NBU August bonus reports are posted and what a joke!

anddddd the circus continues. My q4 goals are utterly ridiculous. If they need to save money from overspending on baxalta I'd respect them a whole lot more if they just came out & said it.

The Nation finishes at 95%, RDs and Reps are scrambling out the door and morale is at an all time low. And leadership has completely ignored addressing anything, except "hey this is our biggest volume month, keep making us money even though you are never going to hit your territory goals". Q4 vacation quarter.

The Nation finishes at 95%, RDs and Reps are scrambling out the door and morale is at an all time low. And leadership has completely ignored addressing anything, except "hey this is our biggest volume month, keep making us money even though you are never going to hit your territory goals". Q4 vacation quarter.

Shire upper mgmt is dated & confused, just like their BS sales model with overlays. 2001 called and wants its "pods" back. Upper mgmt seems to think that just because "the market is growing"- sales should be. Never mind the high volume of new competitors, the dwindling insurance coverage or the heavy generic presence.... Not to mention that the majority of docs in some areas are now part of groups owned by hospitals who mandate they write primarily generic prescriptions or forfeit part of their pay. sometimes the real challenge is to protect your business, and fight to keep patients on. Newsflash- if a patient HAS to fail 2 generics before they can get vyvanse approved, that ain't tier 2!! I have 20+ years in this industry & have never seen a company refuse to acknowledge these changes & challenges the way our fearless leaders do.

I have no doubt many will leave and to them and to those who stay, I wish y'all luck!

Shire upper mgmt is dated & confused, just like their BS sales model with overlays. 2001 called and wants its "pods" back. Upper mgmt seems to think that just because "the market is growing"- sales should be. Never mind the high volume of new competitors, the dwindling insurance coverage or the heavy generic presence.... Not to mention that the majority of docs in some areas are now part of groups owned by hospitals who mandate they write primarily generic prescriptions or forfeit part of their pay. sometimes the real challenge is to protect your business, and fight to keep patients on. Newsflash- if a patient HAS to fail 2 generics before they can get vyvanse approved, that ain't tier 2!! I have 20+ years in this industry & have never seen a company refuse to acknowledge these changes & challenges the way our fearless leaders do.

I have no doubt many will leave and to them and to those who stay, I wish y'all luck!

Finally someone on this board who makes sense instead of these juvenile arguments amongst supposed adults. Agreed that our sales leaders are refusing to acknowledge changing industry trends and need to realize that there are areas of the country where it is a fight solely to keep existing patients on when insurance is either dropping the medication or coverage is becoming more and more restrictive. It's impossible to grow in these conditions because even as you can get many providers to grow, so many patients have to come off the med and it can become a wash. It can be demoralizing because you see the fruits of your labor with docs who are jumping on board and growing, but your still below quota because so many patients have to come off AND many providers with unfavorable insurance can't start patients. Fighting to Keep patients on in these environments should be acknowledged. It's a complex marketplace that is constantly changing. This statistic that 80 something percent of patients are covered at tier 2 is laughable. Our data isn't even correct half the time. And corporate would rather ignore these issues than face them head on and help us strategize to have more wins and keep morale up. If you haven't sold in a part of the country where you have had to deal with these headwinds, consider yourself lucky. Those of us who do don't hold that against you, but don't call us cry babies or whatever negative things fly around this board until you've been affected by this and have really had to deal with it. Walk in our shoes with a corporate office who refuses to acknowledge any of these things and maybe I will take your criticism seriously. But also don't take your situation for granted because this seems to be the new trend in healthcare and it's likely your rosey ride won't last forever. Good luck everyone.

Shire upper mgmt is dated & confused, just like their BS sales model with overlays. 2001 called and wants its "pods" back. Upper mgmt seems to think that just because "the market is growing"- sales should be. Never mind the high volume of new competitors, the dwindling insurance coverage or the heavy generic presence.... Not to mention that the majority of docs in some areas are now part of groups owned by hospitals who mandate they write primarily generic prescriptions or forfeit part of their pay. sometimes the real challenge is to protect your business, and fight to keep patients on. Newsflash- if a patient HAS to fail 2 generics before they can get vyvanse approved, that ain't tier 2!! I have 20+ years in this industry & have never seen a company refuse to acknowledge these changes & challenges the way our fearless leaders do.

I have no doubt many will leave and to them and to those who stay, I wish y'all luck!

Well said.... My team faces many of the above challenges & having a team full of reps feeling their voices aren't being heard is counter productive. The NBU would benefit from creating a role similar to the managed care role, except working on contracts with these large hospital run physician groups. I would think turnover will increase if it hasn't yet... there are just too many valid issues were not allowed to talk about.

Well said.... My team faces many of the above challenges & having a team full of reps feeling their voices aren't being heard is counter productive. The NBU would benefit from creating a role similar to the managed care role, except working on contracts with these large hospital run physician groups. I would think turnover will increase if it hasn't yet... there are just too many valid issues were not allowed to talk about.
Quit the whining and just do your job!