Morale At Rock Bottom

This be some funny-ass shit going on here!! Brothers and sisters, reality is at hand. The Nexiscam no longer works, and everything else is rather me too as well, so insurers have figured out they should not have to pay out the nose to drug company execs and shareholders (cuz that's who is really getting wealthy off this stuff), and they see their gravy train slowing, which translates to the wife bitching about not having a monthly vacation to Hawaii, the new Lexus SUV, while sipping on wine spritzers all day. And let's not forget the anti drug company poiticians that want to shut everything down and turn this ship into a Stalinistic venture. I would get off the boat asap or have a backup plan for when it sinks. Think I am kidding? - just look at TAP. If it hadn't been for the two owners, their asses would be on the street.

Click "like"

Read the thread, "COMPLAINERS GET THE HELL OUT", which I agree with totally. Here I am waiting to tee off, on my iPad, and have only "worked" (if you want to call it that!) 3 hours today, and you are still bitching about morale! YOU PEOPLE ARE COMPLETE IDIOTS! We have it made "working" for this stupid company. Not a single one of you put in more than 20 hours a week and you know it! Learn the art of ass kissing and fake smiling and you will be just fine. Why complain about such a perfect gravy train??

Quit complaining, or quit! It's just that simple.

Couldn't have said it better myself! Well said!