National Sales Meeting Takeaways


I know every one will answer the feedback questionnaire that marketing puts out but I wanted to know if people feel more confident in Hospira after the meeting or less confident.

Lots of good, new leaders combined with the best of the old regime in Sumant and Tom Moore. Andy Robbins is fantastic and this Davies guy sounds exciting as well. And say what you want, but O'Donnell is the real deal.

Good riddance to Begley and Kearney. Hope they are found guilty and arrested soon.

This company won't turn overnight. There are many things to fix, but they are committed to being fixed. Hopefully there will be further investments in to the customers and employees. Dickhead Begley never even came to a sales meeting. He did nothing but strip and take away.

Hopefully the leadership will take a page out of the Captain's book and invest heavily into the customers and the employees. The more this is done, the more they will respond. We will probably get to the 10Billion mark a lot quicker with the new way of thinking.

The salesforce is still fairly underpaid compared to the rest of the industry and the damn Prius is a joke that needs to end. We have to take steps to keep good people. However, what was said at the meeting leads one to believe that the organization is headed in the right direction. I think the stock is a good investment right now.

In time, this ship will turn around. 2 years from now will be a different atmospere.

Lots of good, new leaders combined with the best of the old regime in Sumant and Tom Moore. Andy Robbins is fantastic and this Davies guy sounds exciting as well. And say what you want, but O'Donnell is the real deal.

Good riddance to Begley and Kearney. Hope they are found guilty and arrested soon.

This company won't turn overnight. There are many things to fix, but they are committed to being fixed. Hopefully there will be further investments in to the customers and employees. Dickhead Begley never even came to a sales meeting. He did nothing but strip and take away.

Hopefully the leadership will take a page out of the Captain's book and invest heavily into the customers and the employees. The more this is done, the more they will respond. We will probably get to the 10Billion mark a lot quicker with the new way of thinking.

The salesforce is still fairly underpaid compared to the rest of the industry and the damn Prius is a joke that needs to end. We have to take steps to keep good people. However, what was said at the meeting leads one to believe that the organization is headed in the right direction. I think the stock is a good investment right now.

In time, this ship will turn around. 2 years from now will be a different atmospere.

I am not sold on O'Donnell.

You have to feel more confident. Many of the things that we have done poorly (like product complaint) are being acknowledged as not working and are getting fixed. R&D budgets are increasing, remediation is moving forward, there is a commitment to improved communication (although we've heard that before) and our leadership is now focused on growing the top line and not obsessing about finding cost cuts. You can grow your way to prosperity or you can try to cut your way to prosperity. Mike Ball wants to take the growth path and Begley took the unsuccessful cut path. Mike Ball is implementing a culture change that will take a while to take hold, but it appears that we are very lucky to have him and it's going to be fun to be part of this turnaround.

From an operations/manufacturing perspective Matt Stober, the new VP of Operations, sure seems to be impressive at first blush. He appears to be energetic and fully focused on fixing the manufacturing efforts at the various plants; Lord knows we need it. I just hope he gets what he needs from Mike Ball to make it happen. Jim Hardy and Judith Lettman-Davis both need to go but we really need Ken (transform the company) Myers out right now. Somehow, this gem became THE power broker among the SLT and that's downright scary when an HR person has that much influence....

I think we're getting the wheels back on track but we're still a good 2+ years away from being where we need to be. Bad stuff is still happening at the US manufacturing plants that has the FDA ringing their hands over what to do with a too big to fail drug manufacturer.

I suspect at least one U.S. Manufacturing plant will be shut down when the 40 acre plant in india is complete.

Probably in the next year or two.

I'd be real nervous if I owned a home in a community like Rocky Mount. You're community is about to be 'Hospired'. Good luck finding a new job/selling your home.

I suspect at least one U.S. Manufacturing plant will be shut down when the 40 acre plant in india is complete.

Probably in the next year or two.

The India Strategy (Three Special Steps):

Step 1. Build huge new plant in India. Benefit being you get to hire brown slaves for a few pennies a day and dump hazardous waste wherever you please.
Step 2. Underinvest in your U.S. plants to the point that they begin to fail.
Step 3. Justfy closing US plant by pointing to all the problems you created by starving them of resources.

I'd be real nervous if I owned a home in a community like Rocky Mount. You're community is about to be 'Hospired'. Good luck finding a new job/selling your home.

That or possibly Austin which only makes I.V. bags. Has alot of long time, low skilled employees. Could probably produce the same thing easily in India for a fraction of the cost.
Ironically, the austin plant is roughly the same size as the one being built in India.

And, since Hospira is "Too Big To Fail" the regulatory authorities will be handcuffed
when those brown folks take a leak in the salt water solution...Of course, you better hope that it is not you or your loved one that recieves that iv bag while hospitalized.

Urine and saline solution have a very similar chemical composition profile :)

Lots of good, new leaders combined with the best of the old regime in Sumant and Tom Moore. Andy Robbins is fantastic and this Davies guy sounds exciting as well. And say what you want, but O'Donnell is the real deal.

Good riddance to Begley and Kearney. Hope they are found guilty and arrested soon.

This company won't turn overnight. There are many things to fix, but they are committed to being fixed. Hopefully there will be further investments in to the customers and employees. Dickhead Begley never even came to a sales meeting. He did nothing but strip and take away.

Hopefully the leadership will take a page out of the Captain's book and invest heavily into the customers and the employees. The more this is done, the more they will respond. We will probably get to the 10Billion mark a lot quicker with the new way of thinking.

The salesforce is still fairly underpaid compared to the rest of the industry and the damn Prius is a joke that needs to end. We have to take steps to keep good people. However, what was said at the meeting leads one to believe that the organization is headed in the right direction. I think the stock is a good investment right now.

In time, this ship will turn around. 2 years from now will be a different atmospere.

Unfortunately this poster does not have a total grasp of the situation due to I will assume less than needed experience.
Tom Moore is no longer the same great guy that he once was, he has unfortunately sold out and drank the koolaid of his own press. He now exhibits the same type of behavior that has character has dirtied HSP upper level management since the spin. Unfortunately Tom has changed for the worst and needs to go the way of Ron Squarer. Sean has always been an ego on wheels with absolutely no sense of character who thinks of those below him as peons who are the lowest of the low and have very little value. Hospira will not really improve until or if we clean out the real problem that being most managers down to the district level. The biggest help would be to fire Sean and all Area Directors and bring in new people who would keep the DMs under control and get rid of the DMs most liked by the ADs

Unfortunately this poster does not have a total grasp of the situation due to I will assume less than needed experience.
Tom Moore is no longer the same great guy that he once was, he has unfortunately sold out and drank the koolaid of his own press. He now exhibits the same type of behavior that has character has dirtied HSP upper level management since the spin. Unfortunately Tom has changed for the worst and needs to go the way of Ron Squarer. Sean has always been an ego on wheels with absolutely no sense of character who thinks of those below him as peons who are the lowest of the low and have very little value. Hospira will not really improve until or if we clean out the real problem that being most managers down to the district level. The biggest help would be to fire Sean and all Area Directors and bring in new people who would keep the DMs under control and get rid of the DMs most liked by the ADs

Tom Moore is like 75 years old. Need to reserve a spor for him at Shady Oaks Retirement HOME and do some succession planning.

Tom Moore is a good guy. Anybody who picks up the phone and has the balls to face the music is ok in my book.

Do you display that same courage with your customers?

He is also very approachable and down to earth.