Put all the personal opinions and attacks aside. We all are smart enough to judge the character of these HDs and HEDs and the people who picked them. The entire selection process is a total abject failure. It is actually quite funny if it wasn't so detrimental to this company and so many people's careers. I do know this EJ character through his previous company. Let's just say that I wouldn't let him watch my dog.
Let's face it, we are all smart enough to recognize the needs for a significant reduction. Many Bio-Onc people have not worked for years, not necessarily by choice. If these kids in SSF did not fancy themselves as some sort of visionary and try to pad their resumes, they could have just reduced the sales force and rearrange the current regions by state instead of franchises. All this ecosystem crap is all smoke and mirrors. The agile and the new ways of working BS are the millennials' way for covering their impulse and poor planning. Nothing more and nothing less. They almost want to glorify their failure and mistakes so that they can cover their asses. Skilled and intelligent corporate executives don't need to use smoke and mirrors. Those who got the leadership roles are either stupid enough to buy this crap or they are just some weasels like EJ who would say or do whatever it takes to survive this corporate disaster. There are things called integrity and humility, and they are sorely missed. Where is Art when we need him. I know a few good DMs who have and value these good qualities. Unfortunately their integrity is what got them screwed in this shark tank. I hope they land in some other places and I may just follow them. That pretty tells what direction this company is going.
sums it up