How is Sales force since John S. is out and Meg has left?
i see a sales job posted?
Salary range Please?
vacation package length?
Wallace Chapman is director of sales. He understands the business but needs help from marketing and upper management. This company just does not move fast or have a sense of urgency to support sales and marketing.
Wow...judging by the comments of the past two people; one would assume you're CLEARLY in the bottom of the performance rankings. Here TG hired you because of the way you sold yourself to them. Positive attitude, drive, team player...sad. Why not quit if you are going to bash your leaders that have fought for you to the highest of management. Two-faced back stabbers. TG would be lucky to lose you and your dead weight poor attitudes. Those at the top who are working hard and actually CONTRIBUTING to the success of the company feel very differently and that's a fact. Do us all a favor and go poison some other company with your pathetc excuses for being a bad employee.
wow, sounds like someone hit a giant nerve...i dont think that we need to be so hateful but speaking from the field you all do need to address issues. i think it can be turned around but only if belgium wakes up they are pitiful
How do you like that stock price now buddy?