National sales meeting

Not sure where this came from but what a great motto for our representatives going forward in 2019. It truly encapsulates both the mood and the spirit of the department, our leadership and our organization. I hope to see and hear it often at the upcoming NSM. Hope this helps.

If leadership is so wonderful. what has to change?

If leadership is so wonderful. what has to change?

For starters, how about your attitude. I’m sure it must seem nice and easy resting at the top, riding on the coattails of those before you. And you are welcome, son. Enjoy the moment, but become complacent at your own peril. What else has to change, you say? Are we the only clinical laboratory in the United States with a national presence? Are you comfortable with that, junior? I truly am looking forward to the NSM and I look forward to meeting as many likeminded colleagues as time permits, but remember to focus on the message, not the messenger. Harry Truman once said, its amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit. Wise words. Hope this helps,

For starters, how about your attitude. I’m sure it must seem nice and easy resting at the top, riding on the coattails of those before you. And you are welcome, son. Enjoy the moment, but become complacent at your own peril. What else has to change, you say? Are we the only clinical laboratory in the United States with a national presence? Are you comfortable with that, junior? I truly am looking forward to the NSM and I look forward to meeting as many likeminded colleagues as time permits, but remember to focus on the message, not the messenger. Harry Truman once said, its amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit. Wise words. Hope this helps,

Seems like the ability to give a direct answer is not one of your skills.

Can’t wait to see the usual r*****s and clowns at the NSM.

Always good to have a laugh at your expense!

It is always the classless loudmouths who find their inner strength in these anonymous forums, that later stare at their shoes and mumble when we address them in public. If we cared enough to ask, we might inquire what it is they are trying to compensate for here and why they are so frightened when the opportunity to really say what they want presents itself. But the more burning question for us is always, “who hired this person? Perhaps this time, we can weed them out before the NSM? Hope this helps.

It is always the classless loudmouths who find their inner strength in these anonymous forums, that later stare at their shoes and mumble when we address them in public. If we cared enough to ask, we might inquire what it is they are trying to compensate for here and why they are so frightened when the opportunity to really say what they want presents itself. But the more burning question for us is always, “who hired this person? Perhaps this time, we can weed them out before the NSM? Hope this helps.

Blah Blah Blah said the young man as he sits quietly in his parents basement thinking about his future and where he went wrong.

I’m a driver. I’m a winner. Things are gonna change, I can feel it.

Things are gonna change. Everyone who complained about micro management and unfair treatment will refer to 2018 as the golden age of freedom and prosperity. Does anyone really know how our entire system is about to be upended? This time next year 90% of us will be gone and with the economy about to collapse, you better hope that you saved for more than just a rainy day. All is lost.

I’ll be surprised if there even is a NSM.

If they can afford to legally, they may want a slow transition much like we do with acquisitions. “Everything is fine, nothing is going to change.” And a year or two later, they no longer exist. But the law is clear and the benefits are too great for the companies involved. I suspect Quest and Labcorp will want set the new standards for doing business and just watch them disavow the practices that they once embraced.

This is all very unsettling. I know you take CP with A grain of salt, but I would like to know truthfully if we will have jobs in 2019. What division will it impact the most? PAE, hospital, specialty.....

This is all very unsettling. I know you take CP with A grain of salt, but I would like to know truthfully if we will have jobs in 2019. What division will it impact the most? PAE, hospital, specialty.....

Hospital and specialty will be impacted the least, except for a new more intense competition for those positions, that will drive down wages for them. Anyone with a degree in medical technology or medical training along with a strong business background will fair the best. PAE, in any sense that you would recognize will be gone in a matter of months, if not sooner. If you have a passion for marketing instead of sales and skills in advertising, start making that known now. The patient and their insurers are the customer. Selling to ordering physicians is now a corrupt practice on the level of handing them cash under the table. Hope this helps

this helps a lot. Will there be opportunities to take a hospital/speciality reps position if that rep sucks?

Those opportunities have always existed, but I suspect that anyone with a sales background will have a difficult time rebranding themselves. Having a successful sales resume in the physician market will be the equivalent of a criminal record in the healthcare industry. Remember, commissioned sales in lab are now illegal. Quest won't want the scrutiny or appearance of impropriety even if they are isolated to hospital accounts. Best to staff those positions with medical professionals, not sales people. The new marketing focus will be on real customers, the patients and their insurers. Sales to 3rd parties looking to benefit from their control of the ordering process will be treated no differently than straight kickbacks. The entire business model for lab and healthcare in general is about to change dramatically. The paying customers want control and most outsiders think it is for the best.

These are terrible times. When I told a friend and neighbor about the new law and what our job function was, he had no sympathy for me. He told me straight out that it was about time and how his health insurance just went up another 15% because of all the fraud and waste. I got mad at him and then my own wife got involved and said just because something was legal doesn’t make it ethical. I guess when people are sick and losing their health coverage because they can’t afford the premiums and deductibles no one cares about a guy getting 6 figures by driving up the costs. It’s almost Christmas and nobody cares that I’m about to lose my job.

Those opportunities have always existed, but I suspect that anyone with a sales background will have a difficult time rebranding themselves. Having a successful sales resume in the physician market will be the equivalent of a criminal record in the healthcare industry. Remember, commissioned sales in lab are now illegal. Quest won't want the scrutiny or appearance of impropriety even if they are isolated to hospital accounts. Best to staff those positions with medical professionals, not sales people. The new marketing focus will be on real customers, the patients and their insurers. Sales to 3rd parties looking to benefit from their control of the ordering process will be treated no differently than straight kickbacks. The entire business model for lab and healthcare in general is about to change dramatically. The paying customers want control and most outsiders think it is for the best.

This is absurd “...will be the equivalent of a criminal record”. The employer was following the current laws when employing commissioned reps. Nobody is going to consider those reps “criminals” because the law CHANGED.

This is absurd “...will be the equivalent of a criminal record”. The employer was following the current laws when employing commissioned reps. Nobody is going to consider those reps “criminals” because the law CHANGED.

The average joe didn’t know what was really going on, but with high profile fraud cases left and right and the blatant way our industry functions it’s no wonder that it’s finally catching up. The poster before this was right. Just because it was legal (mostly) doesn’t mean it was ethical. The healthcare crisis is at a breaking point, the public is fed up, the government is cracking down and we are the profiteers. One day there will be a documentary about this industry, at this time, and we will look no better than the drug trafficking cartels did. I know I won’t let my kids watch it.