National Sales Meeting Takeaways

So you think I'm a big pussy how about we meet and find out who's the big pussy. I knew Tom when he was a stand up guy and how NOW he is just another one of the HSP good ol boys.

So let's meet baby boy! cuz your the pussy, I don't need to tell Tom what he's morphed into he know's it already

hey tough guy you don't wanna meet nobody, and you ain't so bad no more on here
are you

So you think I'm a big pussy how about we meet and find out who's the big pussy. I knew Tom when he was a stand up guy and how NOW he is just another one of the HSP good ol boys.

So let's meet baby boy! cuz your the pussy, I don't need to tell Tom what he's morphed into he know's it already

:eek: Seriously, 99% of the posters on here, are scared of their own shadow ! I AM the 1% on here who isn't Now do you really think cowards would divulge themselves on here ? C'mon Really Ill show you some MMA moves that will wake you up QUICK :eek:

He ready to spend some of that Do Re Me now that he cashed out I saw Blondie in May and Mizz sales never mentioned he was retiring Kar.en is yummy
"In the midnight hour I'd give her MOORE MOORE MOORE"[/B]

Very accurate. All I heard from everyone but Mike Ball was self-promotion. Tom Moore is OK. He talks a good game; we shall see. O'Donnell....a legend in his own mind. Proof that kissing ass gets you ahead....and he's the poster child. What a light weight!

Mike Ball is a class act and a realist...very refreshing in the smoke and mirrors of corporate America....he believes that if it's broke, fix it! He didn't dance aroung issues like others do.
If he remains with Hospira we'll comr through this shitstorm; if he bails, we're finishes as a top tier company....and just maybe we'll no longer exist.

In all reality Ball was the beginning of the END for Hospira Along with Miles input , He caused the shits storm that's approaching FAST

In all reality Ball was the beginning of the END for Hospira Along with Miles input , He caused the shits storm that's approaching FAST

You still have a hard on for Miles? That was YEARS ago. If you haven't let it go for him, you are going to die a bitter old man for Miles, Chris, Ball, Hospira BOD and the CLT.