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More change coming

Question: what percent of 100% of respiratory users are started in office versus in a hospital?
Answer: majority are started by practitioners in a office.

You can boo-hoo all you want about the hospital but that's not who make up the bulk of business. Especially when you consider that they went in for an exacerbation so are probably the severe to end stage COPD. That's not the bulk of who you are going for anyway.

The problem is the endless words on the device. If a HCP can't use the device at this point in time then you have failed as a rep.
The hospital and the office are most likely part of the same health system. You can can no longer separate the two. They follow the same pathways my friend. Welcome to 2016

Riddle me this...
No one seemed to have a problem with respimat when it was sold with combivent inside...but now that spiriva is inside it its a problem...things that make you go hmmm

Riddle me this...
No one seemed to have a problem with respimat when it was sold with combivent inside...but now that spiriva is inside it its a problem...things that make you go hmmm

Not an apples to apples comparison. The one and only way to get Combivent is Respimat. Spiriva is and will continue to be available in the Handihaler. If memory serves, conversion to Combivent Respimat didn't really happen until the MDI wasn't produced any longer.

That being what it is, you'd think the company could show how Combivent users made the transition to Respimat just fine, so the argument about Respimat being hard to use doesn't stand up to the facts.

We don't need another CIA dumb-fuck because your sorry ass pushes the envelope. BI doesn't run with short, simple messaging. Instead they want to get reps to go get in the weeds, nitty-gritty type messaging that confuses practitioners.

[BI]P has superior efficacy (but only looks good if you look at relative not actual rates) but more GI bleeds so expect more GI bleeds than warf. Also we can now reverse out all those GI bleeds I've talked to you to death about.
[JnJ.] we are a once a day P with no lawsuits. or thier latest: X does better on diabetes patients. You don't need a reversal agent.
[Pf.] we have less bleed and less death, why would you need a reversal.
Which of these messages works?

[BI] Jar, do you have a negotiating patient who...blah..blah...blah.
[JnJ] Invo pushes out 1 pt A1c drops.
[AZ.] we have a card for F or whatever BS they spout.
Again, what message works?

Shall I give more?

Even go back to Mica, Mira, and even Spva. All we do is show up with: words, words, and more words while the competitors drive home a simple, easy, digestible message. Marketing dept doesn't need to break a CIA to actually craft a message that's short and to the point but BI rarely can get this done.

One last note, I don't know about you but BI has the WORST formulary coverage for its products than any other Pharma I've worked for. It's terrible. Why else is ano growing even though its an ass of a product (yes, pun intended here)? Look up the word "bundling" as it pertains to Pharma.

I agree with most of what you wrote, as well with the post before yours. Whether it's the CIA, weak management, or a timid (now called a "conservative") culture, BI can't seem to get out of its own way. We are, and will continue to be, in an environment where a simple, direct, and on point message resonates with providers and drives business. I've yet to attend a meeting where crafting a solid message gets more than a token effort. On the flip side, our sales model focuses on asking questions as if our job was to write a biography on our HCPs. They have no interest in playing cat-and-mouse question games with us.
We also need to stop designing studies that cripple our products right out of the gate. A DVT/PE study design for Pradaxa that forces a 5 day paranteral lead in makes it a nonstarter for those indications. Now it seems that Jardiance will get an indication for secondary CV treatment while Invocana is going all in and going for a primary prevention indication.

So more changes in JANUARY?!?? Changes in HSBS accts. I hope? Bring it....These Ashfield reps. have no experience in pharma, no experience selling in their disease states! Are you kidding me, it will be over a YEAR before they have a clue what they are doing... Good luck with that BI, what were you possibly thinking...

BI insider here (home office). RUN! RUN!!! RUN!!!! If you are in respiratory, your division is essentially closing end 2016
CV down to minimum IF there is new indication to sell. If not approved, then maybe worse. HSBS reshuffled to make sure all the accounts with no access have plenty of BI coverage. We have to make GTM look good.

BI insider here (home office). RUN! RUN!!! RUN!!!! If you are in respiratory, your division is essentially closing end 2016
CV down to minimum IF there is new indication to sell. If not approved, then maybe worse. HSBS reshuffled to make sure all the accounts with no access have plenty of BI coverage. We have to make GTM look good.

So more changes in JANUARY?!?? Changes in HSBS accts. I hope? Bring it....These Ashfield reps. have no experience in pharma, no experience selling in their disease states! Are you kidding me, it will be over a YEAR before they have a clue what they are doing... Good luck with that BI, what were you possibly thinking...

BI insider here (home office). RUN! RUN!!! RUN!!!! If you are in respiratory, your division is essentially closing end 2016

No idea if this is true, but sounds very plausible. What do we have? Spiriva that is going off patent. Stiolto which is dead, and never stood a chance. Combivent in CSO's hands. Any additional info from people in the know would be appreciated.

Cardio division gone by december Happy holidays. CBD's making arrangements for their favorites right now

Your correct. Cardio gone. Cardio-Metabolic begins Q1, 2017. Smaller, single territories w Hospital account responsibility. IC split 60-40 Pradaxa.
Principals in Germany this week, Sr VP's briefed yesterday evening. There may be Regions with headcount loss, but doubtful. Most CBD's have frozen open positions. Card reps are instrumental for Jardiance CV launch in Jan. But there is change coming.

Your correct. Cardio gone. Cardio-Metabolic begins Q1, 2017. Smaller, single territories w Hospital account responsibility. IC split 60-40 Pradaxa.
Principals in Germany this week, Sr VP's briefed yesterday evening. There may be Regions with headcount loss, but doubtful. Most CBD's have frozen open positions. Card reps are instrumental for Jardiance CV launch in Jan. But there is change coming.

tough to take someone seriously who doesn't know the difference between your and you're, but it does actually sound right.