Re: Natl Bureau of Econ Research:"Tax Subsidies to Employer-Provided Health Insurance
I would but you couldn't read it as Obama in the way while he is shoving his big black Koch down your R3d N3ck, Red State, Tea Buggers(ed) throat.
"Maybe they have all of these disadvantages because they live in households that don't have the govt provided middle class subsidies like whites? For example, maybe if they got subsidies for housing like you get"
You mean like HUD?
Public housing serves black households at a rate substantially greater than their share of the renter population. Forty-eight percent of public housing households are black compared to only 19 percent of all renter households. Taking income into account does not alter this conclusion, since only 30 percent of households with incomes low enough to qualify for public housing are black.
Non-Hispanic white households occupy 39 percent of public housing, considerably less than their share of the total renter population (66 percent).
According to a Jan. 31, 2008 report by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), 8.7 million Americans live in public housing. About 2.2 million live in public housing, and 6.5 million live in Section 8 or Housing Choice Voucher housing, which HUD also considers public housing.
The American Recovery and Re- investment Act invested $13.6 billion in HUD programs in an ambitious effort to modernize and “green” the public and assisted housing inventory.
Not a penny for me.
Now show me where government SPENT $13.6 billion on me.
I would but you couldn't read it as Obama in the way while he is shoving his big black Koch down your R3d N3ck, Red State, Tea Buggers(ed) throat.