more people leaving

The people who are leaving are getting ahead of the future layoffs. Many reps are going because they are getting paid on collections and we always told the office never to pay. You might be doing a million a year on paper but only collecting 200k! Big difference in pay. Texas and southeast are the only ones to make $$$! Everywhere else is falling apart and very limited access. Insurances are getting smart and not paying a dime to out of network labs. The end is near and we all need to make a jump.

Company said at national meeting average of 1-3% difference between expected vs. collected but yet for Q1 some reps loose as much as 30% in final numbers?? Cant trust corporate info now more than ever...too much misinformation. Time to triple the number of accounts you have or you make no bonus moving forward. THE NEW ATHEROTECH IS HERE AND IT AINT HONEST,

Company said at national meeting average of 1-3% difference between expected vs. collected but yet for Q1 some reps loose as much as 30% in final numbers?? Cant trust corporate info now more than ever...too much misinformation. Time to triple the number of accounts you have or you make no bonus moving forward. THE NEW ATHEROTECH IS HERE AND IT AINT HONEST,

Getting paid on what you actually bring in, what a concept huh? What "ain't honest" is the way it was before, when expected and actual revenue were not even close to being the same and people were telling accounts to tell patients to ignore the bills they got.

its conflicting to go out and sell this company. atherotech is shifty and shady company with horrible people in all levels of management. eventually atherotech will be sued for criminal practices. no compliance nor do they even understand compliance. in network, out of network, pay, don't worn out misleading accounts that I have years of relationships. accounts don't want to come on board and accounts are leaving quickly. the only value is the vap, all the other tests we sell are generic and not of value. my manager could not sell, bring on and or maintain any business. my manager is so bad I don't even prepare for field time. the investers are :has beens :and bring nothing but bad leadership and keep bad leadership at corporate and mid management. HR allows high turn over because hr has no one to lead or take a stance but follows. I collect my salary and benefits these days and focus on recruiters. our targets don't care about an accurate cholesterol test and disrupting their day to day practice. they are buying a model that's not compliant. we are a hdl model for the most part and im concerned for my relationships. its apparent since in network is a failure and shows atherotech should be a niche lab and will never ever be 5th lab. I would sell the vap to lc or quest. there is nothing of value for anyone to purchase atherotech other than the vap.

I agree with the above poster, my conscious bothers me daily at this company. The lab business in general is so shady and we are part of it. What pisses me off is we have no checks and balances on any data. Who pays and doesn't pay, at what percent, for what tests?? We could be getting numbers that are a fraction of the truth and wouldn't know any different. End of the quarter, here you go, oh! thank you sir. Any chance on explaining where these came from? Nope, no clue! Now go sell more tests to more accounts and quit asking questions.

I've been interviewing and let me tell you, I have been answering some tough questions about my current job here. The perception out there since Mullen left is that the company isn't doing well and it's hard to not appear desperate when you are asked why you are looking. Other labs know ath went bankrupt once before. My advice- start networking now and get ready to get the hell out of here if you aren't in network anywhere. There is no future here if your tests aren't reimbursed, they are not going to say it to you here and a lot of people are to stupid to figure that out on their own but it's the truth

yes this is a god awful place its Friday so time to contact some recruiters and enjoy not working on Fridays don't want to mess up relationships with my long standing area so no vap or atherotech in their offices or ill have a mess to clean up

anyone think layoffs are coming??? heard lots of people are on pips and they will not be back filling those areas? Heard 30% of sales force on one. can anyone confirm?

I know people in my area for sure are on a PIP. Once on a PIP you are basically being asked to leave nicely, so start looking. Why is the bottom 20% here anyways, such an underperforming group draining the company?

reading these posts is troubling, mostly because you all sound disappointed. while speaking with someone influential today, i said Atherotech "broke my heart" and at that moment i knew there was no going back.
Good luck!

I agree. This company is draining! There are too many reps that cant sell. Its a bad combination of a despicable management and mostly inadequate sales force. I cant wait to give my two weeks notice.

At this point who really cares about PIPs. The market is not buying what we are selling...I agree with the above posters remarks on management and that we end up making a customers daily problems worse with billing, UPS, FedEx and cbcs. I am not putting my reputation out there anymore. So RELAX

There are tons of reps getting the business but are at the bottom 20%!!! It's all about contracting not in network most insurances don't pay. New York State can't even sell al the tests. Lots of dirty labs in New York, so don't blame us Atherotech can't get contracting otherwise lay is off

At this point who really cares about PIPs. The market is not buying what we are selling...I agree with the above posters remarks on management and that we end up making a customers daily problems worse with billing, UPS, FedEx and cbcs. I am not putting my reputation out there anymore. So RELAX

I can tell you that I have ruined a few relationships that took me years to develop due to the shitty company. Now they want us to only take the insurances that we are in network with. Hey Jamie, what happens if we are only contracted with a quarter of the plans asshole!!! IS PLACE IS THE WORST

Been in my top account all day today trying to salvage it. Only 2 plans out of 20 in network, value to me has dropped by a third and now interfacing is all screwed up. Things were great for me for many years now it's all eroding away and this year is sliding into oblivion with so few in network plans in my area. After we stopped the draw fees at least 5 of my customers were promised an alternative and that never materialized. This has been the worst year of my professional life and it's only April. All of my accounts are frustrated beyond belief and I don't see a way out of this.

Bankruptcy here we come!!! Again lol. Jamie is the worst and Phil is a r*****. Everyone is looking for new jobs, if not you people are nuts. My life is ruined by this do I hide the fact I'm embarrassed telling hiring managers why I want to leave.

I don't even have Atherotech on my resume. I cant even put some of my contacts as references because I had converted to Atherotech and now most everything that can go wrong, has gone wrong. I took my manager [which I knew would be laughable to watch this moron talk] Manager who is worthless and RVP is too scared to learn the business and speak to customers on issues. Please manager and rvp stay out of my territory. You both make it more embarrassing. Lets continue to play the game, you both have no idea. So on the upcoming field visit please ride in the back seat and stay in the car during my customer calls. I will let you change your diaper in between calls. Be sure to bring your pacifier because I wont tolerate you incoherent babble which reinforces your inability to understand the day to day process and big picture.