National sales meeting


How can anyone convince the salesforce that we need to have a NSM this year. Unless this is going to be a week of relaxing and healing the wounds from the ass kicking we have taken all year, then save your money. Let's make it simple, devide the money that would be spent among the reps and call it a band-aide. Let us stay in our territory and try to save this company from the hell it has caused our customers, and most important the patients.

How can anyone convince the salesforce that we need to have a NSM this year. Unless this is going to be a week of relaxing and healing the wounds from the ass kicking we have taken all year, then save your money. Let's make it simple, devide the money that would be spent among the reps and call it a band-aide. Let us stay in our territory and try to save this company from the hell it has caused our customers, and most important the patients.

The same assholes who pad their pockets with ridiculous salaries and perks that they didn't earn while riding the backs of us underlings.

The same people who collect their money and give us below average salaries, the worst benefit/vacation pkg. in the industry, and treat us like shit.....all because with this job market, they can.

National meeting for what? Fake Rah, Rah while our problems remain, bullshit about the bright future, booooooooring speech after speech from people who really need to be trained in public speaking, workshops to discuss the same old shit over and over. NOTHING has changed! Stay out of our way and let us do our jobs!
Cancel the meeting, save the money and give us all a bonus for having to stay with this company and do a webinar so we all can listen and laugh in our own homes.

Lets see if we can come up with some good reasons:

So that mangers can add to their hotel, airline points.

So we can pretend to do some charity work and feel good about ourselves even though we have a shortage of necessary pharmaceutical products.

So that we can chant "Sean, Sean, Sean"

To see how much Ellen weighs this year.

So we can honor people up on the stage for doing what was that again?

So we can room with some stranger that snores all night.

So we can attend some huge event that everyone rushes to leave as soon as a bus is available because they are not enjoying themselves.

So that they can spend zillions on a meeting and then laugh at us for not receiving bonuses. Just a way to torture us.

So we can spend superbowl Sunday with the ones we love. Our managers and leader ship team.

KUDOS to the last two posters! I would write something but they have taken the words right out of my mouth. I can't do anything better and they have said it all. I absolutely loved the Ellen's weight'' comment- I see somebody else loves that sociopath bitch as much as I do.

As a loyal customer of your company...

Our patients and the customers would be better served by the leadership of Hospira staying in the office and working on solving the problems that are causing vital pharmaceuticals to be non-existant in this country. We need fentanyl, morphine, hydromorphone, midazolam, cardic medications, chemotherapy PLEASE!! NOW!!!

PS...we LOVE our Hospira salesperson!

Dear Medical Prof.
I am glad you have a good rep.most of them are. Please be assured that the people who can do anything about the shortages will not be attending the nat. sales meeting. Only sales people will be attending along with some supporting staff. And although 98% have no desire to be there since the feel it is a monumental waste of time, they might as well go since they don't have anything to sell anyway and also have virtually no ability to help with the shortages since they have gotten way beyond the sales forces ability to make any difference.


NO APPLAUSE for anyone from the corporate office when we are in Florida.

Thunderous applause for our sales colleagues when they are recognized.

But nothing, not a single clap for the idiots from Lake Forest when they spew their garbage. They should approach the stage in silence and retreat from the stage in silence. They don't deserve applause!!!!

That's a great idea. We all just sit on our hands. Regardless of who's talking or their postion at Hospira. We aren't allowed to speak our minds for fear of reprisal, but a collective "NO APPLAUSE" would at least get their attention. It would give the meeting a little edge and if we can get widespread participation, it could send the message that we think they are doing a lousy job.

And for God's sake, please don't offer up any suggestions for improving or Hopira IQ. Those programs should have been canned long ago, but they're Sean's babies. He knows we hate them. He knows they are useless. But each time someone offers up a suggestion for improvement, or asks a question about how they work, it gives him, or Debbie J a reason to talk about them. And just talking about them makes him feel as if they are relevant. We need to make them irrelevant.

Spread the word.

That's a great idea. We all just sit on our hands. Regardless of who's talking or their postion at Hospira. We aren't allowed to speak our minds for fear of reprisal, but a collective "NO APPLAUSE" would at least get their attention. It would give the meeting a little edge and if we can get widespread participation, it could send the message that we think they are doing a lousy job.

And for God's sake, please don't offer up any suggestions for improving or Hopira IQ. Those programs should have been canned long ago, but they're Sean's babies. He knows we hate them. He knows they are useless. But each time someone offers up a suggestion for improvement, or asks a question about how they work, it gives him, or Debbie J a reason to talk about them. And just talking about them makes him feel as if they are relevant. We need to make them irrelevant.

Spread the word.
This is the best idea. How can we spread the word?

Word of mouth. Take every opportunity to tell anyone you know in sales about this. We have a couple of months before this happens, so we should be able to get the word out.

But lets face facts, some reps are so spineless that they will be terrified to participate. The best case scenario would be to have all field sales sit on their hands while the management team applauds. But that seems unlikely. We can only hope that a large majority will participate.

Spread the word!!!

A better idea would be to drop pennies on the carpeted floors....quietly....through your pockets with holes in them. (scizzors).....Because this idea ain't happening. Amongst your flock are wolves. The clapping-wolves.

When management see's those pennies, they have to look down, like they should for the way they treat your customers and you....they will know. You will too...then you will feel better.

They read CafePharma.

Word of mouth. Take every opportunity to tell anyone you know in sales about this. We have a couple of months before this happens, so we should be able to get the word out.

But lets face facts, some reps are so spineless that they will be terrified to participate. The best case scenario would be to have all field sales sit on their hands while the management team applauds. But that seems unlikely. We can only hope that a large majority will participate.

Spread the word!!!

Thanks DM,
No need. They look at CafePharma too! Also, that's against corporate policy...but you knew that.
Will you have your cell on your group, recording?

Better idea, why don't you send an email to the entire sales force regarding no applause. Then you can be assured they will know of the plan.

So here's what will happen:

When they start the meeting, they will state that we under extreme time constraints, and they will ask that everyone in the audience hold their applause in order to move things along. It will be their way of subverting the subversion.

This group of management, along with the ones who have jumped ship with bags of cash, has positioned Hospira to fail while neglecting their fiduciary responsiblity to shareholders and their management responsibilities to employees. Begley left because the ugly truth regarding his leadership and complete lack of integrity was beginning to emerge. He was a fool to hang on as long as he did. He should have followed Kearney's lead and hit the road with his cash. But his ego wouldn't allow it. The Chairmanship was like opium to a herion addict. He couldn't resist. When he looks in the mirror, he sees a hero. He'll spend all his millions fighting the fraud charges because he is absolutely sure that he has performed with integrity. He is sure he was worth every penny he earned and stole. He gained the admiration of the current Senior Leadership Team. They are of his ilk.

It doesn't matter whether or not they know our plans. That's the really sad part of all of this, that it doesn't matter. We are simply "head count". They don't care what we think. They have become paper pushing bureaucrats lost in the belief that what they do is more important than what others do. They are bloated with admiration for themselves. They have no patience for those who would question their lack of leadership even as the "foundation" crumbles beneath them. Some of the rats have already left the sinking ship. It will be interesting to see how many will follow.

It goes without saying, but I'll say it anyway: DON"T APPLAUD!! They don't deserve our applause!!

I did exactly this last year during the National sales meeting. I did the silent clap. Politely clapped but made no sound for the people who I didn't feel deserved applause while clapping enthusiastically for my fellow sales people. This was my tiny way of showing my approval or disapproval although it made no difference to anyone but myself. I would love to see someone get up on stage and look out into the audience with everyone clapping but no sound. It is a very non-aggressive way to show approval or disapproval.

I like this idea.

If they expect applause, then we all do a "silent clap". That way they can't tell who's really clapping.

If they tell us not to clap, then we applaud like hell.

This should drive Sean crazy. We'd all love to see that.