More cuts

This is how AZ has been operating for years. Where have you been? They do this to keep you working up to the very last minute. Now they are holding out false hope that if you continue to work hard and remain positive that you may land one of the openings in another division. It is all smoke and mirrors. Get out there and network and interview somewhere other than AZ. This ship went down long ago.

You have heard this analogy before, They played comforting music on the Titanic to keep the masses calm while the first class passengers and crew boarded the few remaining life boats. When you see people like Hudson leaving, that should be a red flair that something is amiss. Chug a lug all of you poor 3rd class passengers who believed their bullshit that this ship could never sink.

Yes, we know more cuts are coming only a matter of time now. It is pretty scary being here. New territories new managers hard to know who to trust

Who to trust? easy..... no one.

People will do whatever it takes to not be the "one". I can't help but think diabetes is on the block as well as CV. Resp/PCP team will get a little reprieve since they are launching Bevespi. Once HQ sees that it is a dog, they will be targeted too. Only safe place in Oncology (IE: what Pfizer wanted us for).

Frenchie and his ilk will slash and burn so they walk away w/ the golden parachute. Would love to shove one of the crepes he made up his Frog a$$.

Who to trust? easy..... no one.

People will do whatever it takes to not be the "one". I can't help but think diabetes is on the block as well as CV. Resp/PCP team will get a little reprieve since they are launching Bevespi. Once HQ sees that it is a dog, they will be targeted too. Only safe place in Oncology (IE: what Pfizer wanted us for).

Frenchie and his ilk will slash and burn so they walk away w/ the golden parachute. Would love to shove one of the crepes he made up his Frog a$$.

Who says Oncology is safe? Where is the bulk of this group located?

You can't and shouldn't trust anyone there....seriously...don't

Don't trust hour peers, at least one of them is looking for opportunities to stab you in the back to make sure they stay on top of their DM's pet list. Don't trust your manager, they are rewarded for putting people on performance improvement plans, issuing warning letters and the ultimate gold star is racking up terminations particularly if you were hired by someone else. And most of all, never ever go to HR for anything and I do mean nothing.

every az employee, field staff especially, better spruce up that CV Vital over Hanukkah/Kwanzaa break! Get that brag book in order, too. Q1 or Q2, we'll be doin' it again. Do them before they do you. And AZ is gonna do all ya'll. Ya hur.

Also, I am hearing that future layoffs will be not as protective for employees, meaning weeks of severance pay may be capped well below the present 104 weeks (which almost no one qualifies for anyway). Hearing 3 to 6 months tops regardless of pay band. This will especially hurt managers and above as they were allotted 3 weeks for every year.

I was with AstraZeneca for many years and, unexpectedly, lost my job over the summer. I have talked with several of my former counterparts in the last few days. All, except one, kept their job after Thursday's massacre

I was struck by a common theme in the conversations. #1 - All are extremely grateful to still have jobs with AZ. #2 -- None are even contemplating looking for employment elsewhere. #3 -- when I suggested maybe starting a job search, each seemed to feel conflicted.

Here's what I know now that I have some distance from my former employer. #1 - There are truly better opportunities out there today -- more respect, higher pay, better bonus, substantially lower health care costs. #2 - Employees have little real value to AZ and senior leadership will terminate you with little to no thought of the profound impact it will have on you. #3 - AZ wants you and encourages you to feel like you currently have the best available position and you are "cheating" on them if you look elsewhere.

Do yourself (and your dependents) a favor. Put together a resume and a brag book and search for other opportunities.

Good luck to each of you.

Don't trust hour peers, at least one of them is looking for opportunities to stab you in the back to make sure they stay on top of their DM's pet list. Don't trust your manager, they are rewarded for putting people on performance improvement plans, issuing warning letters and the ultimate gold star is racking up terminations particularly if you were hired by someone else. And most of all, never ever go to HR for anything and I do mean nothing.
