Natl Bureau of Econ Research:"Tax Subsidies to Employer-Provided Health Insurance"


"Tax Subsidies to Employer-Provided Health Insurance

NBER Working Paper No. 5147 (Also Reprint No. r2060)
Issued in June 1996
NBER Program(s): AG HC PE

This paper investigates the current tax subsidy to employer- provided health insurance, and presents new evidence on the economic effects of various tax reforms."

This is a widely studied subject in Economics and all economists consider it a subsidy.

Re: Natl Bureau of Econ Research:"Tax Subsidies to Employer-Provided Health Insurance

Let me give you another example that even you might understand. Right now, I pay no taxes on online purchases. Which means generally I will pay less money to buy things online. Based on that, I might choose to use MY MONEY THAT I EARNED to buy things online. How is that even remotely the same as government giving me money and saying you can only use this money for online purchases? You understand, government has NO MONEY, until it takes it from hard-working individuals, right? Government can only take and redistribute money. It can not create it. We, the tax-payer, subsidize government.

Re: Natl Bureau of Econ Research:"Tax Subsidies to Employer-Provided Health Insurance

Let me give you another example that even you might understand. Right now, I pay no taxes on online purchases. Which means generally I will pay less money to buy things online. Based on that, I might choose to use MY MONEY THAT I EARNED to buy things online. How is that even remotely the same as government giving me money and saying you can only use this money for online purchases? You understand, government has NO MONEY, until it takes it from hard-working individuals, right? Government can only take and redistribute money. It can not create it. We, the tax-payer, subsidize government.

You are really, really fuqing stupid. The link above the the scientific paper by PhD researchers published in a peer reviewed journal representing one the of largest professional economics organizations in the country clearly says that it is a subsidy.

That is why you are a fucking moron and are still at this stage in this apparent late stage of your useless life.

Read the article. Then search the site and you will find a series of papers by many academics all studying the govt subsidies you receive through your employer provided health insurance. Then, simply Google it and you will find more than dozens and then finally, you can find the original law and see that the tax break is classified as a "consumer subsidy".

And what is funny is that, once again, this ignorance and denial of the receipt of govt subsidies is a characteristic, and predicted to be exhibited by "Tea Baggers" in this study.

"Tea Partiers

The Tea Partiers constantly spoke of going “back to basics” and never mentioned that they and or their families might rely on federal retirement programs. Instead, they bristled at what they called “big government”

Remember the last GOP Pres Convention where one of the themes was "You didn't build this!" . . . . and it was hilariously held in a government built convention hall?

You guys are so used to only having to listen to each other to determine what are facts you can't even detect to stupidity of what you are claiming.

Re: Natl Bureau of Econ Research:"Tax Subsidies to Employer-Provided Health Insurance

Where do you think the money comes from when government, in its infinite wisdom, delegates subsidies?

When government gives you your monthly food-stamp allowance, where does that money come from?

Do you think Obama has a magic pot of gold at the end of the rainbow which endlessly supplies money?

Seriously, your economic stupidity is frightening.

Re: Natl Bureau of Econ Research:"Tax Subsidies to Employer-Provided Health Insurance

Where do you think the money comes from when government, in its infinite wisdom, delegates subsidies?

When government gives you your monthly food-stamp allowance, where does that money come from?

Do you think Obama has a magic pot of gold at the end of the rainbow which endlessly supplies money?

Seriously, your economic stupidity is frightening.

Coming from a person who writes that no one seriously considers a tax break as a subsidy when scores of economists at the nations most prestigious economics institutes publish scientific studies on the subject - go back to teaching at your Sunday Bible classes where credibility doesn't matter. You are a buffoon.

Re: Natl Bureau of Econ Research:"Tax Subsidies to Employer-Provided Health Insurance

Coming from a person who writes that no one seriously considers a tax break as a subsidy when scores of economists at the nations most prestigious economics institutes publish scientific studies on the subject - go back to teaching at your Sunday Bible classes where credibility doesn't matter. You are a buffoon.

You can quote "experts" all you want, but what you can't do is answer my question. Where does the money come from first that government uses to subsidize things?

Government does not have ANY MONEY until it forces hard-working people to subsidize the government first through our tax system. It then uses that money and gives it to people to subsidize certain activities or in the case of welfare, certain inactivities.

If government completely stopped taxing everybody today, would you say that government was subdividing everyone? And what would happen to all government subsidies, where would money come from to fund welfare?

How fucking stupid do you have to be to NOT understand that?

Re: Natl Bureau of Econ Research:"Tax Subsidies to Employer-Provided Health Insurance

You can quote "experts" all you want, but what you can't do is answer my question. Where does the money come from first that government uses to subsidize things?

Government does not have ANY MONEY until it forces hard-working people to subsidize the government first through our tax system. It then uses that money and gives it to people to subsidize certain activities or in the case of welfare, certain inactivities.

If government completely stopped taxing everybody today, would you say that government was subdividing everyone? And what would happen to all government subsidies, where would money come from to fund welfare?

How fucking stupid do you have to be to NOT understand that?

Don't you find it amusing when a moron who gets his intellectual ass kicked in an argument regarding the question that we started out on wants to change the subject?

So yes, I accept your implicit agreement to the fact that because you readily accept govt subsidies on your employer provided health insurance while arguing against similar subsidies for others, who are disproportionately non-white, under Obama Care that you are a hypocritical racist whose Tea Party brand of "small govt conservatism" is good enough for everyone else but TOO GOOD for you!

I would write "hahahahahaha" but this is really a sad and revealing moment for you and those like you and we should really feel sad for you.

Re: Natl Bureau of Econ Research:"Tax Subsidies to Employer-Provided Health Insurance

Don't you find it amusing when a moron who gets his intellectual ass kicked in an argument regarding the question that we started out on wants to change the subject?

So yes, I accept your implicit agreement to the fact that because you readily accept govt subsidies on your employer provided health insurance while arguing against similar subsidies for others, who are disproportionately non-white, under Obama Care that you are a hypocritical racist whose Tea Party brand of "small govt conservatism" is good enough for everyone else but TOO GOOD for you!

I would write "hahahahahaha" but this is really a sad and revealing moment for you and those like you and we should really feel sad for you.

Just getti' it back to the top for you.

Re: Natl Bureau of Econ Research:"Tax Subsidies to Employer-Provided Health Insurance

Don't you find it amusing when a moron who gets his intellectual ass kicked in an argument regarding the question that we started out on wants to change the subject?

So yes, I accept your implicit agreement to the fact that because you readily accept govt subsidies on your employer provided health insurance while arguing against similar subsidies for others, who are disproportionately non-white, under Obama Care that you are a hypocritical racist whose Tea Party brand of "small govt conservatism" is good enough for everyone else but TOO GOOD for you!

I would write "hahahahahaha" but this is really a sad and revealing moment for you and those like you and we should really feel sad for you.

So why do non-whites disproportionately not have employer provided health care? Maybe it's because non-whites are disproportionately more likely to dropout of high school or not graduate from college or have kids out of wedlock.

Re: Natl Bureau of Econ Research:"Tax Subsidies to Employer-Provided Health Insurance

So why do non-whites disproportionately not have employer provided health care? Maybe it's because non-whites are disproportionately more likely to dropout of high school or not graduate from college or have kids out of wedlock.

Maybe they have all of these disadvantages because they live in households that don't have the govt provided middle class subsidies like whites? For example, maybe if they got the same govt subsidized health care insurance like you their fathers and mothers would be less likely to lose jobs because they get sick from the lack of preventative care? Maybe if they got subsidies for housing like you get with the ability to deduct your mortgage interest thy'd could invest it and build wealth like you do with your equity in you home whose price is increased by those subsidies. Like the article that I sent proving that there are Tax Subsides for your Employer provided Health Insurance would you be surprised at the studies that show 10-30% of your homes value is due to the various govt subsides? You could actually try and teach yourself something and research it yourself but if after being made to look like an ignorant fool on the health insurance I am sure that you are not intellectually honest enough to care.

Your casual racism is pathetic and your smug sense of superiority is sickening when you clearly aren't smart enough to have earned it in a meritocracy. The fear that you and those like you have is that if everyone where truly given a level playing field you'd have to actually compete and under those circumstances you'd be less than average.

Re: Natl Bureau of Econ Research:"Tax Subsidies to Employer-Provided Health Insurance

Make excuses all you want, but it doesn't erase the fact that 12% of the US population, which is the most uneducated among us, disproportionately voted 93% for Santa Claus.

Re: Natl Bureau of Econ Research:"Tax Subsidies to Employer-Provided Health Insurance

Make excuses all you want, but it doesn't erase the fact that 12% of the US population, which is the most uneducated among us, disproportionately voted 93% for Santa Claus.

Like fat pigs you line up a slop from the govt trough and then complain about others trying to do the same.

Re: Natl Bureau of Econ Research:"Tax Subsidies to Employer-Provided Health Insurance

At least you admit that it is pigs at the government trough.

That was just a metaphor for you. But while we are defining piggishness I think that obviously various degrees and types. I mean you are a full on, in denial, hypocritical, racist pig at the trough. Getting more than your share, denying it all the while talking about anyone else trying to get at least as much as you. And you are so used to it that you actually think that you deserve it!

you are quite a loser.

Re: Natl Bureau of Econ Research:"Tax Subsidies to Employer-Provided Health Insurance

That was just a metaphor for you. But while we are defining piggishness I think that obviously various degrees and types. I mean you are a full on, in denial, hypocritical, racist pig at the trough. Getting more than your share, denying it all the while talking about anyone else trying to get at least as much as you. And you are so used to it that you actually think that you deserve it!

you are quite a loser.

"If you walk out, on your own, and attempt to give your friendly neighborhood health insurer a dollar, you're taxed on that dollar. If your employer gives the health insurer that dollar on your behalf, that dollar is not taxed. As a result, getting health insurance through your employer became -- and remains -- a much better deal than purchasing it with your wages."

"The third reason is that the subsidy -- and that's what this is, a subsidy to employers who offer health care -- is very big, and quite hidden. In March 2007, the Joint Committee on Taxation estimated that ending all employer-related tax breaks for health care would raise $1.23 trillion between 2009 and 2012. That's more than $300 billion a year. That's much more than you'd need to pay for health care."

"But the importance of the employer tax exclusion is simple enough: The hinge question in health care reform is "where do you get the money?" And the main -- and most controversial -- pot of money in health care reform comes from the employer tax exclusion."

T"he first is that it's regressive. This is intuitive enough: The people who enjoy the tax break are employed. The people who enjoy the biggest tax break have employers buying them extremely comprehensive health benefits. Both types of people tend to be richer than people who are unemployed."

"Tax Subsidies to Employer-Provided Health Insurance

NBER Working Paper No. 5147 (Also Reprint No. r2060)
Issued in June 1996
NBER Program(s): AG HC PE

Jonathan Gruber, James Poterba

This paper investigates the current tax subsidy to employer- provided health insurance, and presents new evidence on the economic effects of various tax reforms."

"The net tax subsidy to employer-provided insurance is substantial, with tax factors generating an average reduction of approximately thirty percent in the price of this insurance."

National Bureau of Economic Research

The NBER is the largest economics research organization in the United States.[2] Many of the American winners of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences were NBER Research Associates. Many of the Chairmen of the Council of Economic Advisers have also been NBER Research Associates, including the former NBER President and Harvard Professor, Martin Feldstein.

The NBER's current President and CEO is Professor James M. Poterba of MIT.

Um, Dr Poterba wrote the paper cited above that studies the tax subsidies that you get. He is the president of EBER. I can now see the reason why you have to hide away in some low rent southern city and flog pharma. You couldn't get a real education because you can't read and interpret anything more than a detail sheet written for you by someone else.

Re: Natl Bureau of Econ Research:"Tax Subsidies to Employer-Provided Health Insurance

That was just a metaphor for you. But while we are defining piggishness I think that obviously various degrees and types. I mean you are a full on, in denial, hypocritical, racist pig at the trough. Getting more than your share, denying it all the while talking about anyone else trying to get at least as much as you. And you are so used to it that you actually think that you deserve it!

you are quite a loser.

So explain to me... When I get paid and almost 40% of my paycheck is missing, where does it go? I worked for that money and it is gone. It is like government stole 40% of my life. I think we would all agree that if government decided to take 100% of my earnings, that would be called slavery. Thankfully dear government is so generous and it allows me to keep some of what I earn.

So now that you understand that I fill the trough, explain to me how I feed at the trough. Is it because the 40% I contribute isn't enough? Is it because government doesn't tax me and my employer more? Why is 40% not enough to fill the trough? How much more should Government take before the pigs appetites are satisfied?

Re: Natl Bureau of Econ Research:"Tax Subsidies to Employer-Provided Health Insurance

So explain to me... When I get paid and almost 40% of my paycheck is missing, where does it go? I worked for that money and it is gone. It is like government stole 40% of my life. I think we would all agree that if government decided to take 100% of my earnings, that would be called slavery. Thankfully dear government is so generous and it allows me to keep some of what I earn.

So now that you understand that I fill the trough, explain to me how I feed at the trough. Is it because the 40% I contribute isn't enough? Is it because government doesn't tax me and my employer more? Why is 40% not enough to fill the trough? How much more should Government take before the pigs appetites are satisfied?

You get much more than you pay in, your white, middle class lifestyle is subsidized by the govt. Read.

Re: Natl Bureau of Econ Research:"Tax Subsidies to Employer-Provided Health Insurance

"Maybe they have all of these disadvantages because they live in households that don't have the govt provided middle class subsidies like whites? For example, maybe if they got subsidies for housing like you get"

You mean like HUD?
Public housing serves black households at a rate substantially greater than their share of the renter population. Forty-eight percent of public housing households are black compared to only 19 percent of all renter households. Taking income into account does not alter this conclusion, since only 30 percent of households with incomes low enough to qualify for public housing are black.
Non-Hispanic white households occupy 39 percent of public housing, considerably less than their share of the total renter population (66 percent).
According to a Jan. 31, 2008 report by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), 8.7 million Americans live in public housing. About 2.2 million live in public housing, and 6.5 million live in Section 8 or Housing Choice Voucher housing, which HUD also considers public housing.
The American Recovery and Re- investment Act invested $13.6 billion in HUD programs in an ambitious effort to modernize and “green” the public and assisted housing inventory.

Not a penny for me.
Now show me where government SPENT $13.6 billion on me.