Re: Natl Bureau of Econ Research:"Tax Subsidies to Employer-Provided Health Insurance
Explain to me what you think a tax subsidy is. What is it?
This is another example of how, for people like you, the "truth" is only available to those who only look at portion of the truth.
I will repeat. In the last post I gave you a link to the GAO that showed that you and people like you receive over $1T / year in Tax Subsidies and that those Tax Subsidies are about the same size as all the Govt spending on the link that you provided us.
So the ENTIRE truth is that despite your protestations otherwise, you and those like you get, according to the GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY office, as much from the US FED Govt as all other govt social expenditures.
The ENTIRE truth is the you are a loud mouthed hypocrite who likes to take cherry picked facts and scream about how you are mistreated when in fact, the ENTIRE truth shows that you are sloping from the govt trough as much as those you make racist rants about.
Explain to me what you think a tax subsidy is. What is it?