Morale At Rock Bottom


It seems that everyone I speak with is at "rock bottom" when it comes to morale at AZ. The #1 complaint I hear is micromanagement... aka constant field visits. Also, there seems to be very little faith in the accuracy of sales data. These feelings and many others, have spread throughout the ranks of AZ reps and DM's as well.

I realize that there are lots of complaints, but one thing you have to acknowledge, as previously mentioned here on CP, we have not gone through a rep layoff yet. I know the ride-a-longs have been way, way over done. The micromanagement philosophy is a mainstay at AZ. You have got to realize that management (upper mgt. that is) has no idea how to treat the sales force. They see Nexium sales going south; Seroquel flat; patent challenges everywhere; Symbicort so-so, lawsuits out the yazoo and on and on. To put it simply, they don't know how to motivate the sales force. You know we have problems when they think the main purpose of a meeting is nothing more than an opportunity to role play!

I don't know what the future holds for AZ and pharma, but I think we will all see (the industry) major, major changes in business philosophy/models over the next 5 years. As for a career here or with any other pharma company, I would always have a back-up plan. There are just too many unknowns at this point in time.

It seems that everyone I speak with is at "rock bottom" when it comes to morale at AZ. The #1 complaint I hear is micromanagement... aka constant field visits. Also, there seems to be very little faith in the accuracy of sales data. These feelings and many others, have spread throughout the ranks of AZ reps and DM's as well.

I realize that there are lots of complaints, but one thing you have to acknowledge, as previously mentioned here on CP, we have not gone through a rep layoff yet. I know the ride-a-longs have been way, way over done. The micromanagement philosophy is a mainstay at AZ. You have got to realize that management (upper mgt. that is) has no idea how to treat the sales force. They see Nexium sales going south; Seroquel flat; patent challenges everywhere; Symbicort so-so, lawsuits out the yazoo and on and on. To put it simply, they don't know how to motivate the sales force. You know we have problems when they think the main purpose of a meeting is nothing more than an opportunity to role play!

I don't know what the future holds for AZ and pharma, but I think we will all see (the industry) major, major changes in business philosophy/models over the next 5 years. As for a career here or with any other pharma company, I would always have a back-up plan. There are just too many unknowns at this point in time.


FSIP is supposed to be a motivator, but is isn't. No one can figure it out, so payout is arbitrary. So why try harder? Some people are intrinsically motivated. As for me, I work because I get paid. My efforts are a reflection of how much I get paid or can realistically expect to get paid for my efforts.

Remember Communism? Do you know about union work? Workers got/get paid the same no matter how hard they work(ed). Now we have salary and an ambiguous FSIP. Anyone care to predict how this will turn out?

Work for your salary. You owe it to the company and the shareholders. And then, if a bonus finds its way into your mailbox, smile and decide if you need to earn that too.

Bonuses are no longer earned. They are won with as much predictability as a roll of the dice on a craps game. FSIP is no motivator to "make that extra call at 5pm." We've all figured out that there is little we can do to manipulate the numbers in our favor. How can we when a percentage is dependant on what reps are doing thousands of miles away?

What a brilliant oratory!! What's next, "please, please, please quit. Pleeeeaaaase?" The "dick head" is exactly why morale is in the shape it's in!
How about just shut the fuck up and then quit so we don't have to listen to your negative whining, whimp ass complaining about everything that is wrong with AZ and Pharma. That really improves everyone's morale. Do you bore the shit out of your spouse with the same lame ass crap? Bet you can clear a room by just walking in.

Bonuses are no longer earned. They are won with as much predictability as a roll of the dice on a craps game. FSIP is no motivator to "make that extra call at 5pm." We've all figured out that there is little we can do to manipulate the numbers in our favor. How can we when a percentage is dependant on what reps are doing thousands of miles away?

I was top in my district for Symbicort, and got the lowest fsip payment for symbicort, NOW thats motivating! FSIP is the biggest scam going on in AZ right now. FSIP dept cant even explain to you how they come up wth your numbers, ummmmmmmmmmmmmm whats wrong with this picture?? Leadership? where are you? oh yeah, you dont give a SHIT! forgot,sorry

This be some funny-ass shit going on here!! Brothers and sisters, reality is at hand. The Nexiscam no longer works, and everything else is rather me too as well, so insurers have figured out they should not have to pay out the nose to drug company execs and shareholders (cuz that's who is really getting wealthy off this stuff), and they see their gravy train slowing, which translates to the wife bitching about not having a monthly vacation to Hawaii, the new Lexus SUV, while sipping on wine spritzers all day. And let's not forget the anti drug company poiticians that want to shut everything down and turn this ship into a Stalinistic venture. I would get off the boat asap or have a backup plan for when it sinks. Think I am kidding? - just look at TAP. If it hadn't been for the two owners, their asses would be on the street.

It seems that everyone I speak with is at "rock bottom" when it comes to morale at AZ. The #1 complaint I hear is micromanagement... aka constant field visits. Also, there seems to be very little faith in the accuracy of sales data. These feelings and many others, have spread throughout the ranks of AZ reps and DM's as well.

I realize that there are lots of complaints, but one thing you have to acknowledge, as previously mentioned here on CP, we have not gone through a rep layoff yet. I know the ride-a-longs have been way, way over done. The micromanagement philosophy is a mainstay at AZ. You have got to realize that management (upper mgt. that is) has no idea how to treat the sales force. They see Nexium sales going south; Seroquel flat; patent challenges everywhere; Symbicort so-so, lawsuits out the yazoo and on and on. To put it simply, they don't know how to motivate the sales force. You know we have problems when they think the main purpose of a meeting is nothing more than an opportunity to role play!

I don't know what the future holds for AZ and pharma, but I think we will all see (the industry) major, major changes in business philosophy/models over the next 5 years. As for a career here or with any other pharma company, I would always have a back-up plan. There are just too many unknowns at this point in time.

To the OP, I agree completely with what you have said. Everything is true. I defy anyone to offer a good argument to the contrary, to each of the above points. Soon RPT and MCL will have yet another meeting that will be an utter waste of time and I am sure, devoted to nothing but "real play". The reps will be counting down the minutes till it's over. Thank God they canceled the CNS meetings! Micromanagement, box checking, apathy, CYA, dubious sales #'s, are all evident. The future should be very interesting.

To the OP, I agree completely with what you have said. Everything is true. I defy anyone to offer a good argument to the contrary, to each of the above points. Soon RPT and MCL will have yet another meeting that will be an utter waste of time and I am sure, devoted to nothing but "real play". The reps will be counting down the minutes till it's over. Thank God they canceled the CNS meetings! Micromanagement, box checking, apathy, CYA, dubious sales #'s, are all evident. The future should be very interesting.

They have got to realize that these "meetings" do way more harm than good! With a single district meeting, you might actually accomplish something. The minute you put 2 DM's together in a room, it goes down hill for the reps from there! Does anyone ever ask the question, "Is this meeting really necessary and what good will it do for sales?" I don't they they really care about that. It's just another check-the-box thing and make them role play BS!

IF it's necessary (I can't remember when the last "necessary meeting" was held!), then why don't you let the reps have a little fun for a change and I don't mean some stupid Jeopardy type contest either!!!! Think out of the box for a change and it just might boost morale!!!!!! Just one DM's opinion.

They have got to realize that these "meetings" do way more harm than good! With a single district meeting, you might actually accomplish something. The minute you put 2 DM's together in a room, it goes down hill for the reps from there! Does anyone ever ask the question, "Is this meeting really necessary and what good will it do for sales?" I don't they they really care about that. It's just another check-the-box thing and make them role play BS!

IF it's necessary (I can't remember when the last "necessary meeting" was held!), then why don't you let the reps have a little fun for a change and I don't mean some stupid Jeopardy type contest either!!!! Think out of the box for a change and it just might boost morale!!!!!! Just one DM's opinion.

If you are a DSM (which I highly doubt) then grow a set and voice this opinion to an audience that matters. Be a "leader" and think out of the box yourself instead of demanding those around you to do it. Speak up to your peers and RSD. Make your regional meeting different!

They have got to realize that these "meetings" do way more harm than good! With a single district meeting, you might actually accomplish something. The minute you put 2 DM's together in a room, it goes down hill for the reps from there! Does anyone ever ask the question, "Is this meeting really necessary and what good will it do for sales?" I don't they they really care about that. It's just another check-the-box thing and make them role play BS!

IF it's necessary (I can't remember when the last "necessary meeting" was held!), then why don't you let the reps have a little fun for a change and I don't mean some stupid Jeopardy type contest either!!!! Think out of the box for a change and it just might boost morale!!!!!! Just one DM's opinion.

If you really are a DM, then congrats for having a little common sense. Everyone knows that AZ meetings are basically a waste of time. And, everyone knows that they are nothing more than excuses to role play. Why in the hell can't we have a USEFUL meeting instead of the same bullshit over and over? Meetings should never be longer than 1/2 to 1 day, and no more. We don't enjoy them, and we don't benefit in the slightest. Why, why don't we just go to 1/2 day district meetings and better yet, virtual classrooms????