As stated before, I DON'T work for the company! If you only knew how silly you sound when you make such assumptions and false accusations! I'm also a very good speller (former Spelling Bee champ) and writer! What you saw was an innocent typo that I missed on my review. You have one too! You prefer, however, to resort to name calling false accusatons, and profanity! I never said I was perfect, but I AM a grown-up!
Any comment posted in an angry, unprofessional way makes one question the integrity of the comment from the start. People making "honest" comments don't resort to that type of behavior. They state their opinions with "class" and "respect", even if they're unhappy.
I'm sorry if you think I'm being judgmental. I'm stating fact based on my observation of the postings on this site. 99% of the comments on this thread, and others, contain vulgarity, profanity, jealousy, unprofessionalism, false accusations, and childish behavior. Some are even filled with derogatory sexual comments about others! How can you or anyone else deny or defend that kind of behavior? I wonder if those same comments would be made if they couldn't be posted anonymously? I bet not!!
Maybe if all those posting negative comments, would put as much time into doing their jobs with passion and heart, they'd be happier and more successful. Negativity breeds negativity! FIND YOUR JOY!! As Steven Curtis Champan states in his song, "Do everything you do for the ONE who made you"! that's a novel thought!
Thank God you have a job and stop complaining, or quit and allow an "umemployed" person to have your job! There are thousands of unemployed people out there who would give anything for a steady paycheck! I just read a story online about a woman who's been unemployed for 99 weeks, after previously making 70K per year. She's now on Medicaid, food stamps and lost her house! Would you prefer to be in her shoes? Go to work, recommit to your job, have a grateful heart, and STOP complaining!!
Forgive us Lord for our lack of appreciation.