New AD Derm drug


This PI is rough. Why?

1. 80% is warnings and precautions, 20% is efficacy. My guess all got these based on the verbiage about the class. Even though few of any events actually happened, they will reading them and lump us all in with Xeljanz.
2. A program will be over and hour just to get thru them 3 times. No worries on it being 45 min.
3. No mid level will ever use these products with all the lab monitoring. They are the ones usually dealing with AD.


This PI is rough. Why?

1. 80% is warnings and precautions, 20% is efficacy. My guess all got these based on the verbiage about the class. Even though few of any events actually happened, they will reading them and lump us all in with Xeljanz.
2. A program will be over and hour just to get thru them 3 times. No worries on it being 45 min.
3. No mid level will ever use these products with all the lab monitoring. They are the ones usually dealing with AD.


100% accurate

If you have a product that requires more explaining and defending the whys of a PI, the less it will sell. Maybe this is why I&I laid off a portion of its team, they know it is a tough sell and only to a select group of dermatologists and not the garden variety prescribers.

Let’s be clear, we are not being paid on Rx’s.
Now this could go two ways or both.

Short game -
We are TBO only this year and a little compensation for Eucrisa. We don’t know what this class is going to produce in AD. It’s not fair to set a goal for a drug and a class that is a shot in the dark with with the ammo being a tough label, no access and not knowing what hoops insurance companies are going to make the HCP and patient go through to get it. This actually makes sense and is favor of the reps. Once we know what the potential is, they set goals the next year.

Long game -
Now I called this a year ago. This could be the “get comfortable” phase of the navigator rep model. We are not being compensated on Rxs anymore and will go completely to a TBO model. When Lotz started rambling on one of those calls early last year and spilled the beans that was an indication. He tried to clean up the mess before he bailed that I&I was gonna be goal oriented sales force but too little too late. Pfizer has wanted this for years. Why?
1. The amount of $ we have spent on off label promotion the last 20 years (usually through acquisitions of other companies) is as much as a year of vax sales. Insane.
2. We are now completely tied to the Fed govt with the vax. We will do whatever it takes to avoid damaging the relationship. They are our #1 customer and will continue to be as healthcare evolves.
3. Public opinion is at stake. The last thing Pfizer wants is bad press. We had an email last month that touted how wonderful everyone thinks we are. Why do you think they kept us home for 14 months? The last thing Pfizer wanted was bad press of reps spreading Covid and shutting down offices while making a vaccine for Covid.

If they lump the target bonus in our salaries I’m fine with it. Unless you are #1, you never see your target bonus anyway. And if it’s in your salary it’s not taxed at the highest rate. It’s actually a pay increase. Not sure how it will effect the career progression, etc.

My guess is that this is their goal in the long run.

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