Mo on TV???

Its over. Wolin has accepted a plea deal.

Wolin agreed to plead no contest to the felony charge in return for a 90-day county jail term and three years probation. He will be sentenced Feb. 26. Conviction of the felony carries a state prison term.

Wolin also must register as a sex offender.

Anyone take a closer look at Mo's profile?

"Tall MD with humor, charm, and finesse. Can you disarm me?"

Yeah, that's easy: I'll just bum-rush you as you go hustling nervously away from a pathetic, aborted attempt to sexually violate a pubescent girl. If you're armed with anything, you'll spike it on the ground and shatter it into a dozen pieces before beginning to whine like a little bitch. Done and done, you gangly oaf.

"I...have a child-like enthusiasm for new experiences, places, and adventures."

Yeah,'re a regular Marco Polo. I think "enthusiasm for new experiences and adventures with children" would be a bit more accurate.

"I can be intensely passionate about my work and my convictions..."

I bet I can think of one conviction you are passionate about...the one you're likely gonna put your lawyers' kid through college trying to avoid.

"Oh, did I mention I can read minds?"

Really, doc? That's amazing. Too bad your clairvoyance doesn't extend to sniffing out adult males pretending to be adolescent females as part of a televised police sting operation when arranging an illegal statutory "nooner."

All the stuff about trust, commitment, and honesty are great too. As Bugs Bunny would say: "What a maroon!"

A certain sex offender gets sentenced today.

Bye bye Mo Wo. Hope you're rear end is ready for some stretching.

People who commit sex crimes don't have many friends in prison.

Its called Karma.

This jerk was one of the biggest ASSWIPES at Chiron and he never did squart when it came to clinical trials.

How fitting this degenrate is on TV trying to pick up a teenager.

What a piece of shit and I hope they throw the book at him the scumb bag!

That is what is known, after reviewing the video frame-by-frame, and verifying my finding with several independent mental health professionals...


Fabulously TRUE!
(Actually, the truth is, Mo doesn't take direction well at all. The cops said "Get on the ground!" several times and Mo chucked the shades without actually listening to the command. Seems ironically fitting.

Is he a vivisector too? I see he was in "clinical trials" but seriously, these sub-humans ALWAYS abuse those who are helpless to speak against them ie animals and children. I suspect there's more to Mo than a depraved desire for pre-pubescent girls. Sick.

I am one of the unlucky women that met him online. I met him on match. I am 30 and he told me he is 42. He is really in his 50's. I didn't know anything about this man but my gut feelings made me do my research.

When first meeting this man he went by the name Marco and told me he is an oncologist in Berkeley. I met him for coffee and he seemed nice. We met a couple more times in a public place until I agreed to have him pick me up for dinner. At this point I still had no clue. He drives a silver convertible Mercedes. After dinner with him I thought this man was too good to be true.. little did I know. After dating him for about a month I went back to his place. He lives in an apartment in Emeryville and it is very bare. That was the first thing that struck me as very odd. No real furniture and a keyboard on the floor. Not exactly what you would expect to see from a 40 something oncologist. He was also secretive about his last name. I ended up googling Marco Wallis ( the name he had given me) to see what I could find. I don't remember what exactly I typed but I found a video of him from to catch a predator. I wanted to throw up and was sick to my stomach for weeks. I actually really liked this guy. He wears a toupee and other than that he looks the same as he does in his photos.

Very scary that these internet sites are not screening people a little more carefully. I can't believe I dated a predator.

Check out MoWo on the Megan's Law website.
He's currently photographed with toupee.


The following men were arrested during the online sexual predator sting operation and investigation conducted by the Petaluma Police Department, Sonoma County Sheriff’s Department, Sonoma County District Attorney’s Office, Santa Rosa Police Department and the California Bureau of Investigation on Aug. 25-27 in Petaluma.

Joseph Roisman, 21, Watsonville, occupation unknown.

Aminder Singh, 24, San Jose, Zoom Delivery driver.

Valkunth Soundararajan, 26, Sunnyvale, Info Systems programmer.

Jonathan Stemen, 23, North Highlands, unemployed.

Anurag Tiwari, 29, Sunnyvale, Sun Micro System engineer.

James Traylor, 37, Corte Madera, unemployed.

Manuel Uson, 43, Hayward, plant supervisor.

Michael Vestal, 37, Vallejo, Johnson Control technician.

Yancy Wallace, 25, San Diego, U.S. Marine Corps, Camp Pendleton sergeant.

Maurice Wolin, 48, Piedmont, physician.

That's quite a list. The only one that went to trial was Joseph Roisman, 21, Watsonville, occupation unknown." He was a sailor until he was booted over this. They used the same tactics against Wolin.

Watsonville man acquitted of charges resulting from Petaluma sex sting on Dateline's 'To Catch a Predator'

In reaching his decision, Wick found prosecutors had not proven Roisman had "specific intent" to commit the crime - attempting lewd acts with a child under age 14.

He also criticized the tactics used by Dateline's partner, online watchdog Perverted Justice, whom he suggested lacked credibility and engaged in entrapment.

"The axiom, 'Actions speak louder than words,' clearly does not apply in this case," Wick said from the bench.

Wick stopped the trial and issued the verdict without the defense team presenting its case and before consideration by the jury.

Roisman's attorney, Stephen Turer, argued his client's online chats were innocuous and that he intended nothing other than "cuddling and watching movies" when he rode a bus 110 miles to meet the girl.

Turer argued it was Perverted Justice officials who steered the conversation toward sex. Although Roisman was told the girl's age, he was doubtful because of her mature-sounding voice and sophisticated talk, Turer said.

"This case is the poster child for the abuse in this program," Turer said after the acquittal. "They took everything away from this kid just to make a TV show."

Prosecutors said there was enough evidence to bring Roisman to trial.

Looks like Mo has always looked at himself as being priviledged and untouchable. This incident on to catch a predator proved otherwise. His stature and influence just didnt work this time. Thats common from people like that. The higher up they are the harder they fall. And he fell hard