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NE Regional...? Really!?!?!

RBD's seem drunk on their perceived power. So do some managers. Can you even imagine another industry where the shenanigans NNI supports would be tolerated? I just shake my head. So disturbing.

Ask anyone in NE or in NY Metro, sad to say its true. This is what we have resorted to? A call from RBD saying 'pick me up in 20, I will be riding with you today." I don't mind the ridealong, I've done this for 13 years. I mind the tactics behind it! Give me just a little bit of respect!

This is what happens when we hire Takeda droppings or Sanofleas. People whine! How do you think we got to 45 consecutive quarters of double digit growth? If you are lazy and unprepared to ride with management, or take simple text messages, maybe NNI is not meant to be your home.

This is what happens when we hire Takeda droppings or Sanofleas. People whine! How do you think we got to 45 consecutive quarters of double digit growth? If you are lazy and unprepared to ride with management, or take simple text messages, maybe NNI is not meant to be your home.

I think you missed the point. They were not complaining of the ride a long, they were complaining of the way it's being done. Why can't a schedule go out at the beginning of the week or even the night before? It just seems very sneaky to me.

I think you missed the point. They were not complaining of the ride a long, they were complaining of the way it's being done. Why can't a schedule go out at the beginning of the week or even the night before? It just seems very sneaky to me.
Because punitive, jack-booted thug, scare tactics with a measured amount of fear and intimidation are the rule of the day in this company, now. It's all about who you can throw under the bus to keep yourself in good standing. It's the "Survivor" mentality in the corporate workplace. Welcome to the "New Novo."

Because punitive, jack-booted thug, scare tactics with a measured amount of fear and intimidation are the rule of the day in this company, now. It's all about who you can throw under the bus to keep yourself in good standing. It's the "Survivor" mentality in the corporate workplace. Welcome to the "New Novo."

Most RBM's and DBM's are pulled in numerous directions on a daily basis. Each of them has an electric chain around their necks that is controlled by the whims of their boss. Your Leaders are constantly put on the spot to know all the details and inside scoup about every little issue that crops up on a daily basis. Short notice for a ride along happens because most of the RBD's and DBM's are constantly juggling their schedules to accomodate all the internal meetings and conference calls they are required to attend. Short notice for a ride along also helps weed out lazy unprepared Reps who need to be fired. Plan your day, work smart and plan to have someone riding with you. Build it into your day so that you are not surprised when you get the call. What if you turn the tables on the RBD and DBM when they call you to pick them up. Instead of picking them up, give them access to your outlook calendar so they know exactly where you will be each and every day. Make the RBD and DBM meet you at a clinic so you don't have to waste time picking them up. All the RBD's and DBM's have vehicles and they all have expense accounts to pay for taxi service. You will be much happier to stop making a big issue out of the short notice.

What if you worked in the home office? Your boss would be able to walk up to your desk at any moment and demand certain things from you. It's the same thing. You have a boss, your boss has the right to expect you to be working. If you are working then WTF are you worried about?

All your bitching only proves that you are not prepared to be inspected. You should be prepared to run into Jurek or Andy every single day. If you are prepared and if you always do the right thing and say the right thing then you should be happy with a short notice ride along.

Most RBM's and DBM's are pulled in numerous directions on a daily basis. Each of them has an electric chain around their necks that is controlled by the whims of their boss. Your Leaders are constantly put on the spot to know all the details and inside scoup about every little issue that crops up on a daily basis. Short notice for a ride along happens because most of the RBD's and DBM's are constantly juggling their schedules to accomodate all the internal meetings and conference calls they are required to attend. Short notice for a ride along also helps weed out lazy unprepared Reps who need to be fired. Plan your day, work smart and plan to have someone riding with you. Build it into your day so that you are not surprised when you get the call. What if you turn the tables on the RBD and DBM when they call you to pick them up. Instead of picking them up, give them access to your outlook calendar so they know exactly where you will be each and every day. Make the RBD and DBM meet you at a clinic so you don't have to waste time picking them up. All the RBD's and DBM's have vehicles and they all have expense accounts to pay for taxi service. You will be much happier to stop making a big issue out of the short notice.

What if you worked in the home office? Your boss would be able to walk up to your desk at any moment and demand certain things from you. It's the same thing. You have a boss, your boss has the right to expect you to be working. If you are working then WTF are you worried about?

All your bitching only proves that you are not prepared to be inspected. You should be prepared to run into Jurek or Andy every single day. If you are prepared and if you always do the right thing and say the right thing then you should be happy with a short notice ride along.

HEAR HEAR!! It is well within their right to call you 20 minutes before they roll up. Why not?

HEAR HEAR!! It is well within their right to call you 20 minutes before they roll up. Why not?

If you don't like it, get a new job. Try working in an office sometime--you don't get a week's notice before your boss (or your boss' boss) shows up in your office. You're complaining about a 20 min warning? Perhaps your boss wants to see what you are REALLY doing as opposed to giving you a week to put together a bullshit milk run for him. Welcome to the real world, junior. If you were doing your job, you'd have no concerns...

If you don't like it, get a new job. Try working in an office sometime--you don't get a week's notice before your boss (or your boss' boss) shows up in your office. You're complaining about a 20 min warning? Perhaps your boss wants to see what you are REALLY doing as opposed to giving you a week to put together a bullshit milk run for him. Welcome to the real world, junior. If you were doing your job, you'd have no concerns...

If you don't like it, get a new job. Try working in an office sometime--you don't get a week's notice before your boss (or your boss' boss) shows up in your office. You're complaining about a 20 min warning? Perhaps your boss wants to see what you are REALLY doing as opposed to giving you a week to put together a bullshit milk run for him. Welcome to the real world, junior. If you were doing your job, you'd have no concerns...

Managers today are sooooo happy to not be a front line field rep. Of course everyone wants to prepare for a field ride. Just like YOU did before you became a DBM.

Stop with the BS, it all sounds very logical in theory, but because of closed/very limited access in today's pharma environment, reps are forced to put together a "milk run" before a field ride. YOU DBM's did the exact same thing before you got promoted and you know it.

You managers just go along for the ride and don't have to worry about a damn thing. The pressure is all on the rep.

BTW, do you DBM's know what physicians think of most of you? You bring ZERO value to a field rep. Just have to get your # of rides in for the month to make your metrics. Such BS.

You guys are so funny. It doesn't matter if you're a rep, DBM, or RBD. The entirety of the industry has become a cat and mouse game of metrics. Access is maybe 10% in New England. Esposito knows this. Why do you think he wanted to dump MA H teams so badly. If he could, he'd get rid of the rest as well. The Region should be broken up. He's scrambling to justify the existence. People complaining about it just proves all of this.

Managers today are sooooo happy to not be a front line field rep. Of course everyone wants to prepare for a field ride. Just like YOU did before you became a DBM.

Stop with the BS, it all sounds very logical in theory, but because of closed/very limited access in today's pharma environment, reps are forced to put together a "milk run" before a field ride. YOU DBM's did the exact same thing before you got promoted and you know it.

You managers just go along for the ride and don't have to worry about a damn thing. The pressure is all on the rep.

BTW, do you DBM's know what physicians think of most of you? You bring ZERO value to a field rep. Just have to get your # of rides in for the month to make your metrics. Such BS.

The comment about the need to do milk runs is of great concern to me. I know that access is bad where I am, but wasnt sure if its that way everywhere. If we do one of those field force impact analyses that typically precede a layoff, there could be trouble. I left right before my last company went through one.

The comment about the need to do milk runs is of great concern to me. I know that access is bad where I am, but wasnt sure if its that way everywhere. If we do one of those field force impact analyses that typically precede a layoff, there could be trouble. I left right before my last company went through one.

the little badass from NJ is a cow tipper watch him sip his root beer and tip those black and white lovey's

Managers today are sooooo happy to not be a front line field rep. Of course everyone wants to prepare for a field ride. Just like YOU did before you became a DBM.

Stop with the BS, it all sounds very logical in theory, but because of closed/very limited access in today's pharma environment, reps are forced to put together a "milk run" before a field ride. YOU DBM's did the exact same thing before you got promoted and you know it.

You managers just go along for the ride and don't have to worry about a damn thing. The pressure is all on the rep.

BTW, do you DBM's know what physicians think of most of you? You bring ZERO value to a field rep. Just have to get your # of rides in for the month to make your metrics. Such BS.

Your comments above are why we have to ride with you: you have no idea (zero) what you're talking about, but you think you do. That makes you a detriment to the company unless you have supervision.

In my territory, my DBM is not even allowed back to see the physicians about half the time. They just wait outside or in the waiting room. Also, usually on the phone a large part of the day.