Nephrocor Sales

As an outsider, it is interesting that this company has as many posting as it does for the size of the company (it is not that large of a company anymore - meaning Bostwick as a whole). Maybe consider all the postings as a Red Flag.

Nephrocor has some wonderful pathologists. Does that make it a great company? Can you speak to the former rep who had the territory? How many reps have been in the territory? Why have the former reps left? Can you speak to 3 of the current reps? Don't let them 'sell' you on the company, educate yourself and make a solid move, based on solid facts/information.

Do your homework and good luck.

Thank you so much for your kind response. Based on my own research, I think this will be the third "new" rep in the territory in the past year. That alone causes me great concern. I actually found 2 former employees on LinkedIn, one from the open territory, and one from another territory. I reached out to both, but have yet to receive a response from either of of them.

Thanks again! :)

Fascinating. You malign me for profanity yet you seem to be quite at ease with exploitative marketing and blatant disregard for FDA rules and regulations. You perjured yourself with your word choice. Your logic is absent any reasonable basis and thus your credibility is undermined.

A believer in God you may be, but you remain morally bankrupt and pathetically inept. You come here not for information but to defend your small - and getting smaller - company. You have been exposed as a profit-at-all costs the patient-be-damned fraud. And your fraudulent ways have led you to consort with the wicked and the damned. God have mercy on your soul.

Who are you talking too? For the last time....I DO NOT work, NOR have I EVER worked for Bostwick or an affiliate lab! I'm very concerned about you as a person. Whatever has you so suspicious, paranoid, and angry about Bostwick, leads me to believe you may need professional counseling.

If Bostwick has done anything wrong as a company, they too, will answer to God. What goes around, comes around! If God exposes this company to me as being unethical, and not a Godly company, then I want no part of them. So LET GO and LET GOD!


Who are you talking too? For the last time....I DO NOT work, NOR have I EVER worked for Bostwick or an affiliate lab! I'm very concerned about you as a person. Whatever has you so suspicious, paranoid, and angry about Bostwick, leads me to believe you may need professional counseling.

If Bostwick has done anything wrong as a company, they too, will answer to God. What goes around, comes around! If God exposes this company to me as being unethical, and not a Godly company, then I want no part of them. So LET GO and LET GOD!


To be very honest with you, this company is pretty close to being the anti-Christ. Very hurtful and dysfunctional behaviors go on within their walls.

Who are you talking too? For the last time....I DO NOT work, NOR have I EVER worked for Bostwick or an affiliate lab! I'm very concerned about you as a person. Whatever has you so suspicious, paranoid, and angry about Bostwick, leads me to believe you may need professional counseling.

If Bostwick has done anything wrong as a company, they too, will answer to God. What goes around, comes around! If God exposes this company to me as being unethical, and not a Godly company, then I want no part of them. So LET GO and LET GOD!


Did you come here to preach of get information. My how far you have strayed. It's why I think you are an imposter. But, I could be wrong. Please post information as to how I may contact you so we can dispense with the anonymity of CafePharma. I will answer your questions about BL and give you references to speak with.

Did you come here to preach of get information. My how far you have strayed. It's why I think you are an imposter. But, I could be wrong. Please post information as to how I may contact you so we can dispense with the anonymity of CafePharma. I will answer your questions about BL and give you references to speak with.

No response. I didn't expect anything different. You have been exposed for the company shill that you are. It's a good thing you found religion though. You're going to need His help to save that poor excuse you call a company (little "c").


Tell the world what happened to the cytology department, if you can. I know that hand is so far up your ass you taste your fecal remnants under Bostwick's finger nails. Why were cytotechs forced to screen 100 cases in an 8 hr period? CLIA regulations say it should be done in a 24 hr period, and no employer can mandate the speed which one screens. But these rules and regulations don't apply to Bostwick, right? What an ethical company. Putting patients at risk because people were overworked in an environment that became competitive, tumultuous, as well as emotionally and mentally catheterized. Thank you for the layoff. I can now go to VCU, LabCorp, Quest, or any other competitive facility you think I work for at this time.

Did you come here to preach of get information. My how far you have strayed. It's why I think you are an imposter. But, I could be wrong. Please post information as to how I may contact you so we can dispense with the anonymity of CafePharma. I will answer your questions about BL and give you references to speak with.

I will NOT let you "bully" me into posting my personal info on this site to satisfy your ego! You're the one doing all the accusing, so post YOUR info, and I'll contact YOU! Then you will realize how foolish you've been, attacking a totally innocent human being!

All I did was ask for honest responses about working in sales for Nephrocor. You, on the otherhand, turned it into something much different! Shame on YOU!!

I will NOT let you "bully" me into posting my personal info on this site to satisfy your ego! You're the one doing all the accusing, so post YOUR info, and I'll contact YOU! Then you will realize how foolish you've been, attacking a totally innocent human being!

All I did was ask for honest responses about working in sales for Nephrocor. You, on the otherhand, turned it into something much different! Shame on YOU!!

The hostility you receive here is the same as in the actual work environment. Don't you get it?? People hate working for this lab, and this is the only outlet that will allow employees to vent and make others aware of the lack of morale. If you enjoy drama and hostility, send in your resume and tell JF to keep smiling.

The hostility you receive here is the same as in the actual work environment. Don't you get it?? People hate working for this lab, and this is the only outlet that will allow employees to vent and make others aware of the lack of morale. If you enjoy drama and hostility, send in your resume and tell JF to keep smiling.

Hostility on this board comes from A SINGLE BITTER BASHER who spews venom. It's all anonymous. Say whatever you like. The venom also occurs on the LabCorp, Quest, Caris, Plus, Neogenomics, and other sites here. No truth, justbitterness. This is the UGLE side of human behavior-- anonymous bitterness.

Hostility on this board comes from A SINGLE BITTER BASHER who spews venom. It's all anonymous. Say whatever you like. The venom also occurs on the LabCorp, Quest, Caris, Plus, Neogenomics, and other sites here. No truth, justbitterness. This is the UGLE side of human behavior-- anonymous bitterness.

Great typing, idiot. No wonder you still support a failing company that participates in illegal activities.

Hostility on this board comes from A SINGLE BITTER BASHER who spews venom. It's all anonymous. Say whatever you like. The venom also occurs on the LabCorp, Quest, Caris, Plus, Neogenomics, and other sites here. No truth, justbitterness. This is the UGLE side of human behavior-- anonymous bitterness.

You know what I see when I occasionally go to hospitals or other medical facilities? Labcorp and Quest specimen collection bins, not Bostwick. You were at Henrico Doctors for a brief amount of time, but not anymore, lol. Looks like the competition is still WINNING.

What is funny is how someone keeps defending this place. In light of the recent fines for the Arizona lab. Plus those other companies are so much bigger. Bostwick is a small fish in a big sea and seems like it has a lot going on. That's all.

What is funny is how someone keeps defending this place. In light of the recent fines for the Arizona lab. Plus those other companies are so much bigger. Bostwick is a small fish in a big sea and seems like it has a lot going on. That's all.

Lots of complaining, but no data. Nephrocor is gaining in the marketplace owing to world-class pathologists such as Dr. Herrera and outstanding service. Great relationships have been built and are maintained-- the business is thriving.

No, actually, that's not a lie. Nephrocor operates nationwide in a niche that no one else can. I wouldn't say that it's perfect, but it's very competitive with almost any other competitor out there. In fact the excellence of the service often blows docs away. Reports are well formatted and helpful, and the pathologists are really great.

No, actually, that's not a lie. Nephrocor operates nationwide in a niche that no one else can. I wouldn't say that it's perfect, but it's very competitive with almost any other competitor out there. In fact the excellence of the service often blows docs away. Reports are well formatted and helpful, and the pathologists are really great.

No, actually that is a lie. Plenty of hospitals operate in this niche. They also provide a great service.

If the business is doing so well then why do you have fewer renal pathologists today than you did last year?

No, actually that is a lie. Plenty of hospitals operate in this niche. They also provide a great service.

If the business is doing so well then why do you have fewer renal pathologists today than you did last year?

We have 3 renal pathologists; last year we had 3 renal pathologists. Your statement is a blatant lie.

What is funny is how someone keeps defending this place. In light of the recent fines for the Arizona lab. Plus those other companies are so much bigger. Bostwick is a small fish in a big sea and seems like it has a lot going on. That's all.

Anyone with more specific info about the nature of these fines?
Based on thread name, thought it would relate to sales volume for nephrocor, not employment prospects. Any with specs on the sales volume, and/or comparison to previous?