National Sales Meeting Takeaways

Ditto. That opinion is from someone who, apparently, never worked or communicated with Tom personally. Going after him in this forum is spineless. Tom is waiting for your call.

Unfortunately this poster does not have a total grasp of the situation due to I will assume less than needed experience.
Tom Moore is no longer the same great guy that he once was, he has unfortunately sold out and drank the koolaid of his own press. He now exhibits the same type of behavior that has character has dirtied HSP upper level management since the spin. Unfortunately Tom has changed for the worst and needs to go the way of Ron Squarer. Sean has always been an ego on wheels with absolutely no sense of character who thinks of those below him as peons who are the lowest of the low and have very little value. Hospira will not really improve until or if we clean out the real problem that being most managers down to the district level. The biggest help would be to fire Sean and all Area Directors and bring in new people who would keep the DMs under control and get rid of the DMs most liked by the ADs

Unfortunately, this previous poster is a big pussy and should go up to Tom Moore and let him know how he really feels. Tom's integrity is the real deal, not the fake stuff that CB wrote about in his bullshit book. Some serious house cleaning is in effect and thankfully Tom made the cut. He's got a few good years left in him and then he'll pass the reins to someone from outside HBS. Mark my words.

Unfortunately this poster does not have a total grasp of the situation due to I will assume less than needed experience.
Tom Moore is no longer the same great guy that he once was, he has unfortunately sold out and drank the koolaid of his own press. He now exhibits the same type of behavior that has character has dirtied HSP upper level management since the spin. Unfortunately Tom has changed for the worst and needs to go the way of Ron Squarer. Sean has always been an ego on wheels with absolutely no sense of character who thinks of those below him as peons who are the lowest of the low and have very little value. Hospira will not really improve until or if we clean out the real problem that being most managers down to the district level. The biggest help would be to fire Sean and all Area Directors and bring in new people who would keep the DMs under control and get rid of the DMs most liked by the ADs

Very accurate. All I heard from everyone but Mike Ball was self-promotion. Tom Moore is OK. He talks a good game; we shall see. O'Donnell....a legend in his own mind. Proof that kissing ass gets you ahead....and he's the poster child. What a light weight!

Mike Ball is a class act and a realist...very refreshing in the smoke and mirrors of corporate America....he believes that if it's broke, fix it! He didn't dance aroung issues like others do.
If he remains with Hospira we'll comr through this shitstorm; if he bails, we're finishes as a top tier company....and just maybe we'll no longer exist.

Unfortunately, this previous poster is a big pussy and should go up to Tom Moore and let him know how he really feels. Tom's integrity is the real deal, not the fake stuff that CB wrote about in his bullshit book. Some serious house cleaning is in effect and thankfully Tom made the cut. He's got a few good years left in him and then he'll pass the reins to someone from outside HBS. Mark my words.

Sean should be's that for pure poetry. The man is the biggest brownnosing loser I have ever seen.

I know every one will answer the feedback questionnaire that marketing puts out but I wanted to know if people feel more confident in Hospira after the meeting or less confident.

The main takeaway....TOO FREAKING LONG!!! Other than that, a lot of great talk....won't know what's up until we see some action.

Sumat...too many excuses. Sean...resign and quit embarrassing yourself. Tom...don't drink so much at the award dinner.

Very accurate. All I heard from everyone but Mike Ball was self-promotion. Tom Moore is OK. He talks a good game; we shall see. O'Donnell....a legend in his own mind. Proof that kissing ass gets you ahead....and he's the poster child. What a light weight!

Mike Ball is a class act and a realist...very refreshing in the smoke and mirrors of corporate America....he believes that if it's broke, fix it! He didn't dance aroung issues like others do.
If he remains with Hospira we'll comr through this shitstorm; if he bails, we're finishes as a top tier company....and just maybe we'll no longer exist.

I hope your right about Mike and that action is taken to back up the words. Once people see that the complaining will subside. Have a feeling your right about him being the last chance for Hospira.

He "reinvented" himself into something irrelevant! And please buy some new clothes.

The entire presentation was boring, "irrelavant" and designed to fill time.

All we need to be "relevant" to is our families, ourselves, and whom/what is important to us. A job is a job...a means to an end, especially this one, you're only as good as your next sale, and to the company, how much more relevant can we be? Without sales Hospira is irrelevant.

Every example he gave/showed was reinvention to make a buck...Cher, Modonna, etc. Nothing wrong with that, whatever floats your boat, but there is nothing wrong with being happy and content with what you have and what you are.
If that's not the case, then, by all means reinvent yourself and become whatever makes you relevant.

I know every one will answer the feedback questionnaire that marketing puts out but I wanted to know if people feel more confident in Hospira after the meeting or less confident.

I took the survey and was brutally honest...meeting should have been 3.5 days long...absolutely NO need for five on Monday home on Friday. So, now, we all will never be home for Superbowl Sunday....or lose half our weekend travelling on Sat. all to hear one long boring presentation after the other, time fillers that rehash the SOS.

My suggestion, do away with the NSM and hold regional meetings. Pipe in webinars for the big boys to address us. Saves a lot of money in hotels and plane fares, community service can be done on a regional level also.

Unfortunately, this previous poster is a big pussy and should go up to Tom Moore and let him know how he really feels. Tom's integrity is the real deal, not the fake stuff that CB wrote about in his bullshit book. Some serious house cleaning is in effect and thankfully Tom made the cut. He's got a few good years left in him and then he'll pass the reins to someone from outside HBS. Mark my words.

So you think I'm a big pussy how about we meet and find out who's the big pussy. I knew Tom when he was a stand up guy and how NOW he is just another one of the HSP good ol boys.

So let's meet baby boy! cuz your the pussy, I don't need to tell Tom what he's morphed into he know's it already

So you think I'm a big pussy how about we meet and find out who's the big pussy. I knew Tom when he was a stand up guy and how NOW he is just another one of the HSP good ol boys.

So let's meet baby boy! cuz your the pussy, I don't need to tell Tom what he's morphed into he know's it already

Name please big mouth...

I took the survey and was brutally honest...meeting should have been 3.5 days long...absolutely NO need for five on Monday home on Friday. So, now, we all will never be home for Superbowl Sunday....or lose half our weekend travelling on Sat. all to hear one long boring presentation after the other, time fillers that rehash the SOS.

My suggestion, do away with the NSM and hold regional meetings. Pipe in webinars for the big boys to address us. Saves a lot of money in hotels and plane fares, community service can be done on a regional level also.

I was 100% on board with you before the meeting but I have to say that this meeting really seemed to bolster confidence in the salesforce. I agree 3 and a half days is plenty.

So you think I'm a big pussy how about we meet and find out who's the big pussy. I knew Tom when he was a stand up guy and how NOW he is just another one of the HSP good ol boys.

So let's meet baby boy! cuz your the pussy, I don't need to tell Tom what he's morphed into he know's it already

Slow your roll, you two mental muffs are going to knock each other out with your hissy fit.

Tom Moore is the best leader this company has PERIOD, he's just tired of the BS like the rest of us. The current and previous bean counters should be in front of Capital Hill testifying instead of TM. They can share with congress how their greed shaved a penny here and a penny there for the past 3 decades. Congratulations gents, we have more margin and a mediocre product. But there's more, now we get to spend millions now over multiple years to make it all right again!

It is to bad that Tom has been over looked, he is not a corporate office, like Ron Squarer, he was not promoted to the new guys position. He is hanging on to get to his retirement. He does what he can to get by.

Biggest takeaway should have been that a generic company doe not need reps to move product-a fancy user friendly website would be far superior and have less sex with MDs.

Biggest takeaway should have been that a generic company doe not need reps to move product-a fancy user friendly website would be far superior and have less sex with MDs.

Then why do the competitive generic manufacturers have representatives? You do not need reps for generics that have been out for a while but when you launch a new generic you want to be the first to get into the pharmacies. The profit in a generic is when it first becomes generic and then from that point it decreases as newer and better drugs replace them in the market. Besides I didn't know that generic reps spent much time with physicians. I think you are confusing us with pharmaceutical reps.

Biggest takeaway should have been that a generic company doe not need reps to move product-a fancy user friendly website would be far superior and have less sex with MDs.

The Hospira salesforce sells a lot more then the generic pharmaceuticals. The salesforce is responsible for a wide variety of products.