Swedish terrorist, who drank what and who gambled where and slept with who in what casino but any such deflection only deepens the suspicion that bigger things are bound to happen and probably nobody even knows the extent of it.
For all of us who are going to be in Toronto tomorrow, I am sure we will find out more.

Nobel's "Precautions and Warnings" provided with each implant states:
"Sterility: All implants, and various abutments (see labels) are shipped sterile, and are for single use only prior to the labeled expiration date. Do not use impants if the packaging has been damaged or previously opened."
If the "sterile vial" lacks seal integrity, this is no different than the vial being "previously opened" or the "expiration date" being exceeded. You can bet that the FDA and Health Canada can not ignore the fact that by Nobel's own "Precautions and Warnings", the implants should not be used if the seal on the vial fails. If Nobel had any ethics, it would do a voluntary recall of its products like Implant Direct did for the few implants that had micro-cracks in the vials, even though those vials did not present a clinical risk because they were proven to still maintain seal integrity. Nobel has spent 25 years trying to label Niznick as being unethical, but it was Nobel that was suspended by the FDA from importing its products from Sweden in the early 1990's and it was Nobel that was found guilty of patent fraud and anti-trust violations in its suit against 3i. It was Nobel that a year ago had to issue a change in its information for use of the NobelPerfect and NobelDirect implants after studies showed excessive bone loss and the Swedish Regulatory authorities banned marketing of these products.

Ethics of sales and marketing:
Marketing, which goes beyond the mere provision of information about (and access to) a product, may seek to manipulate our values and behavior.

So who do you think this applies to more, Niznick or Nobel Biocare. Nobel is selling the NobelActive Implant and cover screw for over $450 in the US while selling almost the same implant in Israel for $70. They need to do a lot of manipulating of dentists' values and behaviors to justify the $380 price difference. Niznick does not need to manipulate dentists into believing that his products offer a good value, especially when his RePlant, in a recent side-by-side comparitive study, showed a significantly higher success rate in the maxilla, compared to Nobel Replace.

It was a pleasure. Score for the rep

Of course ID knew about it, investigated it before hiring him and found out that the charges were dropped. This was just racial profiling of an Iranian born Canadian who got a little too bousterous in Las Vegas. The "rep" taking credit for this is most likely, Adele Fussi, who hired him for ID and who subsequently got her current job at Nobel by offering to share confidential corporate information with Nobel and to initiate the Health Canada investigation. The question to ask is - where is Nobel's ethics in hiring a person for the sole purpose of acquiring another companies confidential information to use it in a smear campaign? This is exactly what Ms. Fussi described as her job in the Reza declaration and exactly what she set about doing at Nobel until ID sued her. Everything Reza's declaration states he was told by Ms. Fussi turned out to be true - $130,000 salary, Health Canada and her function at Nobel. What Nobel didn't count on was that Niznick would retaliate by going public with the information about Nobel's leaky packaging.

Of course ID knew about it, investigated it before hiring him and found out that the charges were dropped. This was just racial profiling of an Iranian born Canadian who got a little too bousterous in Las Vegas. The "rep" taking credit for this is most likely, Adele Fussi, who hired him for ID and who subsequently got her current job at Nobel by offering to share confidential corporate information with Nobel and to initiate the Health Canada investigation. The question to ask is - where is Nobel's ethics in hiring a person for the sole purpose of acquiring another companies confidential information to use it in a smear campaign? This is exactly what Ms. Fussi described as her job in the Reza declaration and exactly what she set about doing at Nobel until ID sued her. Everything Reza's declaration states he was told by Ms. Fussi turned out to be true - $130,000 salary, Health Canada and her function at Nobel. What Nobel didn't count on was that Niznick would retaliate by going public with the information about Nobel's leaky packaging.

The only leaky package is in your shorts.

Of course ID knew about it, investigated it before hiring him and found out that the charges were dropped. This was just racial profiling of an Iranian born Canadian who got a little too bousterous in Las Vegas. The "rep" taking credit for this is most likely, Adele Fussi, who hired him for ID and who subsequently got her current job at Nobel by offering to share confidential corporate information with Nobel and to initiate the Health Canada investigation. The question to ask is - where is Nobel's ethics in hiring a person for the sole purpose of acquiring another companies confidential information to use it in a smear campaign? This is exactly what Ms. Fussi described as her job in the Reza declaration and exactly what she set about doing at Nobel until ID sued her. Everything Reza's declaration states he was told by Ms. Fussi turned out to be true - $130,000 salary, Health Canada and her function at Nobel. What Nobel didn't count on was that Niznick would retaliate by going public with the information about Nobel's leaky packaging.

Hahaha! Racial profiling? When someone yells "I'm from the Middle East. When I come back, I'm going to blow this place down." That is not racial profiling that is called holy crap I better arrest this moron.

Hahaha! Racial profiling? When someone yells "I'm from the Middle East. When I come back, I'm going to blow this place down." That is not racial profiling that is called holy crap I better arrest this moron.

blahhh, blahh blahh blahh nothing to do with leaky vials, blah blah, still no studies from Nobel showing if the vials are leaking or not, blah blah..........clouds coming up, blahhhh, maybe recall, who knows? blah blahhhhh

blahhh, blahh blahh blahh nothing to do with leaky vials, blah blah, still no studies from Nobel showing if the vials are leaking or not, blah blah..........clouds coming up, blahhhh, maybe recall, who knows? blah blahhhhh

You write like you may have won a Pulitzer Prize for literature. With your childish, BLAH..comments which by the way are not words in the English language, You must work for Niznick too with your limited ability to write a sentence and think like an adult.

You write like you may have won a Pulitzer Prize for literature. With your childish, BLAH..comments which by the way are not words in the English language, You must work for Niznick too with your limited ability to write a sentence and think like an adult.

more blah, blah having nothing to do with the issue, Pulitzer, Harvard, blah blah Ingles, Anglais blah blah. still nothing to do with the issue at hand, blah blah and then some more blah!!! who cares if blah is in English, blah blah.
Capisc? Blah!

Leaky vials, not blah!

You write like you may have won a Pulitzer Prize for literature. With your childish, BLAH..comments which by the way are not words in the English language, You must work for Niznick too with your limited ability to write a sentence and think like an adult.

This guy did more in this post to earn a Pulitzer Prize than Obama has to Earn the Nobel Prize.

How long is this bickering going to go on???

Medical device reps in all other industries make double or triple what dental implant reps make. Implants are medical devices too. Put your energy towards higher salaries, benefits, bonuses and greater compensation in general!!

15 years ago implant sales reps made 200k minimum...