National market share plummeting

Huh? I'm not the guy you are posting to but you claim something as a fact and then say "just a guess" and then again state it's a fact. What? Then go on to make more statements you call facts based on this "just a guess". There are a lot of "ifs" in your posts that you call facts. These are your opinions just like the other poster has opinions. You sound scared.

Again, you state no facts,, but make another lame argument by mischaracterizing my statements. Here is a direct quote from my previous post "there are 300 HCV reps, in the industry today, and tomorrow there will be 900 (just a guess)." The guess pertains only to the number of reps in the future, and nothing else. Again, here are the FACTS!

- 1st nuke, only beginning phase II, wont hit market for 2.5-3 years, if at all. FDA approval process alone is 6-10 months. Thats a fact!

- You cant name a single company, of a blockbuster product, that immediately fired their entire sales force, when a non-generic competitor hit the market. THATS A FACT!

- There will be many, many more HCV positions in the next 3-5 years, than there are today, unless none of the dozens of products in the pipeline hit market. THATS A FACT!

- Pharma companies prefer to hire reps with experience in the covered market, just look at the classifieds. THATS A FACT!

- The HCV market will become very fragmented, with many different treatments becoming available, including the use of cocktails. Products will be subject to resistance, etc, just like in HIV. THATS A FACT!

I say again, even assuming that Vertex fires everyone on THE DAY, that the Pharmassett drug is approved (that would be unprecedented, but lets assume), then you still have 2.5-34 years minimum of dominated the market as is. That coupled with the 2years or so that most of you have, and that means upto five years, of near competitionless "selling", and clear notice of your potential future. Thats not exactly being "blindsided".

Again, do you really think that if the product went from 2 billion to 500 million, that vertex would say "Nah, no thanks, we would rather have zero!"? Come on think!

So yes, in 3-5 years, will your job become more difficult (for many reasons)? yes; Is there a chance that you will be displaced, and have to change companies? Yes! Will there be many more companies to choose from?, YES! Being an experience HCV, with many years on the job, will that give you a tremendous leg up for all of the newly created jobs? YES! Will there be enough AVAILABLE HCV reps to fill all of the positions? ABSOLUTELY NOT!

Finally, again, no smart drug rep should look beyond 3-5 years "selling" a single drug, the market is far too volatile, with a better mouse trap always ready to be launched. Again, I know you will choose to not argue with facts, but with cleaver cliche childlike retorts like "kool aid", "Dummy", etc, but I challenge you to specifically refute my FACTS! You simply can not. If you want feel that your future is tied to one product, with one company, and that an addition 3 years is not enough time to plan your next move, THEN SHAME ON YOU!

You speculate as much as anyone on this board and because I make sense and you don't like it, you get all emotional about it and start throwing out words like negative and cancerous instead of understanding it's reality. Go change your tampon.


Ramble, ramble, ramble Kool-Aid drinker. You are assuming the phase three trials for nukes will be as long as the PI's. PI's Phase III trials had 6 month and year long trials. Nukes won't have that. I'm not going to go point by point with you because you hardly have any. Yes, you will have experience and your eternity (2/3 years) isn't really an eternity in this era of the industry.

Sure, some of the current HCV reps will be cherry picked from the current companies currently in HCV but these will be very very few - I promise. You seem to think that only you as a seasoned rep can influence and gain access once these drugs hit the market. Did you ever think that the doctors will be seeking to get ahold of these reps cards just so that they can start therapy for a wealth of warehoused patients? Of course you didn't. The relationships won't be nearly as important as you think as these drugs will have pent up demand - they already do, years in advance.

The first drug that allows for interferon free therapy will be welcomed with open arms and any rep in any disease state that has a proven track record will be able to make this product move. Seriously. Just think about it. A rep comes in with a nuke, or any drug that spares interferon, and you think a doctor is going to stick with a TID PI that requires lengthy therapy etc etc.

Your EGO is getting in your way. Yes you have experience but think about it from the doctor's (or patients') perspective - it won't be your experience or relationships that sell these drugs - it will be the simple fact that the drugs will be more potent, work in a shorter period of time and have a cleaner profile. Doctors will need to be educated, and it seems that this is where you have inserted yourself as completely irreplaceable with your experience and knowledge, and yet this is where your EGO has pinned you into a corner and you don't even know you are in a room with walls.

The second and third drugs to follow that do this (and get rid of RBV) will do the same. Yes, there will be marketing wars etc but those won't come out until the next nuke (or ns5b, 2nd gen PI etc)hit the market but the next generation of HCV drugs will have clear advantages and the companies that make them aren't looking to take droves of HCV reps. Vertex did this because they didn't have a sales force and they didn't have any HCV contacts. The other companies do have contacts and that matters.

Yes you have had 2 years to think about all of this but you haven't done a good job. Rose colored glasses sure look pretty but they don't seem to be helping you. Have fun in your eternity, you are going to need it with that logic.

This is for YOU and #78.

"In the ongoing ELECTRON trial, 6 out of 10 hard-to-treat patients using GS-7977 plus ribavirin without interferon experienced viral relapse within 4 weeks after finishing the 12-week course of treatment; 2 of the 10 patients in this study arm have not yet relapsed but are still undergoing evaluation, and 2 others do not yet have sufficient data.

Gilead indicated that clinical trials are continuing to test GS-7977 in other patient subgroups, and the company also plans to study it in combination with other DAAs."


This is complete vindication of my position; 7977, IF launched, will not be a panacea, and Vertex WILL NOT go AWAY! You should not be so excited about drugs that have not yet launched! Again, just the facts!

This is for YOU and #78.

"In the ongoing ELECTRON trial, 6 out of 10 hard-to-treat patients using GS-7977 plus ribavirin without interferon experienced viral relapse within 4 weeks after finishing the 12-week course of treatment; 2 of the 10 patients in this study arm have not yet relapsed but are still undergoing evaluation, and 2 others do not yet have sufficient data.

Gilead indicated that clinical trials are continuing to test GS-7977 in other patient subgroups, and the company also plans to study it in combination with other DAAs."


This is complete vindication of my position; 7977, IF launched, will not be a panacea, and Vertex WILL NOT go AWAY! You should not be so excited about drugs that have not yet launched! Again, just the facts!

You are an emotional train wreck. No one ever said this was going to be a Panacea - just your panic stricken mind. The goal for all companies is an all oral regimen that spares RBV and interferon - this data changes nothing. The fact that you chase your tail and cherry pick data (this was in the 6 of 10 hardest to treat patients in one small arm of ELECTRON - and it was a long shot to think that 4 weeks on any drug with RBV would work - look at the history of HCV drugs). And there are still many more arms to report and coformulations to iron out - not just with 7977 dummy, with INX189 and a handful of other next generation drugs.

It appears your favorite dance partner is your tail as you are so desperate to see what you want to see not what is out there. You aren't sitting in the catbird seat. Period.

Continue on chasing that tail, moron. How does your husband deal with your emotional instability? It's comical how you claim opinions are facts. No, I'm not going to chase your tail for you, you do a good enough job yourself.

Again, you state no facts,, but make another lame argument by mischaracterizing my statements. Here is a direct quote from my previous post "there are 300 HCV reps, in the industry today, and tomorrow there will be 900 (just a guess)." The guess pertains only to the number of reps in the future, and nothing else. Again, here are the FACTS!

- 1st nuke, only beginning phase II, wont hit market for 2.5-3 years, if at all. FDA approval process alone is 6-10 months. Thats a fact!

- You cant name a single company, of a blockbuster product, that immediately fired their entire sales force, when a non-generic competitor hit the market. THATS A FACT!

- There will be many, many more HCV positions in the next 3-5 years, than there are today, unless none of the dozens of products in the pipeline hit market. THATS A FACT!

- Pharma companies prefer to hire reps with experience in the covered market, just look at the classifieds. THATS A FACT!

- The HCV market will become very fragmented, with many different treatments becoming available, including the use of cocktails. Products will be subject to resistance, etc, just like in HIV. THATS A FACT!

I say again, even assuming that Vertex fires everyone on THE DAY, that the Pharmassett drug is approved (that would be unprecedented, but lets assume), then you still have 2.5-34 years minimum of dominated the market as is. That coupled with the 2years or so that most of you have, and that means upto five years, of near competitionless "selling", and clear notice of your potential future. Thats not exactly being "blindsided".

Again, do you really think that if the product went from 2 billion to 500 million, that vertex would say "Nah, no thanks, we would rather have zero!"? Come on think!

So yes, in 3-5 years, will your job become more difficult (for many reasons)? yes; Is there a chance that you will be displaced, and have to change companies? Yes! Will there be many more companies to choose from?, YES! Being an experience HCV, with many years on the job, will that give you a tremendous leg up for all of the newly created jobs? YES! Will there be enough AVAILABLE HCV reps to fill all of the positions? ABSOLUTELY NOT!

Finally, again, no smart drug rep should look beyond 3-5 years "selling" a single drug, the market is far too volatile, with a better mouse trap always ready to be launched. Again, I know you will choose to not argue with facts, but with cleaver cliche childlike retorts like "kool aid", "Dummy", etc, but I challenge you to specifically refute my FACTS! You simply can not. If you want feel that your future is tied to one product, with one company, and that an addition 3 years is not enough time to plan your next move, THEN SHAME ON YOU!

You keep thinking with those rose colored glasses. I have refuted your claims post after post but you keep wanting to ignore your future. That's ok, I will just keep reposting until it clicks...

You speculate as much as anyone on this board and because I make sense and you don't like it, you get all emotional about it and start throwing out words like negative and cancerous instead of understanding it's reality. Go change your tampon.


Ramble, ramble, ramble Kool-Aid drinker. You are assuming the phase three trials for nukes will be as long as the PI's. PI's Phase III trials had 6 month and year long trials. Nukes won't have that. I'm not going to go point by point with you because you hardly have any. Yes, you will have experience and your eternity (2/3 years) isn't really an eternity in this era of the industry.

Sure, some of the current HCV reps will be cherry picked from the current companies currently in HCV but these will be very very few - I promise. You seem to think that only you as a seasoned rep can influence and gain access once these drugs hit the market. Did you ever think that the doctors will be seeking to get ahold of these reps cards just so that they can start therapy for a wealth of warehoused patients? Of course you didn't. The relationships won't be nearly as important as you think as these drugs will have pent up demand - they already do, years in advance.

The first drug that allows for interferon free therapy will be welcomed with open arms and any rep in any disease state that has a proven track record will be able to make this product move. Seriously. Just think about it. A rep comes in with a nuke, or any drug that spares interferon, and you think a doctor is going to stick with a TID PI that requires lengthy therapy etc etc.

Your EGO is getting in your way. Yes you have experience but think about it from the doctor's (or patients') perspective - it won't be your experience or relationships that sell these drugs - it will be the simple fact that the drugs will be more potent, work in a shorter period of time and have a cleaner profile. Doctors will need to be educated, and it seems that this is where you have inserted yourself as completely irreplaceable with your experience and knowledge, and yet this is where your EGO has pinned you into a corner and you don't even know you are in a room with walls.

The second and third drugs to follow that do this (and get rid of RBV) will do the same. Yes, there will be marketing wars etc but those won't come out until the next nuke (or ns5b, 2nd gen PI etc)hit the market but the next generation of HCV drugs will have clear advantages and the companies that make them aren't looking to take droves of HCV reps. Vertex did this because they didn't have a sales force and they didn't have any HCV contacts. The other companies do have contacts and that matters.

Yes you have had 2 years to think about all of this but you haven't done a good job. Rose colored glasses sure look pretty but they don't seem to be helping you. Have fun in your eternity, you are going to need it with that logic.

You keep thinking with those rose colored glasses. I have refuted your claims post after post but you keep wanting to ignore your future. That's ok, I will just keep reposting until it clicks...

You speculate as much as anyone on this board and because I make sense and you don't like it, you get all emotional about it and start throwing out words like negative and cancerous instead of understanding it's reality. Go change your tampon.


Ramble, ramble, ramble Kool-Aid drinker (Childish Comment, not a fact). You are assuming the phase three trials for nukes will be as long as the PI's. PI's Phase III trials had 6 month and year long trials. Nukes won't have that. I'm not going to go point by point with you because you hardly have any (pure speculation, not fact!, besides, it doesnt matter, the company itself says no submission until late 2014, thats a fact). Yes, you will have experience and your eternity (2/3 years) isn't really an eternity in this era of the industry (This is not a fact, but an opinion. To me 3 years heads up is plenty of time).

Sure, some of the current HCV reps will be cherry picked from the current companies currently in HCV but these will be very very few - I promise (not a fact, but an opinion!). You seem to think that only you as a seasoned rep can influence and gain access once these drugs hit the market (wrong, look at the classifieds, in in todys climate, companies want experienced reps in their areas, just read the ads) . Did you ever think that the doctors will be seeking to get ahold of these reps cards just so that they can start therapy for a wealth of warehoused patients? Of course you didn't (again, this is not a fact, this is an opinion). The relationships won't be nearly as important as you think as these drugs will have pent up demand - they already do, years in advance (again, opinion, just look at classified ads for other companies, including vertex, and you will clearly see that experienced reps are desired).

The first drug that allows for interferon free therapy will be welcomed with open arms and any rep in any disease state that has a proven track record will be able to make this product move. Seriously. Just think about it. A rep comes in with a nuke, or any drug that spares interferon, and you think a doctor is going to stick with a TID PI that requires lengthy therapy etc etc (Expereineced reps always preferred, again just read the classifieds, your statement is pure opinion. Besides, its besides the point, my point was that the first nuke is a minum of 2.5 3 years away, and that accoring to GILEAD, so its a fact!).

Your EGO is getting in your way. Yes you have experience but think about it from the doctor's (or patients') perspective - it won't be your experience or relationships that sell these drugs - it will be the simple fact that the drugs will be more potent, work in a shorter period of time and have a cleaner profile. Doctors will need to be educated, and it seems that this is where you have inserted yourself as completely irreplaceable with your experience and knowledge, and yet this is where your EGO has pinned you into a corner and you don't even know you are in a room with walls (agao, childish banter. People use insults when they have no facts. Again, read the classifieds, experienced reps are alwary preferred today. The reason is that there are 80,000 unemployed reps available. Employers can be very picky.)

The second and third drugs to follow that do this (and get rid of RBV) will do the same. Yes, there will be marketing wars etc but those won't come out until the next nuke (or ns5b, 2nd gen PI etc)hit the market but the next generation of HCV drugs will have clear advantages and the companies that make them aren't looking to take droves of HCV reps. Vertex did this because they didn't have a sales force and they didn't have any HCV contacts. The other companies do have contacts and that matters (again, not sure of the relevance, but this is pure opinion, and is not based on fact).

Yes you have had 2 (wrong, according to Gilead, expected launch date is end of 2014, that gives me 3 years at a minimum, then as I asked you before, please give me an example of a company that had a blockbuster drug and fired everyone the very day that a competitor was launched, you have not done so) years to think about all of this but you haven't done a good job. Rose colored glasses sure look pretty but they don't seem to be helping you. Have fun in your eternity, you are going to need it with that logic (childish banter, not facts).

I think the problem is that we disagree on what a fact is and what an opinion is. You are presenting your opinions, not facts. Facts are verifiable, opinions are not. Your claim that HCV reps will be "Cherry picked" is an opinion, and can not be argued. What is your verifiable source of this information. Can you please give us an article, an interview, anything? the answer is NO! So vertex is going to go out of business, because of the launch of a nuke? They will leave hundreds of millions of dollars /year on the table and just walk away right? Really, again, what is your source, where is the article? Here is the direct quote from an interview? You see, you stated an opinion, not a fact!

Here is another fact, 7977 DOES NOT WORK in retreaters? Here is the source:

Here is a direct from a Gilead representative:

“These data answer an important question about the use of GS-7977 and ribavirin for the treatment of genotype 1 null responder patients, suggesting that additional direct acting antivirals may be necessary to effectively treat this patient population,” Norbert Bischofberger, Gilead’s chief scientific officer, said in a statement.

Hmmmm! Exactly what DAAs are on the market today?

Here is another verifiable fact, Vertex is also working on an all oral regime, thats a fact! You may argue about the drug, but that would be your opinion! Not FACT!

Whats is Incivek SVR rate for null responders? Hmmmm! Just based on that alone, the likelihood of Incivek disappearing from the market is about ZERO!, thats a fact!

Another fact, in HCV SVR means everything. The RVR data in naive patients (n=10) was quite limited, albeit impressive, but so was the RVR data on null responders. There is not a single once of data on SVR, in naive patients.

So, again, when making an argument, you should present facts, like I did, not opinions. If you present opinions, you should state them as such! "In my opinion..."., not as though you are stating gospel. Next, you should not get so excited about ANY drug, that has not actually launched. Based on the null treater data alone, 7977 is not nearly the drug that you thought it was going to be. IF IT LAUNCHES, it will be a nice drug, until the next best mouse trap comes along, but it definitely be used, in many cases with existing therapies, including other DAAs; remember there are only two of those on the market!

So, back to my original response to your "sky is falling scenario"". The SKY IS NOT FALLING. The fact is, even the most optimistic estimates by Gilead put the launch at the end of 2014, almost three years away. I presented you with multiple links to credible sources, so this is a VERIFIABLE FACT!

IF LAUNCHED, 7977 will not be a panacea, as we already know that it simply does not work in null responders (very low SVR, very high relapse), and that if it is to be used in these patients, pending trials, it will be used with other DAAs. This comes straight from the Chief Science Officer at Gilead, so I present the direct quote above as absolute FACT! Through my rose color glasses, I see that there are only two DAAs that can be used in such studies. Coincidentally, Incivek has 80% of the DAA market. THATS A FACT!

In the next 3-5 years, the market is expected to grow significantly, in patients, in products, and in competitors. This does not guarantee more jobs for HCV reps, but does guarantee OPPORTUNITY. THATS a FACT!

If you want to argue that 3 years of warning is "sneaking up on you" then, I can not argue against that, as it is your opinion, and all opinions are valid. I however, accept and welcome the fact that new competitors will be entering the market, including potentially from Vertex, and see that as a glass 3/4 full, and and win situation for most of us who are confident in our abilities. I challenge anyone to find three companies that dominate a market at 80%+ market share, with NO SIGNIFICANT COMPETITION FOR THE NEXT THREE YEARS, at a MINIMUM! It is a situation that rarely exists, and I challenge you to provide 3 other situation.

My post is not meant to convince you of anything, but just to provide other readers with a fact based, fully referenced, antidote to your opinion based, non referenced, pessimistic view of the future. Based on recent news alone, not even including Vertex pipeline, just on 7977. THERE IS NO RATIONAL REASON TO BELIEVE THAT VERTEX HCV IS GOING ANYWHERE, ANYTIME SOON. If you have facts based on secondary sources, please provide the links to your sources, otherwise the chicken little act is just that, an ACT!

This is for YOU and #78.

"In the ongoing ELECTRON trial, 6 out of 10 hard-to-treat patients using GS-7977 plus ribavirin without interferon experienced viral relapse within 4 weeks after finishing the 12-week course of treatment; 2 of the 10 patients in this study arm have not yet relapsed but are still undergoing evaluation, and 2 others do not yet have sufficient data.

Gilead indicated that clinical trials are continuing to test GS-7977 in other patient subgroups, and the company also plans to study it in combination with other DAAs."


This is complete vindication of my position; 7977, IF launched, will not be a panacea, and Vertex WILL NOT go AWAY! You should not be so excited about drugs that have not yet launched! Again, just the facts!

Vertex has already begun to go away. Have you seen the marketshare trends lately?

Vertex has already begun to go away. Have you seen the marketshare trends lately?

THats hyperbole, and not factual. Is Marketshare declining? Yes, but to say that a product that absolutely is dominating its competition is "going away", is simply not even close to credible. Anything above 50% share is a bonus. Of course I know you are joking though.....Right?

I think the problem is that we disagree on what a fact is and what an opinion is. You are presenting your opinions, not facts. Facts are verifiable, opinions are not. Your claim that HCV reps will be "Cherry picked" is an opinion, and can not be argued. What is your verifiable source of this information. Can you please give us an article, an interview, anything? the answer is NO! So vertex is going to go out of business, because of the launch of a nuke? They will leave hundreds of millions of dollars /year on the table and just walk away right? Really, again, what is your source, where is the article? Here is the direct quote from an interview? You see, you stated an opinion, not a fact!

Here is another fact, 7977 DOES NOT WORK in retreaters? Here is the source:

Here is a direct from a Gilead representative:

“These data answer an important question about the use of GS-7977 and ribavirin for the treatment of genotype 1 null responder patients, suggesting that additional direct acting antivirals may be necessary to effectively treat this patient population,” Norbert Bischofberger, Gilead’s chief scientific officer, said in a statement.

Hmmmm! Exactly what DAAs are on the market today?

Here is another verifiable fact, Vertex is also working on an all oral regime, thats a fact! You may argue about the drug, but that would be your opinion! Not FACT!

Whats is Incivek SVR rate for null responders? Hmmmm! Just based on that alone, the likelihood of Incivek disappearing from the market is about ZERO!, thats a fact!

Another fact, in HCV SVR means everything. The RVR data in naive patients (n=10) was quite limited, albeit impressive, but so was the RVR data on null responders. There is not a single once of data on SVR, in naive patients.

So, again, when making an argument, you should present facts, like I did, not opinions. If you present opinions, you should state them as such! "In my opinion..."., not as though you are stating gospel. Next, you should not get so excited about ANY drug, that has not actually launched. Based on the null treater data alone, 7977 is not nearly the drug that you thought it was going to be. IF IT LAUNCHES, it will be a nice drug, until the next best mouse trap comes along, but it definitely be used, in many cases with existing therapies, including other DAAs; remember there are only two of those on the market!

So, back to my original response to your "sky is falling scenario"". The SKY IS NOT FALLING. The fact is, even the most optimistic estimates by Gilead put the launch at the end of 2014, almost three years away. I presented you with multiple links to credible sources, so this is a VERIFIABLE FACT!

IF LAUNCHED, 7977 will not be a panacea, as we already know that it simply does not work in null responders (very low SVR, very high relapse), and that if it is to be used in these patients, pending trials, it will be used with other DAAs. This comes straight from the Chief Science Officer at Gilead, so I present the direct quote above as absolute FACT! Through my rose color glasses, I see that there are only two DAAs that can be used in such studies. Coincidentally, Incivek has 80% of the DAA market. THATS A FACT!

In the next 3-5 years, the market is expected to grow significantly, in patients, in products, and in competitors. This does not guarantee more jobs for HCV reps, but does guarantee OPPORTUNITY. THATS a FACT!

If you want to argue that 3 years of warning is "sneaking up on you" then, I can not argue against that, as it is your opinion, and all opinions are valid. I however, accept and welcome the fact that new competitors will be entering the market, including potentially from Vertex, and see that as a glass 3/4 full, and and win situation for most of us who are confident in our abilities. I challenge anyone to find three companies that dominate a market at 80%+ market share, with NO SIGNIFICANT COMPETITION FOR THE NEXT THREE YEARS, at a MINIMUM! It is a situation that rarely exists, and I challenge you to provide 3 other situation.

My post is not meant to convince you of anything, but just to provide other readers with a fact based, fully referenced, antidote to your opinion based, non referenced, pessimistic view of the future. Based on recent news alone, not even including Vertex pipeline, just on 7977. THERE IS NO RATIONAL REASON TO BELIEVE THAT VERTEX HCV IS GOING ANYWHERE, ANYTIME SOON. If you have facts based on secondary sources, please provide the links to your sources, otherwise the chicken little act is just that, an ACT!

Do you always argue against your self? You seem to be repeating the same opinions over and over so if those are the rules you want to play by...

Ramble, ramble, ramble Kool-Aid drinker. You are assuming the phase three trials for nukes will be as long as the PI's. PI's Phase III trials had 6 month and year long trials. Nukes won't have that. I'm not going to go point by point with you because you hardly have any. Yes, you will have experience and your eternity (2/3 years) isn't really an eternity in this era of the industry.

Sure, some of the current HCV reps will be cherry picked from the current companies currently in HCV but these will be very very few - I promise. You seem to think that only you as a seasoned rep can influence and gain access once these drugs hit the market. Did you ever think that the doctors will be seeking to get ahold of these reps cards just so that they can start therapy for a wealth of warehoused patients? Of course you didn't. The relationships won't be nearly as important as you think as these drugs will have pent up demand - they already do, years in advance.

The first drug that allows for interferon free therapy will be welcomed with open arms and any rep in any disease state that has a proven track record will be able to make this product move. Seriously. Just think about it. A rep comes in with a nuke, or any drug that spares interferon, and you think a doctor is going to stick with a TID PI that requires lengthy therapy etc etc.

Your EGO is getting in your way. Yes you have experience but think about it from the doctor's (or patients') perspective - it won't be your experience or relationships that sell these drugs - it will be the simple fact that the drugs will be more potent, work in a shorter period of time and have a cleaner profile. Doctors will need to be educated, and it seems that this is where you have inserted yourself as completely irreplaceable with your experience and knowledge, and yet this is where your EGO has pinned you into a corner and you don't even know you are in a room with walls.

The second and third drugs to follow that do this (and get rid of RBV) will do the same. Yes, there will be marketing wars etc but those won't come out until the next nuke (or ns5b, 2nd gen PI etc)hit the market but the next generation of HCV drugs will have clear advantages and the companies that make them aren't looking to take droves of HCV reps. Vertex did this because they didn't have a sales force and they didn't have any HCV contacts. The other companies do have contacts and that matters.

Yes you have had 2 years to think about all of this but you haven't done a good job. Rose colored glasses sure look pretty but they don't seem to be helping you. Have fun in your eternity, you are going to need it with that logic.

THats hyperbole, and not factual. Is Marketshare declining? Yes, but to say that a product that absolutely is dominating its competition is "going away", is simply not even close to credible. Anything above 50% share is a bonus. Of course I know you are joking though.....Right?

I think Poster #87 is the reason market share is declining. Can you imagine the impact this dibbling idiot is having on their territory? I doubt the doctors have a chance to get a word in.

Do you always argue against your self? You seem to be repeating the same opinions over and over so if those are the rules you want to play by...

Ramble, ramble, ramble Kool-Aid drinker. You are assuming the phase three trials for nukes will be as long as the PI's. PI's Phase III trials had 6 month and year long trials. Nukes won't have that. I'm not going to go point by point with you because you hardly have any. Yes, you will have experience and your eternity (2/3 years) isn't really an eternity in this era of the industry.

Sure, some of the current HCV reps will be cherry picked from the current companies currently in HCV but these will be very very few - I promise. You seem to think that only you as a seasoned rep can influence and gain access once these drugs hit the market. Did you ever think that the doctors will be seeking to get ahold of these reps cards just so that they can start therapy for a wealth of warehoused patients? Of course you didn't. The relationships won't be nearly as important as you think as these drugs will have pent up demand - they already do, years in advance.

The first drug that allows for interferon free therapy will be welcomed with open arms and any rep in any disease state that has a proven track record will be able to make this product move. Seriously. Just think about it. A rep comes in with a nuke, or any drug that spares interferon, and you think a doctor is going to stick with a TID PI that requires lengthy therapy etc etc.

Your EGO is getting in your way. Yes you have experience but think about it from the doctor's (or patients') perspective - it won't be your experience or relationships that sell these drugs - it will be the simple fact that the drugs will be more potent, work in a shorter period of time and have a cleaner profile. Doctors will need to be educated, and it seems that this is where you have inserted yourself as completely irreplaceable with your experience and knowledge, and yet this is where your EGO has pinned you into a corner and you don't even know you are in a room with walls.

The second and third drugs to follow that do this (and get rid of RBV) will do the same. Yes, there will be marketing wars etc but those won't come out until the next nuke (or ns5b, 2nd gen PI etc)hit the market but the next generation of HCV drugs will have clear advantages and the companies that make them aren't looking to take droves of HCV reps. Vertex did this because they didn't have a sales force and they didn't have any HCV contacts. The other companies do have contacts and that matters.

Yes you have had 2 years to think about all of this but you haven't done a good job. Rose colored glasses sure look pretty but they don't seem to be helping you. Have fun in your eternity, you are going to need it with that logic.

You keep saying "two" years, even though its actually almost 3. According to Gilead,. they expect a launch in the end of 2014, that almost 3 years. Secondly, what is there top think about, again, I gave you facts and direct quotes from the Cheif Science Officer at Gilead, their nuke DOES NOT work with re-treaters, the relapse rate is horrible. That alone destroys your hypothesis that somehow vertex will disappear IF this nuke is launched. In fact, the Gilead rep said that they will starting with other DAAs on the market. Well, what DAA do you think they will try first, the one with 80% share or the one with 20%.

Again stop being so stubborn. If you think the sky is falling, you should keep it to your self. You argue against facts, even when faced with direct quotes from the Gilead source, and other sources; yet you present no links to dispute anything I said.

Those that have no facts to support them, resort to childish retorts instead. Well for all others that are reading these posts, you should ignore chicken little as the sky IS NOT FALLING ANYTIME SOON. Just do your job, and regardless of what company or sales force you are in, everyone shoyuld be looking 3-5 years out, and planning their careers according. THAT MEANS EVERYONE!

I'm not here to compensate for your ignorance so I'm not going to do your research for you. Nor am I here to buy the Kool-Aid you are selling yourself.
You write really long paragraphs and put in a lot of ifs and a lot of capitalized letters because you aren't convinced yourself that the future is great for Vertex HCV. It is also very obvious to any fool who tries to sort through your twisted logic your "facts" are your opinions. Calling "ifs" facts just makes you feel better.