Neuro division a good place to be?

all you bitter rejected candidates - LOL - Those of us that did get selected are thrilled - JK is awesome, the other managers I met seemed great- the docs are excited, the bennies are amazing......if you didn't get past a phone screen - I'm guessing they could smell how toxic you are

I am trying to get a feel for the company to help me decide if I should throw my name in as part of the neurology expansion. Everyone says its "intense". What exactly does that mean form someone who works there? Do they put you on a performance plan if numbers are in bottom half? Are most of the RAMs happy to be working here? Thanks for any input.

I am trying to get a feel for the company to help me decide if I should throw my name in as part of the neurology expansion. Everyone says its "intense". What exactly does that mean form someone who works there? Do they put you on a performance plan if numbers are in bottom half? Are most of the RAMs happy to be working here? Thanks for any input.

Any thoughts on "new culture " they are trying to create within Neuro? Completely surprised by interviewers admission they didn't have the best track record and employee satisfaction was poor within other divisions - and changes were being made and have been made... Have you seen a difference? ....who admits that on a phone screen? Is that honesty with a commitment to do better with neuro team? Is it a line? Do the sales teams really run pretty independent of each other?

The double dipping comment says more about the reps hired then the company. Anyone back from this weeks round of HO interviews - please post thoughts on company, personnel... would love more info from various people. . Thank you in advance for feedback.

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