Need FAST advice please!!!!!

OP here. It was a tough decision but I decided to leave AZ and, even though I made it, the other industry seems more secure. I can now say what it was. My degree was in Petroleum Engineering and I will be working for an oil company. If this gives any hope I would be happy. So many of you think that you can never make what you did in pharma. So not true. I am an example of one who left for more. I feel bad for those laid off yesterday and for those retained honestly. I wanted to be a trainer so bad but this company has no pipeline. Good day and to the trolls who will curse at me, I say fuck off!!!

Congratulations! Can you say what part of the country or what state you are in? I have a worthless degree in public relations. I'm thinking its back to school for an MBA for me, or at least start looking to get out of pharma while I still have a job, hopefully have something lined up when the next layoffs take place and be able to take the money and run.

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