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Most threading and worst manager ever

Your weekends would be better utilized getting sauced up and preparing for your week of micromanaging, keep working on the "self-awareness" you might get there one day
That’s funny. I would have to care to micromanage. Plus that is a good deal of work. I just listen to the people who are loyal to me. The ones who fall in line. They are not the best but I just feed them BS. If they get ideas from others and send them my way to get credit then OK. If someone speaks bad about them, they must go. Every 6 months we look at the ones with bad attitudes and act on it. I don’t care how their performance is. I’ve had idiots that I back up for years because they are not troublemakers. I hate to break it to you. That is everywhere. It’s what makes the world go around. There is a Rush song. It says conform or get cast out. If someone wants to be a hero, go do it somewhere else. The funny part is that someone else is the same as me. Hard workers who need to find jobs every year because they don’t get it. Advice, put the car in neutral, relax, fly straight, and don’t piss off the wrong people. I make sure I don’t. I have won many awards that I could care less about off someone else’s work.
Part of the business.

That’s funny. I would have to care to micromanage. Plus that is a good deal of work. I just listen to the people who are loyal to me. The ones who fall in line. They are not the best but I just feed them BS. If they get ideas from others and send them my way to get credit then OK. If someone speaks bad about them, they must go. Every 6 months we look at the ones with bad attitudes and act on it. I don’t care how their performance is. I’ve had idiots that I back up for years because they are not troublemakers. I hate to break it to you. That is everywhere. It’s what makes the world go around. There is a Rush song. It says conform or get cast out. If someone wants to be a hero, go do it somewhere else. The funny part is that someone else is the same as me. Hard workers who need to find jobs every year because they don’t get it. Advice, put the car in neutral, relax, fly straight, and don’t piss off the wrong people. I make sure I don’t. I have won many awards that I could care less about off someone else’s work.
Part of the business.

The sad fact about Jim Fitzgerald is that he enjoyed fucking with his reps. Jim came from a screwed up family and thus, screws everyone else. He may be retired, but, buyer beware in any sort of business situation you g
Have with this bastard in the future.

The sad fact about Jim Fitzgerald is that he enjoyed fucking with his reps. Jim came from a screwed up family and thus, screws everyone else. He may be retired, but, buyer beware in any sort of business situation you g
Have with this bastard in the future.
And why do you think he really cares? Go see a therapist to work out your many problems. If it was not him it would be someone else. There is a good chance you were the problem. You were being asked to get screwed so he did it to you. You are to blame. Look in the mirror. You are one of those metoo people. You got what you deserved. Stop crying about it.

That me too crap has destroyed peoples life’s for no reason.

Very silly

And why do you think he really cares? Go see a therapist to work out your many problems. If it was not him it would be someone else. There is a good chance you were the problem. You were being asked to get screwed so he did it to you. You are to blame. Look in the mirror. You are one of those metoo people. You got what you deserved. Stop crying about it.

Jim Fitzgerald was so sextet. He ruined my family and enjoyed it.
Hope he burns in hell.

it's just a job. relax.
dam. I was downsized seven times (despite winning multiple awards).
you people need to stop letting this people ruin your life. get a lawyer if you need to. have an attorney ready if you need one if things get bad.

The sad fact about Jim Fitzgerald is that he enjoyed fucking with his reps. Jim came from a screwed up family and thus, screws everyone else. He may be retired, but, buyer beware in any sort of business situation you g
Have with this bastard in the future.

Sad fact is Jim Fitzgerald could care less about people he messed with when he was a manager. Loser!

I want to hear the answer to this question...

I'm not sure how Fitzgerald wrecked your family, I can tell you for certain he was only out for himself which is the case with most managers. I can also say with certainty, he was a believer in the white males club. He didn't like women working and he made fun of minorities. It would be very difficult to live with this man and if he has a wife she must be blind and deaf.

I'm not sure how Fitzgerald wrecked your family, I can tell you for certain he was only out for himself which is the case with most managers. I can also say with certainty, he was a believer in the white males club. He didn't like women working and he made fun of minorities. It would be very difficult to live with this man and if he has a wife she must be blind and deaf.
Lies, all lies. Fitz never did anything that has been written here. Look in the mirror and blame that person. Not everyone has leadership skills. Why waste time mentoring people who are failures. He wants and found a winning team. It’s like the NFL.