My version of 15 by 15

Ok, so I have been following the 15 x 15 thread for a while, and this post here is not passing judgment on how anyone decides to work, so before you get your flamethrowers out, just hear me out -

I get that access is a bitch and that we have to put up with alot of overt disrespect from customers and for those who have managers who don't get it (and there is no shortage of crappy managers) - a day with them can drive you freaking insane - this job, in short, can be extremely mind numbingly frustrating - add all the crap that gets pushed down from HQ by people who "carried the bag" decades ago and who simply don't get it.....

but I have to take issue with posters who equate the relationship with an employer with a romantic relationship - its no such thing. This is a business relationship with each side providing one thing to the other - you provide your expertise/work/time/what ever and the employer pays you. its a pretty simple transaction. no emotions - just a transaction - like hiring a hooker if you want to sex it up a bit.

I don't know about where you all live, but I live somewhere where there are not a hell of alot of good job options. And its not getting any better. So if you look at what Merck pays you and the benefits you get for what you do (because unless you win the lottery or have a trust fund you pretty much have to work, at least I have to work - don't you?) your options are probably more limited that any of us would like to admit. At most jobs, you are stuck in an office, you have wacky bosses and co-workers breathing down your neck every day - not one day a month but 20 days a month. And you could be making a hell of a lot LESS money, and you could be driving your own car and buying your own gas and paying more into your 401K.

We all know there are few weeks that you can squeeze more than 40 hours maybe 30 hours out of - but when you guys screw Merck, you screw all of us. If Merck fails to make its goals, we all lose because we risk more layoffs. And we contribute to the success or failure of Merck. You think you are screwing Ken Fraiser and all the big cheeses up at HQ? No, those guys are gunna survive because they are at the top of the food chain, and thats how it works and nothing we do is going to change that. the truth is that they can screw us to much greater degree by simply answering to the stockholders with another lay off when we fail to make goals, 15 x 15 or any other goal.

so why not work 30 good hours a week and try to make Merck succeed? when you say FU merck, you are saying FU all of us.

To the above. I put in way over 50 hours a week. Always did, always do. Some of us are good workers and do care about what we do. Some people kiss up to get or keep a job, some people just work and accept the way the cookie crumbles...:)

As a reminder Merck policy prohibits posing information or unapproved comments on social media. Non-adherence to any policy may result in punishment, up to and including termination.

OP back. Thanks for the reminder Mother.

With thousands of employees of Merck looking at this board every day, how are you gonna catch all of us? Maybe instead of giving out the pink slips, you can employ people to be the Cafepharma Police.

Go ahead spend your time worrying about this while your sales keep slipping away. Go ahead spend your time worrying about this while R&D does nothing (but the Golden Boy, Peter Kim keeps laughing all the way to the bank). Go ahead spend your time worrying about this while managers are more concerned about "checking the box" than helping reps drive sales. Go ahead and spend your worrying about this as we take time talking to customers about how we can help them achieve their business goals while we don't have a clue of our own. Go ahead spend your time worrying about this after you pushed out all the dedicated reps of the past that gave Merck all they had everyday.Go ahead and worry about this as more and more great reps continue to get pressured with PIPs to leave.

Yeah, go ahead and worry about this while we all laugh at you. We all know & understand that you have more serious problems with the ship now that have nothing to do with this board. You haven't been able to make the right leadership decision in the better part of a decade but go ahead and spend more time and money to get the CP Police after us. There's another smart move....

FU Merck!


The 15x15 guy

I always put in 40 hours a week. Does it always feel productive in this climate? No. In fact, if I actually get into a good discussion with one doc a day, it's good. Some weeks I have worked 60 hours or more. So, not everyone on here is a slacker. I agree we are only as strong as our weakest link. Quite honestly, if I had a counterpart that I knew was not doing anything and goofing off most weeks, I WOULD throw him or her under the bus. My dad always told me: if you're not going to do a good job and give 100 percent at what you do, then don't do it all. In other words, if you really hate this job, do us a favor and leave; find something else. I am not going to congratulate some loser who works only 15 hours a week and is getting paid to work 50. Note to you: "You are the reason for trackers and busy work and ride alongs." When they do catch you, and they will, you make ALL of us in the field look bad.

Ok, so I have been following the 15 x 15 thread for a while, and this post here is not passing judgment on how anyone decides to work, so before you get your flamethrowers out, just hear me out -

I get that access is a bitch and that we have to put up with alot of overt disrespect from customers and for those who have managers who don't get it (and there is no shortage of crappy managers) - a day with them can drive you freaking insane - this job, in short, can be extremely mind numbingly frustrating - add all the crap that gets pushed down from HQ by people who "carried the bag" decades ago and who simply don't get it.....

but I have to take issue with posters who equate the relationship with an employer with a romantic relationship - its no such thing. This is a business relationship with each side providing one thing to the other - you provide your expertise/work/time/what ever and the employer pays you. its a pretty simple transaction. no emotions - just a transaction - like hiring a hooker if you want to sex it up a bit.

I don't know about where you all live, but I live somewhere where there are not a hell of alot of good job options. And its not getting any better. So if you look at what Merck pays you and the benefits you get for what you do (because unless you win the lottery or have a trust fund you pretty much have to work, at least I have to work - don't you?) your options are probably more limited that any of us would like to admit. At most jobs, you are stuck in an office, you have wacky bosses and co-workers breathing down your neck every day - not one day a month but 20 days a month. And you could be making a hell of a lot LESS money, and you could be driving your own car and buying your own gas and paying more into your 401K.

We all know there are few weeks that you can squeeze more than 40 hours maybe 30 hours out of - but when you guys screw Merck, you screw all of us. If Merck fails to make its goals, we all lose because we risk more layoffs. And we contribute to the success or failure of Merck. You think you are screwing Ken Fraiser and all the big cheeses up at HQ? No, those guys are gunna survive because they are at the top of the food chain, and thats how it works and nothing we do is going to change that. the truth is that they can screw us to much greater degree by simply answering to the stockholders with another lay off when we fail to make goals, 15 x 15 or any other goal.

so why not work 30 good hours a week and try to make Merck succeed? when you say FU merck, you are saying FU all of us.

No worries here. I think most of us are merely entertained by Mr 15 x 15. I don't even know if he's really carrying out his plan or not and I doubt many of us are getting away with what he is -- nor would many of us try to -- or even WANT to. BUT what we do get out of his posts is the vicarious thrill of satisfaction that someone is fighting back. It's that "Yeah, stick it to the man!" mentality. Maybe it makes some of us feel better for a minute--and feeling better is good when most of us are frustrated and feel cr*pped on and are just waiting for the axe to fall.
So I don't feel like every time he says "FU Merck" it's an FU against all of us. One guy scamming the system (because he feels he was scammed first) isn't what's bringing this company down.
Personally, call me a sucker, but I am still working hard (an honest day's work for an honest day's pay) BUT with a different attitude, a certain level of detachment I didn't have before. And that was necessary for my own mental health. So I'm working hard ... but only for myself.
To each his own.

I always put in 40 hours a week. Does it always feel productive in this climate? No. In fact, if I actually get into a good discussion with one doc a day, it's good. Some weeks I have worked 60 hours or more. So, not everyone on here is a slacker. I agree we are only as strong as our weakest link. Quite honestly, if I had a counterpart that I knew was not doing anything and goofing off most weeks, I WOULD throw him or her under the bus. My dad always told me: if you're not going to do a good job and give 100 percent at what you do, then don't do it all. In other words, if you really hate this job, do us a favor and leave; find something else. I am not going to congratulate some loser who works only 15 hours a week and is getting paid to work 50. Note to you: "You are the reason for trackers and busy work and ride alongs." When they do catch you, and they will, you make ALL of us in the field look bad.

OP back.

I was like you up until a year or so ago when I realized it didn't matter. I have great access to my top targets and have no problem seeing them. If you think working 40 hours a week and seeing one doc per day is good, my hat's off to you pal. I can see 2-3 in working just three hours a day. So who is more productive? What's great is I can and do see even more during those "field rides" which keeps my manager off my a$$. Actually your one doc per day is more of a problem for the company than my 15x15 plan and seeing 2-3 per day. Management will find out about you and despite your 40 hour plus work week, you will be gone. You get the picture now?

Go ahead and work your butt off if it gives you that warm fuzzy feeling and makes you feel better. In the meantime it's 15x15 for me!

I'm not a hater, just a realist. No hard feelings brother!

FU Merck!

OP back.

I was like you up until a year or so ago when I realized it didn't matter. I have great access to my top targets and have no problem seeing them. If you think working 40 hours a week and seeing one doc per day is good, my hat's off to you pal. I can see 2-3 in working just three hours a day. So who is more productive? What's great is I can and do see even more during those "field rides" which keeps my manager off my a$$. Actually your one doc per day is more of a problem for the company than my 15x15 plan and seeing 2-3 per day. Management will find out about you and despite your 40 hour plus work week, you will be gone. You get the picture now?

Go ahead and work your butt off if it gives you that warm fuzzy feeling and makes you feel better. In the meantime it's 15x15 for me!

I'm not a hater, just a realist. No hard feelings brother!

FU Merck!

I am only required to be in one account per day. I have no samples of any kind. I said DISCUSSION, meaning 1/2 hour or longer where I feel like there will be some increase in business for my (Merck's) bottom line. You only survive because of retail managed care and MA/MC coverage. I seriously doubt you are doing anything but messaging and dropping samples. Dude, your days are numbered. I wonder how you would be if ALL of your HCP contacts (face time) HAD to be appointment only - no cold calls, no drive-bys, no sample drops, no patient recourses. They can pay a contract employee half of what Merck pays YOU to do the exact same thing.

No worries here. I think most of us are merely entertained by Mr 15 x 15. I don't even know if he's really carrying out his plan or not and I doubt many of us are getting away with what he is -- nor would many of us try to -- or even WANT to. BUT what we do get out of his posts is the vicarious thrill of satisfaction that someone is fighting back. It's that "Yeah, stick it to the man!" mentality. Maybe it makes some of us feel better for a minute--and feeling better is good when most of us are frustrated and feel cr*pped on and are just waiting for the axe to fall.
So I don't feel like every time he says "FU Merck" it's an FU against all of us. One guy scamming the system (because he feels he was scammed first) isn't what's bringing this company down.
Personally, call me a sucker, but I am still working hard (an honest day's work for an honest day's pay) BUT with a different attitude, a certain level of detachment I didn't have before. And that was necessary for my own mental health. So I'm working hard ... but only for myself.
To each his own.

thats fair enough, I can respect that - it sounds pretty reasonable.

I am only required to be in one account per day. I have no samples of any kind. I said DISCUSSION, meaning 1/2 hour or longer where I feel like there will be some increase in business for my (Merck's) bottom line. You only survive because of retail managed care and MA/MC coverage. I seriously doubt you are doing anything but messaging and dropping samples. Dude, your days are numbered. I wonder how you would be if ALL of your HCP contacts (face time) HAD to be appointment only - no cold calls, no drive-bys, no sample drops, no patient recourses. They can pay a contract employee half of what Merck pays YOU to do the exact same thing.

OK so you're probably a hospital rep then. Maybe I am too. Where did I ever say anything in any of my posts that I'm primary care? Maybe I don't have any samples either. I'm not gonna say anything that will blow my cover. Maybe I'm primary care, maybe not. Maybe vaccine, maybe not. Maybe hospital, maybe not.

I'm smart enough to know that they can get a contract force to replace ALL of us. You included. If you think otherwise, then you are a fool. There are many reps that thought the same thing as you, they are called UNEMPLOYED. Don't be a fool. Wake up and realize that despite how hard you think you may work. Mother doesn't really care. You are just an expensive liability for them. And you get more expensive every year thus your chances of getting PIPPED out of the company get greater.

Need proof? Ask anyone with grey hair that's been here over 20 years what they really think. Don't hate me, I was once like you too. Then Merck's direction (or lack thereof) changed and I saw the big picture. Stand back and take a good look. Then join the 15x15 Army. I will be proud to be your leader!

FU Merck!


The 15x15 Guy

ok, so I don't have quite 20 years, but i am one of those who have been around a while, and i completely agree with some of your statements about how dysfunctional Merck has become, and how meaningless much of our work really is (with the exception of the one off interactions where you feel like you've actually reached someone and made a difference - but those happen with much less frequency than they used to)


I am not choosing to adopt the 15 x 15 approach just because I work for layer upon layer of dysfunction. Do I think that will save my ass during the next lay off? no. I don't have any reason to think that working an honest day will do anything. I just do it because I think its the right thing for me.

ok, so I don't have quite 20 years, but i am one of those who have been around a while, and i completely agree with some of your statements about how dysfunctional Merck has become, and how meaningless much of our work really is (with the exception of the one off interactions where you feel like you've actually reached someone and made a difference - but those happen with much less frequency than they used to)


I am not choosing to adopt the 15 x 15 approach just because I work for layer upon layer of dysfunction. Do I think that will save my ass during the next lay off? no. I don't have any reason to think that working an honest day will do anything. I just do it because I think its the right thing for me.

and that is what anyone left at Merck should do - ie the right thing for them. that's all the 15x15 guy is doing. "he" might be a "she" for all we know. whatever, i happen to like his or her strategy and it "works" for me. momma gets what she gives or something like that.

Ok, so I have been following the 15 x 15 thread for a while, and this post here is not passing judgment on how anyone decides to work, so before you get your flamethrowers out, just hear me out -

I get that access is a bitch and that we have to put up with alot of overt disrespect from customers and for those who have managers who don't get it (and there is no shortage of crappy managers) - a day with them can drive you freaking insane - this job, in short, can be extremely mind numbingly frustrating - add all the crap that gets pushed down from HQ by people who "carried the bag" decades ago and who simply don't get it.....

but I have to take issue with posters who equate the relationship with an employer with a romantic relationship - its no such thing. This is a business relationship with each side providing one thing to the other - you provide your expertise/work/time/what ever and the employer pays you. its a pretty simple transaction. no emotions - just a transaction - like hiring a hooker if you want to sex it up a bit.

I don't know about where you all live, but I live somewhere where there are not a hell of alot of good job options. And its not getting any better. So if you look at what Merck pays you and the benefits you get for what you do (because unless you win the lottery or have a trust fund you pretty much have to work, at least I have to work - don't you?) your options are probably more limited that any of us would like to admit. At most jobs, you are stuck in an office, you have wacky bosses and co-workers breathing down your neck every day - not one day a month but 20 days a month. And you could be making a hell of a lot LESS money, and you could be driving your own car and buying your own gas and paying more into your 401K.

We all know there are few weeks that you can squeeze more than 40 hours maybe 30 hours out of - but when you guys screw Merck, you screw all of us. If Merck fails to make its goals, we all lose because we risk more layoffs. And we contribute to the success or failure of Merck. You think you are screwing Ken Fraiser and all the big cheeses up at HQ? No, those guys are gunna survive because they are at the top of the food chain, and thats how it works and nothing we do is going to change that. the truth is that they can screw us to much greater degree by simply answering to the stockholders with another lay off when we fail to make goals, 15 x 15 or any other goal.

so why not work 30 good hours a week and try to make Merck succeed? when you say FU merck, you are saying FU all of us.

try to make Merck succeed?? Are you joking?? smoking crack perhaps?? Succeed at what may I ask??? Succeed at pushing a poisonous, unnecessary HPV vaccine on young women? Or pushing questionable crap like Vytorin?

Merck succeeds only in lining the pockets of middle and senior management...they care nothing about adding value to society or patient health...

Get real dude...


Ok, so I have been following the 15 x 15 thread for a while, and this post here is not passing judgment on how anyone decides to work, so before you get your flamethrowers out, just hear me out -

I get that access is a bitch and that we have to put up with alot of overt disrespect from customers and for those who have managers who don't get it (and there is no shortage of crappy managers) - a day with them can drive you freaking insane - this job, in short, can be extremely mind numbingly frustrating - add all the crap that gets pushed down from HQ by people who "carried the bag" decades ago and who simply don't get it.....

but I have to take issue with posters who equate the relationship with an employer with a romantic relationship - its no such thing. This is a business relationship with each side providing one thing to the other - you provide your expertise/work/time/what ever and the employer pays you. its a pretty simple transaction. no emotions - just a transaction - like hiring a hooker if you want to sex it up a bit.

I don't know about where you all live, but I live somewhere where there are not a hell of alot of good job options. And its not getting any better. So if you look at what Merck pays you and the benefits you get for what you do (because unless you win the lottery or have a trust fund you pretty much have to work, at least I have to work - don't you?) your options are probably more limited that any of us would like to admit. At most jobs, you are stuck in an office, you have wacky bosses and co-workers breathing down your neck every day - not one day a month but 20 days a month. And you could be making a hell of a lot LESS money, and you could be driving your own car and buying your own gas and paying more into your 401K.

We all know there are few weeks that you can squeeze more than 40 hours maybe 30 hours out of - but when you guys screw Merck, you screw all of us. If Merck fails to make its goals, we all lose because we risk more layoffs. And we contribute to the success or failure of Merck. You think you are screwing Ken Fraiser and all the big cheeses up at HQ? No, those guys are gunna survive because they are at the top of the food chain, and thats how it works and nothing we do is going to change that. the truth is that they can screw us to much greater degree by simply answering to the stockholders with another lay off when we fail to make goals, 15 x 15 or any other goal.

so why not work 30 good hours a week and try to make Merck succeed? when you say FU merck, you are saying FU all of us.

OK, FU to all of you.

P.S. Don't be an idiot.

I always put in 40 hours a week. Does it always feel productive in this climate? No. In fact, if I actually get into a good discussion with one doc a day, it's good. Some weeks I have worked 60 hours or more. So, not everyone on here is a slacker. I agree we are only as strong as our weakest link. Quite honestly, if I had a counterpart that I knew was not doing anything and goofing off most weeks, I WOULD throw him or her under the bus. My dad always told me: if you're not going to do a good job and give 100 percent at what you do, then don't do it all. In other words, if you really hate this job, do us a favor and leave; find something else. I am not going to congratulate some loser who works only 15 hours a week and is getting paid to work 50. Note to you: "You are the reason for trackers and busy work and ride alongs." When they do catch you, and they will, you make ALL of us in the field look bad.

And yet another idiot.

And yet another idiot.

Look, dirtbag, Merck pays you 80-plus thousand a year to, at the very least, WORK a 40-hour week. To do otherwise on their dime, is what is wrong with this entire country. I absolutely get sick and tired of people like you with your entitlement attitude. Do I think my job is safe? No. Do I think I will get some kind of pat on the back? No. I work because that is what I'm paid to do. It is people like you that are proof half the sales force needs babysitters.

Look, dirtbag, Merck pays you 80-plus thousand a year to, at the very least, WORK a 40-hour week. To do otherwise on their dime, is what is wrong with this entire country. I absolutely get sick and tired of people like you with your entitlement attitude. Do I think my job is safe? No. Do I think I will get some kind of pat on the back? No. I work because that is what I'm paid to do. It is people like you that are proof half the sales force needs babysitters.

To work for 40 hours per week huh?? what is the work of a drug rep these days???

Picking pimentos out of the Salami on the Deli tray?? Making sure the Starbucks has a nice
even froth on the top of the Latte?? Doing your compliance tests and scoring high on them??

the job is a joke Cochise...get it? oh...not yet are one of the slower ones...Go work your 40 hours while Merck F78Ks you in the ass...

Get real...FU MERCK!!

To work for 40 hours per week huh?? what is the work of a drug rep these days???

Picking pimentos out of the Salami on the Deli tray?? Making sure the Starbucks has a nice
even froth on the top of the Latte?? Doing your compliance tests and scoring high on them??

the job is a joke Cochise...get it? oh...not yet are one of the slower ones...Go work your 40 hours while Merck F78Ks you in the ass...

Get real...FU MERCK!!

I needed a good laugh today - thanks! It would be so much easier to leave this joke if I weren't being paid so much. Whoever said I'll never be paid so much for doing so little was spot on. It will come to an end some day, this I know.

To work for 40 hours per week huh?? what is the work of a drug rep these days???

Picking pimentos out of the Salami on the Deli tray?? Making sure the Starbucks has a nice
even froth on the top of the Latte?? Doing your compliance tests and scoring high on them??

the job is a joke Cochise...get it? oh...not yet are one of the slower ones...Go work your 40 hours while Merck F78Ks you in the ass...

Get real...FU MERCK!!

It is only a joke if you make it one. It actually takes some effort to provide information or training to customers on area in the label they may not know. But I guess you would not know a damn thing about how to do that because you are too busy with your deli trays and here on CP bitching and being lazy.

It is only a joke if you make it one. It actually takes some effort to provide information or training to customers on area in the label they may not know. But I guess you would not know a damn thing about how to do that because you are too busy with your deli trays and here on CP bitching and being lazy.

You are a complete moron.

Go order up another deli tray.

Look, dirtbag, Merck pays you 80-plus thousand a year to, at the very least, WORK a 40-hour week. To do otherwise on their dime, is what is wrong with this entire country. I absolutely get sick and tired of people like you with your entitlement attitude. Do I think my job is safe? No. Do I think I will get some kind of pat on the back? No. I work because that is what I'm paid to do. It is people like you that are proof half the sales force needs babysitters.

This dirtbag told his CTL to go F--k himself last year. And I made twice as much as 80K. When you're good, you don't need to be a damn kiss-ass deli delivery man.

Get a clue, Dipshit.