My DM gave me a $10 gift card for Christmas

Not really. Pharma reps will always follow the money first if given the option. I am not sure about Neurocrine being a great place. I say that because I do not know. But what I do know is that not having a company car and average benefits does not make your company very attractive. Look at the message board here. You guys are upset about getting Acadia and Teva reps. But realize without a company car and good benefits you will always get the reps that are usually being forced out by other companies and do not have other options of employment available to them. Another words, any job is better then no job. Which is also why you may not get much turnover. Ingrezza is a good product, but it is your flagship product and your pipeline is average. You just got a new indication for Ingrezza which is nice, but your trials show the same issue. Your AE profile is not great. Better then tetra but not better then Austedo. Which is why your stock since getting the HD indication for ingrezza has dropped from $124 to 85.17. Your QD dosing is awesome. A great advantage, but struggle in efficacy, drug to drug interactions and AE profile. Increasing your salesforce did little to impress shareholders. Actually, they see it as a negative if you do not hit $2 billion. After all, you company forecasted $2 billion for Ingrezza in 2021. Right now it looks like you might hit $1.2. Lastly, Austedo has orphan drug status until 2qtr of 2023. Which means even with the new indication for HD, you will not be able to market or sell Ingrezza directly for HD w/ chorea without patients using Austedo or Tetra first. Just saying, not everyone is lining up to work for Neurocrine.

All valid points, especially around the talent, or lack there of, for those coming here from companies who have recently downsized and let go of their low performers. Seems like they are all ending up here.

All valid points, especially around the talent, or lack there of, for those coming here from companies who have recently downsized and let go of their low performers. Seems like they are all ending up here.

yep the weak and desperate herd of sheep flock together following their former managers chasing their next pay check.

Sounds like a miserable place to work.

I’m sure folks will steer clear of this company based on the posts.

I know my post was long, but not all reps laid off are bad. Teva did a reorg. They did not lay off many people and some that were laid off were not all bad reps. Another words, teva did not lay off the bottom 10%. They laid off a handful of reps that probably overlapped. So, I'm sure neurocrine got some good reps/managers from teva. The issue for neurocrine is more structural and poor benefits. Sure you make more, but no car lowers the salary by 20k a year. Especially for those that live in areas with snow. Those vehicles need snow tires, burn more fuel and have more wear and tear on their cars.

Not really. Pharma reps will always follow the money first if given the option. I am not sure about Neurocrine being a great place. I say that because I do not know. But what I do know is that not having a company car and average benefits does not make your company very attractive. Look at the message board here. You guys are upset about getting Acadia and Teva reps. But realize without a company car and good benefits you will always get the reps that are usually being forced out by other companies and do not have other options of employment available to them. Another words, any job is better then no job. Which is also why you may not get much turnover. Ingrezza is a good product, but it is your flagship product and your pipeline is average. You just got a new indication for Ingrezza which is nice, but your trials show the same issue. Your AE profile is not great. Better then tetra but not better then Austedo. Which is why your stock since getting the HD indication for ingrezza has dropped from $124 to 85.17. Your QD dosing is awesome. A great advantage, but struggle in efficacy, drug to drug interactions and AE profile. Increasing your salesforce did little to impress shareholders. Actually, they see it as a negative if you do not hit $2 billion. After all, you company forecasted $2 billion for Ingrezza in 2021. Right now it looks like you might hit $1.2. Lastly, Austedo has orphan drug status until 2qtr of 2023. Which means even with the new indication for HD, you will not be able to market or sell Ingrezza directly for HD w/ chorea without patients using Austedo or Tetra first. Just saying, not everyone is lining up to work for Neurocrine.

Well said. You put that ignorant arrogant DM in their place. I would hate to work for that person

Well after reading through this thread the one thing that’s obvious is whoever poster #16 and #17 is, they’re obviously a larger than life total loser. I mean damn when the rest of the normal world is celebrating ringing in the New Year this TOOL has nothing better to do than wasting his loser life away on cafe pharma. Yeppers think about that…… when the normal world is partying on New Years Eve this psychotic tool has nothing better to do then posting on here. Nuff said!

Not really. Pharma reps will always follow the money first if given the option. I am not sure about Neurocrine being a great place. I say that because I do not know. But what I do know is that not having a company car and average benefits does not make your company very attractive. Look at the message board here. You guys are upset about getting Acadia and Teva reps. But realize without a company car and good benefits you will always get the reps that are usually being forced out by other companies and do not have other options of employment available to them. Another words, any job is better then no job. Which is also why you may not get much turnover. Ingrezza is a good product, but it is your flagship product and your pipeline is average. You just got a new indication for Ingrezza which is nice, but your trials show the same issue. Your AE profile is not great. Better then tetra but not better then Austedo. Which is why your stock since getting the HD indication for ingrezza has dropped from $124 to 85.17. Your QD dosing is awesome. A great advantage, but struggle in efficacy, drug to drug interactions and AE profile. Increasing your salesforce did little to impress shareholders. Actually, they see it as a negative if you do not hit $2 billion. After all, you company forecasted $2 billion for Ingrezza in 2021. Right now it looks like you might hit $1.2. Lastly, Austedo has orphan drug status until 2qtr of 2023. Which means even with the new indication for HD, you will not be able to market or sell Ingrezza directly for HD w/ chorea without patients using Austedo or Tetra first. Just saying, not everyone is lining up to work for Neurocrine.

‘I like this one’

Well after reading through this thread the one thing that’s obvious is whoever poster #16 and #17 is, they’re obviously a larger than life total loser. I mean damn when the rest of the normal world is celebrating ringing in the New Year this TOOL has nothing better to do than wasting his loser life away on cafe pharma. Yeppers think about that…… when the normal world is partying on New Years Eve this psychotic tool has nothing better to do then posting on here. Nuff said!

looks like he was posting after mid nite. That does not speak well for his lifestyle. Lmao

Nobody is going anywhere. Everyone wants to be here. Step away and you'll be easily replaced.

This post made me laugh out loud. Who is this brainwashed moron? You are actually walking around thinking everyone wants to be you? This company use to be something worthwhile and now it’s a joke. Great people have happily walked away and haven’t given a rats ass who the sucker is walking in behind them. No one wants to be you, dumbass.

All valid points, especially around the talent, or lack there of, for those coming here from companies who have recently downsized and let go of their low performers. Seems like they are all ending up here.

See it for what it is: new wave of hires are from Teva, Avanir or Acadia. Sometimes two of the three companies. These reps/managers will be there for 1-2 years (sometimes more) then cut bait and chase the next wave of success or higher salary. They’re entitled, weak people who cannot build success so they chase it. Just ask them if you get one on your team. Ask where they came from the last 3-5 years.

See it for what it is: new wave of hires are from Teva, Avanir or Acadia. Sometimes two of the three companies. These reps/managers will be there for 1-2 years (sometimes more) then cut bait and chase the next wave of success or higher salary. They’re entitled, weak people who cannot build success so they chase it. Just ask them if you get one on your team. Ask where they came from the last 3-5 years.

Sounds like a great place to work these days. Glad I'm out and yes, I was one of those you speak of by cutting bait over a year ago for a higher salary. Isn't that what we all do?

Sounds like a great place to work these days. Glad I'm out and yes, I was one of those you speak of by cutting bait over a year ago for a higher salary. Isn't that what we all do?

I admire the honesty. I’m not the OP on ‘cutting bait’ but will add that at some point, being 40-50 years old and following a manager from company to company to save your career is pathetic. That said, can’t hate the players in the game. It’s allowed, encouraged and supported. Easy to fish out the weak reps, but somehow they have created their sob story that is bought at each new company. Just give it 1-2 years and the excuses will pour in.

The point is that you’re a whining dumb ass. Mediocre idiot.
And you are a tool!

Agreeing with policy that does not benefit anyone except management and wall st.

Will the VP and higher ups pay for gas for their cars? No!!
I will agree when the VPs pay for gas for the corporate jet with THEIR credit cards