National Sales Call


What an executive team huh? Supply issues? Let’s talk about marketing pieces and how well everything is going? Let’s masquerade next years merit increase as an inflation fighting solution! Didn’t Lars say they would do something about adjusting for inflation? Well, maybe next fiscal crisis.

Can you please put a Dane in charge next time?


How is it a “merit increase” to get a salary bump that’s 1% above inflation in the best of times and half the rate of inflation now?

I've won COE twice and I didn’t even get 5% those years.

So, if you don’t have great performance in 2022, you get an 8% pay cut and if you do, only a 4%? But please, let’s expand and add further layers of bloat and overhead.

It’s better to call the merit increase a cost of living increase because that’s really all it is. You’re not actually paying for performance.

I’m so uninspired by all of these calls where we pretend to care and they stick their heads in the sand. #novoleadership is an oxymoron with emphasis on moron
I find myself weeping when I think about all of the ways that I’m helping the lower people on the sales org chart. You’re welcome.

How is it a “merit increase” to get a salary bump that’s 1% above inflation in the best of times and half the rate of inflation now?

I've won COE twice and I didn’t even get 5% those years.

So, if you don’t have great performance in 2022, you get an 8% pay cut and if you do, only a 4%? But please, let’s expand and add further layers of bloat and overhead.

It’s better to call the merit increase a cost of living increase because that’s really all it is. You’re not actually paying for performance.

Oh poor you! Barely scraping by on $200k per year. Stfu.