Nashville - DGX = Fun fun fun !
Yes , fun for our competitors while we listen to empty suits speak and role play.
You should stay at home, son. You obviously have nothing to contribute and trust me, your absence, as it is every other day, will go entirely unnoticed. Hope this helps.
you don't know me!!!!!
Was not given the options of staying home. I would much prefer to as the meeting is a waste of time. Strictly a corporate dog and pony show. So many of the people in attendance have never been on a sales call.
The fact that you lack the courage to act and feel compelled to follow orders that you find so disagreeable, from superiors you do not respect, says all that we need to know about your character, or lack there of. You are your own worst nightmare junior and while it is no surprise that you cannot find satisfactory employment elsewhere, I am stunned that you managed to stay on our payroll this long. A problem that will no doubt be resolved in short order. Hope this helps.
Must be nice to live in your world where facts don't matter and truth is ignored.
I can’t wait for you guys to hear the BIG announcement at the NSM
Was not given the options of staying home. I would much prefer to as the meeting is a waste of time. Strictly a corporate dog and pony show. So many of the people in attendance have never been on a sales call.
Quit because the micro-managing will move up a notch in 90 days
Your response, complete with excessive, dramatic and unnecessary punctuation, indicates otherwise. There is no reason to anguish over our opinion of you. Trust me, son, the point is, that no one cares about your stupid opinions. Hope this helps.
Another QDX event I won’t miss. Dealing with the delays arriving or god forbid being snowed in like a number of years ago. The terrible food and rah rah meetings. The phony reps who smile to your face and backstab you when you turn around. The micro management from the pin heads who do nothing but stand against the wall watching to see who’s participating. All the boys going to the gym at 5am to see if they can out grunt each other and which female rep dressing as trashy as she can be to draw attention. Lab Industry for Sales is no longer what it use to be I feel sorry for those still stuck in limbo complaining every year that things are getting worse and trying to hang on to have the career ended without any fan fair and a pre printed letter from someone in the Midwest. Good riddance as I ride out into the sunset happy trails.
Another promising representative lost to the home of the whopper. I knew when they started with the free uniforms and employee discount meals that we were going to hemorrhage talent. Thankfully, I still see a lot of quality people posting their inspirational stories here on CP. Hope this helps.
You should stay at home, son. You obviously have nothing to contribute and trust me, your absence, as it is every other day, will go entirely unnoticed. Hope this helps.