Morale At Rock Bottom

If you are a DSM (which I highly doubt) then grow a set and voice this opinion to an audience that matters. Be a "leader" and think out of the box yourself instead of demanding those around you to do it. Speak up to your peers and RSD. Make your regional meeting different!
You must not have been here long. You expect a DSM to say anything negative to his or her RSD. All I have to say to that is don't bogart that joint cause you are obviously somking some good shit. In the 9 years I have worked for this company I have had eight DSM's Only one of them was worth a fuck. The majority of these cock suckers could not sell a space heater in Alaska. Most of them have very little field experience and the ones who do forget what it's like in the field the day they are told they have the DSM job. They offer few suggestion because they have none. If you think you have a good relationship with your DSM, think again. They will throw you under the bus in a heart beat. Most of these assholes come from corporate where they sat on their asses all day trying to figure out a new way to suck some upper management cock to further their careers. You ass wipe DSM's keep telling the posters to quit please quite. 90% of AZ problems would go away if upper management made it a requirement that all DSM's must have at least five years of sales expirence to apply for the job. That would get rid of you worthless fuck wads and finially put some professional people in your place.

Man, I don't think I have ever seen morale among the reps so low! Hang in there everyone!

Why don't you back up your brave anonymous posting by quitting... oh yeah, you're too gutless.

There is a few thousand laid off SP, Merck, Pfizer, King, GSK, S-A, J&J reps there waiting to take your cushy job loser.

only in America will you find so many douchebags complain about doing a job where you work 10-3, barely do much of anything when you actually are at work, get a car practically at no cost, expense may more stuff than you probably should, go out to free dinners, see your boss 2-3 times a month and get paid $60-70K plus bonuses for working (jerking off) for a grand total of about 25 hours a week.

Me, I can't stand it anymore. I'm going to a job where I can work in a cubicle from 8-6, get an hour for lunch, where my boss hovers over me and asks me to come in Saturday to work on TPS reports- after he steals my stapler.

It seems that everyone I speak with is at "rock bottom" when it comes to morale at AZ. The #1 complaint I hear is micromanagement... aka constant field visits. Also, there seems to be very little faith in the accuracy of sales data. These feelings and many others, have spread throughout the ranks of AZ reps and DM's as well.

I realize that there are lots of complaints, but one thing you have to acknowledge, as previously mentioned here on CP, we have not gone through a rep layoff yet. I know the ride-a-longs have been way, way over done. The micromanagement philosophy is a mainstay at AZ. You have got to realize that management (upper mgt. that is) has no idea how to treat the sales force. They see Nexium sales going south; Seroquel flat; patent challenges everywhere; Symbicort so-so, lawsuits out the yazoo and on and on. To put it simply, they don't know how to motivate the sales force. You know we have problems when they think the main purpose of a meeting is nothing more than an opportunity to role play!

I don't know what the future holds for AZ and pharma, but I think we will all see (the industry) major, major changes in business philosophy/models over the next 5 years. As for a career here or with any other pharma company, I would always have a back-up plan. There are just too many unknowns at this point in time.

I have a morale booster for you and people who feel like you..."Be glad you have a position in an industry that is dropping it's reps right and left."

A laid off rep in the 'drink'

If you think morale is low now, just wait until you get back from the August aka constant role playing, meetings!!! These meetings wiil go down as the absolute worst in the history of AZ!! Trust me, I know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you think morale is low now, just wait until you get back from the August aka constant role playing, meetings!!! These meetings wiil go down as the absolute worst in the history of AZ!! Trust me, I know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and even worst than that you have to endure countless, mindless postings by a pharma barbie bimbo that can't type a whiny complaint with numerous explanation points!!!!

Why don't you back up your brave anonymous posting by quitting... oh yeah, you're too gutless.

There is a few thousand laid off SP, Merck, Pfizer, King, GSK, S-A, J&J reps there waiting to take your cushy job loser.

Just 1 problem. None of these laid off reps will work for AZ. Who wants to be associated with losers, whiners, and empty headed barbies and kens. AZ is the starter job for pharma reps not the place you want t end up at. Anyone staying here for more than 3 years is a loser.

Just 1 problem. None of these laid off reps will work for AZ. Who wants to be associated with losers, whiners, and empty headed barbies and kens. AZ is the starter job for pharma reps not the place you want t end up at. Anyone staying here for more than 3 years is a loser.

The part about AZ being a pharma starter job is correct...AZ doesn’t have a management program or any formal developmental track to prepare reps for their next position. Any AZ rep that is here after 3 years is disgruntled because they’re still staring at the carrot placed in front of them by management (The ones that don’t care are just coasting along).

AZ is not a bad company but if you strive to be more then just a rep…look somewhere else

If you think morale is low now, just wait until you get back from the August aka constant role playing, meetings!!! These meetings wiil go down as the absolute worst in the history of AZ!! Trust me, I know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Heard the same thing. I don't mind going to meetings, but for God's sake, make them useful! They are the same old shit over and over again. Role playing, role playing and more role playing. They never change. They are mind numbing. Ask any rep you meet, and if they give you an honest answer, 100% will say do it on webex or a half-day district meeting. We don't want to travel ANYWHERE to do the same thing we did a few months ago. In fact, do us all a favor, and NEVER have a face-to-face meeting ever again. That, my friend, will increase morale!

Heard the same thing. I don't mind going to meetings, but for God's sake, make them useful! They are the same old shit over and over again. Role playing, role playing and more role playing. They never change. They are mind numbing. Ask any rep you meet, and if they give you an honest answer, 100% will say do it on webex or a half-day district meeting. We don't want to travel ANYWHERE to do the same thing we did a few months ago. In fact, do us all a favor, and NEVER have a face-to-face meeting ever again. That, my friend, will increase morale!

I think 99.99% of the reps feel the same way. I thought we were not going to do this big meetings anymore and do smaller district meetings instead. Like you said, if they never, ever have another meeting it would be too soon for me!!!

I think 99.99% of the reps feel the same way. I thought we were not going to do this big meetings anymore and do smaller district meetings instead. Like you said, if they never, ever have another meeting it would be too soon for me!!!

Yes you need more free time to sharpen your non-existent English language skills so you can finally stop typing everything with a explanation point!!! Dumbass!!!

Yes you need more free time to sharpen your non-existent English language skills so you can finally stop typing everything with a explanation point!!! Dumbass!!!

You can get your Seroquel for free, angry one !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think 99.99% of the reps feel the same way. I thought we were not going to do this big meetings anymore and do smaller district meetings instead. Like you said, if they never, ever have another meeting it would be too soon for me!!!

I think everyone would agree, DM's included, that meetings have become virtually a total waste of our time and money. There is really no reason anymore for face to face meetings. It just gives the training dept. another box to check on their scorecards. What a waste.

I think everyone would agree, DM's included, that meetings have become virtually a total waste of our time and money. There is really no reason anymore for face to face meetings. It just gives the training dept. another box to check on their scorecards. What a waste.

The funny thing is that they actually think we benefit from them. All our meetings have deteriorated to nothing but endless role playing. You would think that just one time, they would lighten' up a little and actually do something to improve morale at one of these things. Heard the August ones are going to be the SOS. Glad I won't be there!

The funny thing is that they actually think we benefit from them. All our meetings have deteriorated to nothing but endless role playing. You would think that just one time, they would lighten' up a little and actually do something to improve morale at one of these things. Heard the August ones are going to be the SOS. Glad I won't be there!

you are damn lucky you won't be there! Everyone can't wait until an AZ meeting is over. Same thing over and over. Huge expense for no reward. You would think by now they wouldn't have these things anymore. Do a teleconference and be done with it.

Read the thread, "COMPLAINERS GET THE HELL OUT", which I agree with totally. Here I am waiting to tee off, on my iPad, and have only "worked" (if you want to call it that!) 3 hours today, and you are still bitching about morale! YOU PEOPLE ARE COMPLETE IDIOTS! We have it made "working" for this stupid company. Not a single one of you put in more than 20 hours a week and you know it! Learn the art of ass kissing and fake smiling and you will be just fine. Why complain about such a perfect gravy train??

Quit complaining, or quit! It's just that simple.