

Contacted by a recruiter today about apposition with Natera. Any information on these guys would be very helpful. Culture, Reimbursement issues, Physician thoughts, why expanding...Thanks

You missed the boat with NIPT. All that matters now is profitability the MCOs will beat the price down and the volume wont matter. Take the job if offered SQNM sucks and who knows you might get lucky for a year or two.

In your dreams they have all of the top accounts. They were first to market and that counts for something but have made so many mistakes and alienated so many docs with their payment policies and screwed up billing that there is market share to be gained.

Time to party took 2 of your biggest accounts away today. One in _________ and one in ______________. If it is any help DC was just in the one. They thought he was a blowhard jerk who didnt know what he was talking about. Oh when you have a plate fail and it screws up a bunch of tests it is better just to admit it a go forward. Just saying...

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