Need FAST advice please!!!!!


Okay first of all I realize I will get called names by posting this so, please save yourself the trouble, stop reading if you are immature. I need serious advice...

First I am a CL 4, making a base of 91K and 23K targeted bonus. My DSM, who IS staying, promised me that in 2012 I will most likely be promoted to a position back east. Yes that IS what I wanna do. I do not wanna be a rep forever. Most likely I will survive the layoffs, but to protect myself I looked for other jobs and one of them turned into an offer.

The offer is for a Sr Sales Rep in another industry. I have a degree in that industry. I will not say what it is, as I do not wanna give it away, but it is more recession proof. They are offering me a base of $110,000 and a bonus of $25,000. So a jump from AZ BUT the pickle is that I would still be a sales rep, and basically start from bottom and work for 4-6 years before I can get into management.

Now, knowing what you know, and if you were in my shoes would you:
A. Remain at AZ for hope of being a trainer, analyst or whatever back east OR
B. Start in a new industry but as a lowly, alas highly paid, but still a sales rep?


Stay and become a trainer here. Trainer job is a dream job that only the best of the best get. You will have to be in top 5% for several years before you could get it though.

Okay first of all I realize I will get called names by posting this so, please save yourself the trouble, stop reading if you are immature. I need serious advice...

First I am a CL 4, making a base of 91K and 23K targeted bonus. My DSM, who IS staying, promised me that in 2012 I will most likely be promoted to a position back east. Yes that IS what I wanna do. I do not wanna be a rep forever. Most likely I will survive the layoffs, but to protect myself I looked for other jobs and one of them turned into an offer.

The offer is for a Sr Sales Rep in another industry. I have a degree in that industry. I will not say what it is, as I do not wanna give it away, but it is more recession proof. They are offering me a base of $110,000 and a bonus of $25,000. So a jump from AZ BUT the pickle is that I would still be a sales rep, and basically start from bottom and work for 4-6 years before I can get into management.

Now, knowing what you know, and if you were in my shoes would you:
A. Remain at AZ for hope of being a trainer, analyst or whatever back east OR
B. Start in a new industry but as a lowly, alas highly paid, but still a sales rep?

I think you should

C: branch out with your great industry contacts and experience and start your own firm. Imagine, the money you generate for AZ could be going into your pocket! In five years you'll be the next Bill Gates. Just go to your contacts with the consultants from HQ, talk to Goldman Sachs for some venture financing, and make it so.

Great news. You earned both opportunities. You cannot go wrong with either.

I would bight the bullet and go to the other industry and work your way up. In hind sight, I wish I would have done so. Plus you will not have to move back east. The east is great if you grew up there, put not a fun transition if not.

Let say you become a DM, the experience is great and you have the management part under your belt. However, you could be looking for a new job like many of us every 18 months. It becomes very stressful on you and your family.

Follow your gut on this one. Not your heart,

So you do realize that they made huge cuts in head count at headquarters as well. I don't see how you would be promoted to a trainer or analyst position anytime soon. ANd I can not see how your DSM can promise you that you will get up there. Is it possible? Sure but you well have to prove yourself under the new operating model first. I think you should go with the other opportunity. Who knows what pharma will be like in another year or two. So even if you got to Headquarters you may never be a manager.

I would honestly stay at AZ because they will ALWAYS needs trainers and analysts. They will not always need PSS (contract reps yes) but they will always need someone to train them or analyze them. Get back east, have AZ pay for your MBA, better if you have one. As a trainer you will make a base of 100K easy and within 3 years you could be a DSM or better yet, have another role at corporate making a base of 130K.

Only you can determine what is best for you and your family. However, consider the facts, where is the pharma industry going? How will being a trainer make you more valuable in the open market 2-4 years down the road? When you look at any industry that is contracting opportunities for advancement become much more limited.

You are lucky that you have an opportunity to break out of the industry without taking a pay cut. Many would jump at the opportunity. While you seek opportunity for advancement sooner than later, the sooner may be in the new industry. If this new position is recession proof that is all the better. Let's say you are a trainer and after 2 years you get downsized, what are you going to do? Not that many hiring companies are looking to hire a field trainer from another company, so you could end up where you are now. Not to mention that the trend is shifting to Contract Sales.

If I were you my decision would be very easy. But as I mentioned, only you can decide what is best for you. Sometimes people take one step back to take three steps forward. This does not appear to be a step back. The only thing you can control is yourself and your ability. In this industry there are many driving factors that can prohibit the best and make some of the weaker sales people look better than they are. Ie. Managed Care coverage, Pharmacy reporting, etc. This is not the same job that it was back 15 years ago.

Best of luck toy you.

Hard questions. A lot of other things to consider is family, weather , moving schools. If your husband is ok w moving then that makes it a lot easier. You can always be a manager and 4 years is not that long of a time. Also need to consider the industry, is it dying or thriving. Cafepharma is probably not the place to go for a life changing event. Call your dad

Only you can determine what is best for you and your family. However, consider the facts, where is the pharma industry going? How will being a trainer make you more valuable in the open market 2-4 years down the road? When you look at any industry that is contracting opportunities for advancement become much more limited.

You are lucky that you have an opportunity to break out of the industry without taking a pay cut. Many would jump at the opportunity. While you seek opportunity for advancement sooner than later, the sooner may be in the new industry. If this new position is recession proof that is all the better. Let's say you are a trainer and after 2 years you get downsized, what are you going to do? Not that many hiring companies are looking to hire a field trainer from another company, so you could end up where you are now. Not to mention that the trend is shifting to Contract Sales.

If I were you my decision would be very easy. But as I mentioned, only you can decide what is best for you. Sometimes people take one step back to take three steps forward. This does not appear to be a step back. The only thing you can control is yourself and your ability. In this industry there are many driving factors that can prohibit the best and make some of the weaker sales people look better than they are. Ie. Managed Care coverage, Pharmacy reporting, etc. This is not the same job that it was back 15 years ago.

Best of luck toy you.

Yeah there's no one higher up that will be given the jobs this tool pretends to have offers on. Pharma is already back to the old model where the groomed are promoted, and he's groomed.

It's bullshit from a jackass, nothing more. He's sweating the layoffs like everyone else, this is his little mind escape. Like masturbating over a fantasy paycheck.

I would go with the new company and not think twice!!
With AZ (and pharma) you could be here today and gone tomorrow. I know your DSM probably has good intentions and says that you will get a promotion, but the ones telling him that are probably lying. I can't believe you trust your future to, or would want to continue working for a company that treats individuals so horribly!
SO many examples of incompetency and ineptness. Not to mention, having PSSs wait over the weekend to find out their fate..... just ridiculous AND inhumane.
It will be well worth the years you put in with the new company to get promoted and your initial pay is really good too.
Say goodbye to pharma and especially whats left of AZ. We were once a thriving, respected company. These dimwits (aka-"leaders") have turned this company into an embarrassment and debacle for all who will be left.

Good luck and "Run Forrest Run"!!!!!!!

I would honestly stay at AZ because they will ALWAYS needs trainers and analysts. They will not always need PSS (contract reps yes) but they will always need someone to train them or analyze them. Get back east, have AZ pay for your MBA, better if you have one. As a trainer you will make a base of 100K easy and within 3 years you could be a DSM or better yet, have another role at corporate making a base of 130K.

Just what the world needs is another person with an MBA. LOL!

My advice is to start on Seroquel 400MG immediately. To even consider staying here or in pharma for that matter, is lunacy! Listen, they wiped out the entire analyst dept.!! Do you get it? You mention DM. AZ is the ONLY company that is reducing the # of reps DM's have! How long will it take these idiots to realize that DM's should have an average between 1 to 17 reps??

AZ is in very deep shit. Very deep. If you have a half-working brain, then you would know the answers to your own questions.

My advice is to start on Seroquel 400MG immediately. To even consider staying here or in pharma for that matter, is lunacy! Listen, they wiped out the entire analyst dept.!! Do you get it? You mention DM. AZ is the ONLY company that is reducing the # of reps DM's have! How long will it take these idiots to realize that DM's should have an average between 1 to 17 reps??

AZ is in very deep shit. Very deep. If you have a half-working brain, then you would know the answers to your own questions.

Buuuulllshit no they did not wipe out the analyst department dumb ass. There are still analysts or ABAs at HQ. Stop spreading lies.

Keep in mind the cost of living in the northeast, about two years ago a trainer told me his is much higher there than where he is from. Also, the trainers work horrendous hours and put up with a lot of whiney people who don't want to go through SIMS etc. I've been up there twice for training and they get there early and they are the last to leave. Plus, in the past two years we have had 3 sales ideologies and getting ready to start our 4th. Do they know what they r doing? Do they realize that doesn't even make a difference to the docs what selling model AZ uses? Plus, with trainees, you be stressing compliance til u r blue in the face. Job security and happiness will be better in the long run in the other industry I would imagine.

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