Ok, so I have been following the 15 x 15 thread for a while, and this post here is not passing judgment on how anyone decides to work, so before you get your flamethrowers out, just hear me out -
I get that access is a bitch and that we have to put up with alot of overt disrespect from customers and for those who have managers who don't get it (and there is no shortage of crappy managers) - a day with them can drive you freaking insane - this job, in short, can be extremely mind numbingly frustrating - add all the crap that gets pushed down from HQ by people who "carried the bag" decades ago and who simply don't get it.....
but I have to take issue with posters who equate the relationship with an employer with a romantic relationship - its no such thing. This is a business relationship with each side providing one thing to the other - you provide your expertise/work/time/what ever and the employer pays you. its a pretty simple transaction. no emotions - just a transaction - like hiring a hooker if you want to sex it up a bit.
I don't know about where you all live, but I live somewhere where there are not a hell of alot of good job options. And its not getting any better. So if you look at what Merck pays you and the benefits you get for what you do (because unless you win the lottery or have a trust fund you pretty much have to work, at least I have to work - don't you?) your options are probably more limited that any of us would like to admit. At most jobs, you are stuck in an office, you have wacky bosses and co-workers breathing down your neck every day - not one day a month but 20 days a month. And you could be making a hell of a lot LESS money, and you could be driving your own car and buying your own gas and paying more into your 401K.
We all know there are few weeks that you can squeeze more than 40 hours maybe 30 hours out of - but when you guys screw Merck, you screw all of us. If Merck fails to make its goals, we all lose because we risk more layoffs. And we contribute to the success or failure of Merck. You think you are screwing Ken Fraiser and all the big cheeses up at HQ? No, those guys are gunna survive because they are at the top of the food chain, and thats how it works and nothing we do is going to change that. the truth is that they can screw us to much greater degree by simply answering to the stockholders with another lay off when we fail to make goals, 15 x 15 or any other goal.
so why not work 30 good hours a week and try to make Merck succeed? when you say FU merck, you are saying FU all of us.
I get that access is a bitch and that we have to put up with alot of overt disrespect from customers and for those who have managers who don't get it (and there is no shortage of crappy managers) - a day with them can drive you freaking insane - this job, in short, can be extremely mind numbingly frustrating - add all the crap that gets pushed down from HQ by people who "carried the bag" decades ago and who simply don't get it.....
but I have to take issue with posters who equate the relationship with an employer with a romantic relationship - its no such thing. This is a business relationship with each side providing one thing to the other - you provide your expertise/work/time/what ever and the employer pays you. its a pretty simple transaction. no emotions - just a transaction - like hiring a hooker if you want to sex it up a bit.
I don't know about where you all live, but I live somewhere where there are not a hell of alot of good job options. And its not getting any better. So if you look at what Merck pays you and the benefits you get for what you do (because unless you win the lottery or have a trust fund you pretty much have to work, at least I have to work - don't you?) your options are probably more limited that any of us would like to admit. At most jobs, you are stuck in an office, you have wacky bosses and co-workers breathing down your neck every day - not one day a month but 20 days a month. And you could be making a hell of a lot LESS money, and you could be driving your own car and buying your own gas and paying more into your 401K.
We all know there are few weeks that you can squeeze more than 40 hours maybe 30 hours out of - but when you guys screw Merck, you screw all of us. If Merck fails to make its goals, we all lose because we risk more layoffs. And we contribute to the success or failure of Merck. You think you are screwing Ken Fraiser and all the big cheeses up at HQ? No, those guys are gunna survive because they are at the top of the food chain, and thats how it works and nothing we do is going to change that. the truth is that they can screw us to much greater degree by simply answering to the stockholders with another lay off when we fail to make goals, 15 x 15 or any other goal.
so why not work 30 good hours a week and try to make Merck succeed? when you say FU merck, you are saying FU all of us.