Natl Bureau of Econ Research:"Tax Subsidies to Employer-Provided Health Insurance"

Re: Natl Bureau of Econ Research:"Tax Subsidies to Employer-Provided Health Insurance

"Maybe they have all of these disadvantages because they live in households that don't have the govt provided middle class subsidies like whites? For example, maybe if they got subsidies for housing like you get"

You mean like HUD?
Public housing serves black households at a rate substantially greater than their share of the renter population. Forty-eight percent of public housing households are black compared to only 19 percent of all renter households. Taking income into account does not alter this conclusion, since only 30 percent of households with incomes low enough to qualify for public housing are black.
Non-Hispanic white households occupy 39 percent of public housing, considerably less than their share of the total renter population (66 percent).
According to a Jan. 31, 2008 report by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), 8.7 million Americans live in public housing. About 2.2 million live in public housing, and 6.5 million live in Section 8 or Housing Choice Voucher housing, which HUD also considers public housing.
The American Recovery and Re- investment Act invested $13.6 billion in HUD programs in an ambitious effort to modernize and “green” the public and assisted housing inventory.

Not a penny for me.
Now show me where government SPENT $13.6 billion on me.

I would but you couldn't read it as Obama in the way while he is shoving his big black Koch down your R3d N3ck, Red State, Tea Buggers(ed) throat.


Re: Natl Bureau of Econ Research:"Tax Subsidies to Employer-Provided Health Insurance

I would but you couldn't read it as Obama in the way while he is shoving his big black Koch down your R3d N3ck, Red State, Tea Buggers(ed) throat.


Good one.... Black Koch, R3D N3CK, Tea Buggers. You got him real good.

Re: Natl Bureau of Econ Research:"Tax Subsidies to Employer-Provided Health Insurance

Good one.... Black Koch, R3D N3CK, Tea Buggers. You got him real good.

the only problem is that he and his friends are like Charlie Sheen during his drug fueled meltdown a few years ago (Rand Paul already hilariously applied this analogy to them not knowing what it meant). Sheen kept saying "I am winning, I am winning" and all his friends from pornography were supporting him.

These Tea Buggers(ed) are so far gone they are shameless.

Re: Natl Bureau of Econ Research:"Tax Subsidies to Employer-Provided Health Insurance

The only problem is when the least educated and the most dependent among us vote 93% for Santa Claus, America is doomed.... Apparently you can't fix stupid.

Re: Natl Bureau of Econ Research:"Tax Subsidies to Employer-Provided Health Insurance

"The people who enjoy the tax break are employed. The people who enjoy the biggest tax break have employers buying them extremely comprehensive health benefits. Both types of people tend to be richer than people who are unemployed."

The people who enjoy welfare happen to be mostly unemployed and are given welfare ONLY because of the people who work and fund it.

Federal spending on more than 80 low-income assistance programs reached $746 billion in 2011, and state spending on those programs brought the total to $1.03 trillion, according to figures from the Congressional Research Service and the Senate Budget Committee.

Federal welfare spending has grown by 32 percent over the past four years.

The best way to get more people filling the trough as oppose to taking from the trough, is to make working more appealing than welfare. Since 2009, the Fair Labor Standards Act has dictated that the federal minimum wage is $7.25 an hour. Some people think that’s too low; others think it’s too high. But it turns out that, in 35 states, it’s a better deal not to work—and instead, to take advantage of federal welfare programs—than to take a minimum-wage job. Welfare currently pays more than a minimum-wage job in 35 states, even after accounting for the Earned Income Tax Credit,” which offers extra subsidies to low-income workers who take work. In 13 states [welfare] pays more than $15 per hour.

Re: Natl Bureau of Econ Research:"Tax Subsidies to Employer-Provided Health Insurance

"The people who enjoy the tax break are employed. The people who enjoy the biggest tax break have employers buying them extremely comprehensive health benefits. Both types of people tend to be richer than people who are unemployed."

The people who enjoy welfare happen to be mostly unemployed and are given welfare ONLY because of the people who work and fund it.

Federal spending on more than 80 low-income assistance programs reached $746 billion in 2011, and state spending on those programs brought the total to $1.03 trillion, according to figures from the Congressional Research Service and the Senate Budget Committee.

Federal welfare spending has grown by 32 percent over the past four years.

The best way to get more people filling the trough as oppose to taking from the trough, is to make working more appealing than welfare. Since 2009, the Fair Labor Standards Act has dictated that the federal minimum wage is $7.25 an hour. Some people think that’s too low; others think it’s too high. But it turns out that, in 35 states, it’s a better deal not to work—and instead, to take advantage of federal welfare programs—than to take a minimum-wage job. Welfare currently pays more than a minimum-wage job in 35 states, even after accounting for the Earned Income Tax Credit,” which offers extra subsidies to low-income workers who take work. In 13 states [welfare] pays more than $15 per hour.

You wrote, "The best way to get more people filling the trough as oppose to taking from the trough, . . . "

GOP controlled states take much more from the Federal Govt in taxes than they pay in.

The majority of Red States are net takers.

Re: Natl Bureau of Econ Research:"Tax Subsidies to Employer-Provided Health Insurance

You wrote, "The best way to get more people filling the trough as oppose to taking from the trough, . . . "

GOP controlled states take much more from the Federal Govt in taxes than they pay in.

The majority of Red States are net takers.

I have already completely debunked this liberal lie, but if you want me to embarrass you some more, just say please.

Re: Natl Bureau of Econ Research:"Tax Subsidies to Employer-Provided Health Insurance

Haven't I embarrassed you enough? You ain't too bright, that's perfectly clear.

Yep, you've clearly debunked the National Bureau Standards, the Congressional Budget Office, the National Bureau of Economic Research and ooo, I forget, you are your kind's fantastic debunking of climate research. Then, I shouldn't forget all of biology, geology and physics when you debunk Evolution!

You . .. . . . are . . . . . a . . . . self parody!!!!

Re: Natl Bureau of Econ Research:"Tax Subsidies to Employer-Provided Health Insurance

Yep, you've clearly debunked the National Bureau Standards, the Congressional Budget Office, the National Bureau of Economic Research and ooo, I forget, you are your kind's fantastic debunking of climate research. Then, I shouldn't forget all of biology, geology and physics when you debunk Evolution!

You . .. . . . are . . . . . a . . . . self parody!!!!

Let's make this REAL SIMPLE for you. Who does money belong to? When I get paid for the work I do, is that money mine or governments money?

Re: Natl Bureau of Econ Research:"Tax Subsidies to Employer-Provided Health Insurance

Let's make this REAL SIMPLE for you. Who does money belong to? When I get paid for the work I do, is that money mine or governments money?

Gowd are you dense.

The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which unskilled individuals suffer from illusory superiority, mistakenly rating their ability much higher than average. This bias is attributed to a metacognitive inability of the unskilled to recognize their mistakes.[1]

Actual competence may weaken self-confidence, as competent individuals may falsely assume that others have an equivalent understanding. David Dunning and Justin Kruger of Cornell University conclude, "the miscalibration of the incompetent stems from an error about the self, whereas the miscalibration of the highly competent stems from an error about others".[2]

The phenomenon was first tested in a series of experiments published in 1999 by David Dunning and Justin Kruger of the Department of Psychology, Cornell University.[2][3] They noted earlier studies suggesting that ignorance of standards of performance is behind a great deal of incompetence. This pattern was seen in studies of skills as diverse as reading comprehension, operating a motor vehicle, and playing chess or tennis.

Dunning and Kruger proposed that, for a given skill, incompetent people will:
tend to overestimate their own level of skill;
fail to recognize genuine skill in others;
fail to recognize the extremity of their inadequacy;
recognize and acknowledge their own previous lack of skill, if they are exposed to training for that skill.

Dunning has since drawn an analogy ("the anosognosia of everyday life")[1][4] with a condition in which a person who suffers a physical disability because of brain injury seems unaware of or denies the existence of the disability, even for dramatic impairments such as blindness or paralysis.–Kruger_effect

Re: Natl Bureau of Econ Research:"Tax Subsidies to Employer-Provided Health Insurance

Let's make this REAL SIMPLE for you. Who does money belong to? When I get paid for the work I do, is that money mine or governments money?

Re: Natl Bureau of Econ Research:"Tax Subsidies to Employer-Provided Health Insurance

Ok moron, here is a link to how much the federal government spends and a pie-chart which shows what exactly they spend money on.
I see welfare, defense, education, healthcare, pensions, transportation, but NOWHERE do I see that government spends money on tax-breaks. Hmm.... I wonder how that can be? According to you, if the company I work for gets a tax break and I benefit from it, then that is the equivalent of government spending money on handouts for welfare recipients.

Re: Natl Bureau of Econ Research:"Tax Subsidies to Employer-Provided Health Insurance

Ok moron, here is a link to how much the federal government spends and a pie-chart which shows what exactly they spend money on.
I see welfare, defense, education, healthcare, pensions, transportation, but NOWHERE do I see that government spends money on tax-breaks. Hmm.... I wonder how that can be? According to you, if the company I work for gets a tax break and I benefit from it, then that is the equivalent of government spending money on handouts for welfare recipients.

Ok, so you put forth a non-govt agency as a source of facts. I reply with THE US FEDERAL GOVT AGENCY source of spending facts.

"US Federal Government Accounting Office

Based on U.S. Department of the Treasury estimates for fiscal year 2012, the federal government had forgone more than $1 trillion in tax revenue through 169 tax expenditures. The tax revenue that the government forgoes is spending channeled through the tax system.

Budget Context

In recent years, spending through the tax code has approached the size of federal discretionary spending (Figure 2 compares tax expenditures to other federal spending). However, tax expenditures do not compete with other priorities in the annual appropriations process, and many are not subject to congressional reauthorization. Instead, many tax expenditures operate like mandatory spending, such as Medicare, with eligibility rules and formulas that provide benefits to those who are eligible and wish to participate."

But of course, Tea Bauggers(ed) like you make each other believe that you can sit at home, listen only to Faux News then search the internet and using only facts that you believe in, find the truth.

Remember? NBER calls them "Tax Subsidies".

Like your fundamentalist religion, your economic beliefs are fact free and detached from the real world.

Re: Natl Bureau of Econ Research:"Tax Subsidies to Employer-Provided Health Insurance

"The revenue the federal government forgoes from tax expenditures reduces the tax base and requires higher tax rates to raise any given amount of revenue. In addition, tax expenditures—like any federal program spending—reduce the amount of funding available for other federal activities, increase the budget deficit, or reduce any budget surplus."

They are describing a Tax-Break. It decreases the amount of money taken from Business and individuals and given to the government. It NEVER equates it to spending like WELFARE. The GREATEST thing is it talks about the consequences like: increased budget deficits or reduced budget surplus.... but it NEVER occurs to them that these issues have an easy and simple remedy. STOP THE MOST PROFLIGATE SPENDING IN US HISTORY. Problem SOLVED.

Re: Natl Bureau of Econ Research:"Tax Subsidies to Employer-Provided Health Insurance

Ok, so you put forth a non-govt agency as a source of facts. I reply with THE US FEDERAL GOVT AGENCY source of spending facts.

"US Federal Government Accounting Office

Based on U.S. Department of the Treasury estimates for fiscal year 2012, the federal government had forgone more than $1 trillion in tax revenue through 169 tax expenditures. The tax revenue that the government forgoes is spending channeled through the tax system.

Budget Context

In recent years, spending through the tax code has approached the size of federal discretionary spending (Figure 2 compares tax expenditures to other federal spending). However, tax expenditures do not compete with other priorities in the annual appropriations process, and many are not subject to congressional reauthorization. Instead, many tax expenditures operate like mandatory spending, such as Medicare, with eligibility rules and formulas that provide benefits to those who are eligible and wish to participate."

But of course, Tea Bauggers(ed) like you make each other believe that you can sit at home, listen only to Faux News then search the internet and using only facts that you believe in, find the truth.

Remember? NBER calls them "Tax Subsidies".

Like your fundamentalist religion, your economic beliefs are fact free and detached from the real world.

Do you dispute my FACTS? Show me a source ANYWHERE that disputes the facts on Federal spending that I put forth.

Re: Natl Bureau of Econ Research:"Tax Subsidies to Employer-Provided Health Insurance

Do you dispute my FACTS? Show me a source ANYWHERE that disputes the facts on Federal spending that I put forth.

This is another example of how, for people like you, the "truth" is only available to those who only look at portion of the truth.

I will repeat. In the last post I gave you a link to the GAO that showed that you and people like you receive over $1T / year in Tax Subsidies and that those Tax Subsidies are about the same size as all the Govt spending on the link that you provided us.

So the ENTIRE truth is that despite your protestations otherwise, you and those like you get, according to the GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY office, as much from the US FED Govt as all other govt social expenditures.

The ENTIRE truth is the you are a loud mouthed hypocrite who likes to take cherry picked facts and scream about how you are mistreated when in fact, the ENTIRE truth shows that you are sloping from the govt trough as much as those you make racist rants about.

Re: Natl Bureau of Econ Research:"Tax Subsidies to Employer-Provided Health Insurance

"Maybe they have all of these disadvantages because they live in households that don't have the govt provided middle class subsidies like whites? For example, maybe if they got subsidies for housing like you get"

You mean like HUD?
Public housing serves black households at a rate substantially greater than their share of the renter population. Forty-eight percent of public housing households are black compared to only 19 percent of all renter households. Taking income into account does not alter this conclusion, since only 30 percent of households with incomes low enough to qualify for public housing are black.
Non-Hispanic white households occupy 39 percent of public housing, considerably less than their share of the total renter population (66 percent).
According to a Jan. 31, 2008 report by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), 8.7 million Americans live in public housing. About 2.2 million live in public housing, and 6.5 million live in Section 8 or Housing Choice Voucher housing, which HUD also considers public housing.
The American Recovery and Re- investment Act invested $13.6 billion in HUD programs in an ambitious effort to modernize and “green” the public and assisted housing inventory.

Not a penny for me.
Now show me where government SPENT $13.6 billion on me.