National sales meeting

Oh and can we all hold hands while Sean speaks this year as well? I have an idea for our charity. Put up buckets with executives names on them. Everyone can put in a dollar for the executive they hold the most responsible for the mess we are in. The bucket with the most money at the end of the meeting gets a pink slip. His/her salary gets donated to the charity next year along with all the dollars from the votes.

So here's what will happen:

When they start the meeting, they will state that we under extreme time constraints, and they will ask that everyone in the audience hold their applause in order to move things along. It will be their way of subverting the subversion.

This group of management, along with the ones who have jumped ship with bags of cash, has positioned Hospira to fail while neglecting their fiduciary responsiblity to shareholders and their management responsibilities to employees. Begley left because the ugly truth regarding his leadership and complete lack of integrity was beginning to emerge. He was a fool to hang on as long as he did. He should have followed Kearney's lead and hit the road with his cash. But his ego wouldn't allow it. The Chairmanship was like opium to a herion addict. He couldn't resist. When he looks in the mirror, he sees a hero. He'll spend all his millions fighting the fraud charges because he is absolutely sure that he has performed with integrity. He is sure he was worth every penny he earned and stole. He gained the admiration of the current Senior Leadership Team. They are of his ilk.

It doesn't matter whether or not they know our plans. That's the really sad part of all of this, that it doesn't matter. We are simply "head count". They don't care what we think. They have become paper pushing bureaucrats lost in the belief that what they do is more important than what others do. They are bloated with admiration for themselves. They have no patience for those who would question their lack of leadership even as the "foundation" crumbles beneath them. Some of the rats have already left the sinking ship. It will be interesting to see how many will follow.

It goes without saying, but I'll say it anyway: DON"T APPLAUD!! They don't deserve our applause!!

You should applaud loudly vs. Bitch, Bitch, Bitch......... Our management is top notch. Begley left us a much stronger company with great leadership for the future. This NM is for our benefit to see/ hear our senior mgmnt face to face and answer the hard questions, reconnect with some friends, enjoy a SB party, and energize for 2012.
I get goosebumps sitting in a room with a team of 800+ people who make people's lives better with our products and am proud to be one of them. Yeah, we have substandard salaries, benes, and that coffin they call a car, but we do have jobs! Many don't.
So, count your blessings and thank our management team for leading the way to future prosperity.....and clap your hands off.

Excellent points. I didn't realize this NSM was for my benefit. We are not really allowed to ask the "hard questions." If we do we will be on a PIP plan soon for sure. Since this is for my benefit can I opt out and take the cost as a bonus instead? I feel that will energize me more for 2012.


I would like the effort put into a National Sales Meeting to be put into bringing critical products to market for our customers. I get that meetings are necessary but we already did the meeting last year where they said "we know it has been a tough year but it is going to get better." We don't need it again this year.

You should applaud loudly vs. Bitch, Bitch, Bitch......... Our management is top notch. Begley left us a much stronger company with great leadership for the future. This NM is for our benefit to see/ hear our senior mgmnt face to face and answer the hard questions, reconnect with some friends, enjoy a SB party, and energize for 2012.
I get goosebumps sitting in a room with a team of 800+ people who make people's lives better with our products and am proud to be one of them. Yeah, we have substandard salaries, benes, and that coffin they call a car, but we do have jobs! Many don't.
So, count your blessings and thank our management team for leading the way to future prosperity.....and clap your hands off.

This is the sort of blind admiration that leads to catastrauphic failure in business, politics, religion, and life. The Jim Jones effect. The only survivors are those who are able to see the truth through the fog of rhetoric and aren't willing to drink the koolaid. You, my sightless friend, swallowed the koolaid. You, like so many in leadership positions, looked upon Chris Begley as some sort of modern messiah. Begley, like so many who gain top leadership positions, began to believe he was infallable. From the very beginning, he and others in leadership rewarded themselves with cash and stock options while eliminating the pensions and benefits of thousands of employees. That was a clear indication of the moral direction this group would take. His parting shot was to cut thousands of jobs as part of his "exit plan" to boost the stock price and cash in nearly 100 million dollars of ill-gotten options. His behavior as chairman only reinfored his complete lack of integrity toward both employees and shareholders. He and his henchmen have crippled this company, yet he will likely never apologize to those whose lives he has ruined, including the patients who were/are denied medications because of his selfish behavior.

The NSM is simply an opportunity to reinforce the rhetoric in hopes that more will be willing to swallow the koolaid. It's an Amway meeting for the Hospira sales teams. Management will quickly glaze over the issues encountered and offer a limp apology to the sales force, and then they will begin their ridiculous self-congratulatory speeches and rah-rah promotions. It is obvious that you enjoy this. You really should consider Amway. You are exactly the kind of person who thrives there. Not self-motivated, but motivated by large gatherings of like-minded followers willing to overlook the obvious flaws of their leadership.

We all enjoy being able to see our friends from across the country at these meetings. But that doesn't mean we should overlook the obvious shortcomings of the leadership and marketing teams. There will be no "hard questions" answered. And as someone above pointed out, anyone attempting to ask a "hard question" will be dealt with severely. This meeting is simply about re-energizing those such as yourself who don't have the capacity to motivate themselves. Senior Leadership is motivated by money in their pockets. This meeting will be focused primarily upon having the sales team improve their sales skills in the false belief that we can somehow sell more of what is on backorder. The backorders, especially in Rocky Mount, are a direct result of the the job cuts from 2009. The job cuts are a direct result of the SLT's (Begley at the lead) decision to slash jobs and split up the sales force in order to boost stock prices so that Begley and Kearney could cash in their options. We are now pouring millions into rectifying these issues. We are also wasting millions of dollars and thousands of hours on and Hospira IQ. Neither of these programs yields any positive results for either management or the sales teams. is used as a dumping ground for useless sales information, and Hospira IQ is used as a dumping ground for useless company information.

Here's the bottom line. Senior Leadership and Marketing has lied to us. They have withheld valuable information from us. They have taken a very bad situation and made is worse. They don't deserve to be congratulated for their deception, no matter how difficult the regulatory environment.

We don't have any other way of voicing our outrage at their performance.


Amen Brother!!

Well said! Begley is a felon. He lied to everyone. Thank God he's gone. That idiot who said he left us a much stronger company is the kind of person who would stand by her priest even though she knew he had raped young boys. His decision to cut jobs, especially key quality jobs, left the cupboard bare when the FDA walked through the door. I wouldn't put it past him and some of the other top dogs to have shorted Hospira's stock to make money on both ends. I sincerely hope that many of the highly paid consultants working to fix things at Rocky Mount right now are the same guys who had their jobs cut by Begley and Kearney. I hope they are billing Hospira through the nose to fix the problems they would have never allowed to happen.

We need new leadership. Qualified leadership. Not just a bunch of blowhards who couldn't fix their own flat tire.

I say we all do the silent clap thing. These blowhards, especially Sean O'Donnell, don't deserve any praise of any sort. Almost all of them are willing to throw any of us under the bus at any time to make a buck or to make themselves look better.

"We are a growth company...." Sean Odonnell, NSM 2009.

BTW- the reason for the meeting is to "reward" the cold Chicago kiss a** crowd some sun.
Look for SOD and sales crew at a nearby 4-5 star golf resort....escorted by limo.

Amen Brother!!

Well said! Begley is a felon. He lied to everyone. Thank God he's gone. That idiot who said he left us a much stronger company is the kind of person who would stand by her priest even though she knew he had raped young boys. His decision to cut jobs, especially key quality jobs, left the cupboard bare when the FDA walked through the door. I wouldn't put it past him and some of the other top dogs to have shorted Hospira's stock to make money on both ends. I sincerely hope that many of the highly paid consultants working to fix things at Rocky Mount right now are the same guys who had their jobs cut by Begley and Kearney. I hope they are billing Hospira through the nose to fix the problems they would have never allowed to happen.

We need new leadership. Qualified leadership. Not just a bunch of blowhards who couldn't fix their own flat tire.

I say we all do the silent clap thing. These blowhards, especially Sean O'Donnell, don't deserve any praise of any sort. Almost all of them are willing to throw any of us under the bus at any time to make a buck or to make themselves look better.

Maybe we could take up a collection for SeanO. Everyone who thinks he's a prick could bring one golf ball for him. We can just drop them under our seats during the first big session.

You should applaud loudly vs. Bitch, Bitch, Bitch......... Our management is top notch. Begley left us a much stronger company with great leadership for the future. This NM is for our benefit to see/ hear our senior mgmnt face to face and answer the hard questions, reconnect with some friends, enjoy a SB party, and energize for 2012.
I get goosebumps sitting in a room with a team of 800+ people who make people's lives better with our products and am proud to be one of them. Yeah, we have substandard salaries, benes, and that coffin they call a car, but we do have jobs! Many don't.
So, count your blessings and thank our management team for leading the way to future prosperity.....and clap your hands off.

Holy Shit!!!! What the hell have you been smoking??? If you truly believe this you need professional help/treatment for your naivete, aka head up your ass.

The only part I can come close to agreeing with is that we have jobs....shitty ones at that, but jobs, nevertheless. These greedy, arrogant, self-centered fools we call management prey on people like you who actually buy into to their fairy tails. Understand that not paying you bonuses, giving you minimal benefits, etc. fattens their wallets, not ours. THEY caused ALL our problems with their stupidity and greed. I could go on, but others have said it all.....but, seriously, PLEASE get some help!

You should applaud loudly vs. Bitch, Bitch, Bitch......... Our management is top notch. Begley left us a much stronger company with great leadership for the future. This NM is for our benefit to see/ hear our senior mgmnt face to face and answer the hard questions, reconnect with some friends, enjoy a SB party, and energize for 2012.
I get goosebumps sitting in a room with a team of 800+ people who make people's lives better with our products and am proud to be one of them. Yeah, we have substandard salaries, benes, and that coffin they call a car, but we do have jobs! Many don't.
So, count your blessings and thank our management team for leading the way to future prosperity.....and clap your hands off.

Really this dumb bitch has pom poms for brains- how do I know, well, who gets "Goose Bumps" from Sean et al,
Seriously girly wipe the stardust out of your eyes, Sean or someone else is management is not going to leave their wife and marry your sorry ass. Grow up! graduate high school and quit giving professional women a bad name

You should applaud loudly vs. Bitch, Bitch, Bitch......... Our management is top notch. Begley left us a much stronger company with great leadership for the future. This NM is for our benefit to see/ hear our senior mgmnt face to face and answer the hard questions, reconnect with some friends, enjoy a SB party, and energize for 2012.
I get goosebumps sitting in a room with a team of 800+ people who make people's lives better with our products and am proud to be one of them. Yeah, we have substandard salaries, benes, and that coffin they call a car, but we do have jobs! Many don't.
So, count your blessings and thank our management team for leading the way to future prosperity.....and clap your hands off.

I took the above as being sarcastic. Was I wrong? Nobody has ever called our management team top notch. Does anyone truly want to go to the Superbowl party verus enjoying it with family and friends? I don't think anyone actually wants to unless of course they have no family or friends at home. The meeting is not for us it is usually somewhat degrading. Remember the infamous "push your computers to the center of the table and do not touch them until we tell you to?"

I thought we were going to do them every other year at one time? Every other year works well. I wonder what the cost of a meeting is and if we could keep a few more jobs open if we didn't have the meeting this year. I personally don't sleep well at these meetings and come home exhausted. I am not recharged.

At least we are having it somewhere this year where I can make it into a family vacation. I get the purpose of the meetings and I like seeing everyone. I can't imagine what they are going to say that is going to "energize" me after the rough couple of years we have had. I know a lot of people that would like to leave but it is really tough to find something else whe the market is flooded with pharma reps that have been laid off.

Well, i've taken the time to read all of the messages. The one thing I'm getting from this is that we sales reps aren't happy. Our recourse to all of the problems we have encured over the last several years is "don't clap" at the National Sales Meeting.. How many people do we think will follow this lead? Realisticly very few. COME ON, in a croud of several thousand you believe that your going to get a majority that don't clap? Your kidding yourself! It sounds like a good idea when you say it out load, but there won't be any impact from the small number of people who will do it. Frankly, if you want to make a point, make a fucking a point. Ask the tough question. Chances are, when the first question is asked many will come afterwards. They can't fire everyone!! It's easy to sit on a site like this and bitch about what we want done differently, but we aren't willing to literally stand up and say it's wrong. Instead, your solution is to "not clap". Is that really what's going to get into there heads? Probably not!! If you have something to say, which most of us do. Stop being a pussy, standing behind everyone else and stand up on your two feet and speak out loud. If your pissed off about your job and are unhappy, then either quit or do something about it. Stop sitting behind your computer. I am part of the Hospira team and don't hold any management position. All I'm simply saying is that to be effective recognize what the problem is and come up with a solution... Maybe a better solution is to have our customers "blow up" the email addresses of of all the executives with how our issues have impacted their business. You want to make a statement. Our customers can do this better then we can.......

There is no chance that anyone in Senior Leadership will truthfully answer a tough question in front of a room full of people. And there is a near 100% chance that anyone who asks a tough question that has not already been vetted will be marked. It is the culture of this company now. They made massive errors in judgment a couple of years ago, yet they are unwilling to reverse any of their decisions. Short-term decision-making that has led to long-term chaos.

If you believe for one second that you can take a stand and openly voice your dissatisfaction or opposition to their management without retribution, then you are only fooling yourself. Maybe someone will reach their breaking point and make a scene, but I doubt it. It's far too risky, and the job market stinks.

We have no voice with management. Some of our DM's have tried, but they are rebuked. Nearly half of our pharmaceutical products are on backorder. The group running the disposables business is completely clueless. We can't produce a simple piece of sales literature without an act of congress. This company is a bureaucratic quagmire.

We have to go to this meeting. We have to endure presentations by people whose only goal is improve their position on the "ladder" in Lake Forest. They will tell us, as they have done in the past, that they are "on it". But they are not Hospira people, they are "executives" who are willing to do whatever they are told, regardless of the consequences to us, our hospitals, or our patients, to load their pockets with cash and options. But we don't have to applaud them. We shouldn't applaud them. We should let them know, in the only safe way possible, that we think they have done a terrible job of managing this company.