Mo on TV???

Re: Mo on TV??? TRIAL POSTPONED AGAIN to Aug. 6 and Aug. 7, 2007

Linda Davis of the Contra Costa Times is doing an excellent job following this case. His trial has been postponed 3 times now. Anyone want to call Linda and give an interivew? He should have to register as a sex offender on the Megan's Law website. M.W. is a low-life child molester!
Went down like a crybaby and that was enough to make me laugh
out loud in an otherwise horrible situation.
Wolin court date postponed again
By Linda Davis

Article Launched: 06/20/2007 06:08:22 PM PDT

Once again, the court date for Piedmont oncologist-researcher Maurice Wolin has been postponed.
Wolin, 49, is accused of attempting lewd behavior on a minor. He and 28 other Bay Area men were arrested in a sex-sting operation last August at a Petaluma house. The men are accused of propositioning girls on the Internet, then going to a house to have an intimate "date" with an underage girl.

The "girls" at the house were young-looking actresses; the girls on the Internet were police decoys.

The men were all arrested shortly after they arrived at the house.

Wolin's preliminary hearing set for Tuesday and Wednesday in Sonoma County Superior Court in Santa Rosa is now scheduled for Aug. 6 and Aug. 7, a Sonoma County District Attorney spokeswoman said. Prosecutors on June 13 filed a motion for continuance because a key witness was unavailable, the spokeswoman said.

The hearing is expected to be in Dept. 14. At the hearing, witnesses will provide testimony or evidence in open court. Judge Raima Ballinger will then decide if there is enough evidence to go to trial.

Wolin's court dates have been postponed numerous times, due to the illness of the judge, of the defense attorney and other reasons. Wolin's Southern California attorney Blair Berk, who also represents numerous Hollywood celebrities, had no comments on the case this week.

Wolin and the others' actions were caught on tape on NBC Dateline's "Catch a Predator" show, which has aired several times.


The sting operation was coordinated by the Petaluma and Santa Rosa police, Sonoma County Sheriff's, and Perverted Justice, a nationwide organization that monitors online chat rooms and Web sites.
Wolin's case has captured worldwide attention on chat rooms and blogs, with comments from India, Belgium, the Netherlands and around the country. Some writers feel no mercy, while others sympathize with the doctor's family. One person writes: "Dr. Wolin helped cure me of leukemia at UCLA Medical Center some 16 years ago. . . .It is indeed sad that such has befallen him. I cannot make excuses for him, but as far as I am concerned, this man is a good man."

As a result of the charges, Wolin was banned from practicing medicine as of Nov. 29 by the state medical board, by court order. He has worked as a cancer researcher and oncologist in Southern California, the Bay Area and elsewhere.

Joan Risse, chief Sonoma County deputy district attorney, said 13 defendant's cases have been settled out of the 29. Those who pled guilty to attempting to commit a lewd and lascivious act upon a child under age 14, a felony, are: Norbert Avalos, Juan Carlos Gutierrez, Henry Guzman, Aminder Singh, Valkunth Soundararajan, Jonathan Stemen, Michael Vestal and Gopichand Pai.

Steven Cartlidge and Wai Kit Cheuk both pled to an attempt to annoy or molest a child, a misdemeanor that can bring up to one year in jail, Risse said. Jaime Mendieta pled to attempted sexual battery, a misdemeanor. The cities of residence of the men were not available.

Mohammed Aksoum of Walnut Creek entered a no-contest plea to the same charges as Wolin, was given formal probation and nine months in jail. Marine Sgt. Yancy Wallace was released to the custody of the U.S. Marines where he will face court-martial proceedings. One suspect, Pulkit Mathur, is at large with a $50,000 warrant outstanding. Those convicted must register as sex offenders.

The other 16 cases are set for jury trials or preliminary hearings. Risse said the cases are assigned by alphabet to various courtrooms where, for a variety of factors, some cases are resolved quicker than others.

Reach Linda Davis at or at 510-748-1686.


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Far from going scot-free. He's going to trial soon with some superstar attorney. Doubt that will do him any good since the judge seems pretty decent.

His attorney did a hail mary to suppress the chat logs, stating the ":)" emoticons were materially different from an animated icon. Hillarious. At the very least, it suggests a desperate defense strategy. The judge denied her claims and allowed the chat log.

I, for one, will really enjoy this. His attorney will next argue that the police engaged in entrapment. Which is probably another hail-mary since he drove 40 miles to meet a minor and entered a private residence via a garage door pre-designated as a covert entrance.

My guess is that the lawyer is taking advantage of Wolin. He has no chance of winning, yet I'd imagine she charges $500+/hr for her services in this hopeless case. She must be cleaning up, albeit at the expense of a pedophile, which I'd imagine justifies it.

It is amazing how MO was saying he went to the girl's house to try and protect her. When the cop started going over the email converations MO had with the girl it seemed MO was lying and just as we suspected he is a discusting human being. How can someone who is supose to help people as a doctor especially young people try and do something like this. Remember this is the first time he got cought!!!

I guess if it were little girls he wouldn't have minded sitting with them, PERVERT!! He needs to be but in Jail with the regular population and get his ass kicked. The prison population do not like people like this and have their own form of justice.

Does MO have to register as a sex offender or would he have had to actually done the act. I say make him register as a sex offender by all account he would have gone through with it if it weren't for the sting. Lets protect young children from this preditor.

Why is it OK for Debra La Feve to have sex with a 14 year old boy from the boys stand point, but not OK for Mo or anyone else to do the same with a hotty 14 year old who looks older?
Quite the double standard in the good ole U.S. of A isn't it?

What the sick bastard Debra La Feve did was just as despicable as what MO did. They should be put in jail for a very long time (years) with treatment and once they do get out of jail be followed very closely to make sure the treatment worked. These are sick individuals and need to be out of society to protect young innocent children.
I think you are just trying to get a reaction if you are truly calling the young girl a (hotty 14 year old who looks older) and if your not joking, you are as sick as Debra and MO!

Doctor must stand trial in sex sting case
Feb 7, 2008

The East Bay physician arrested in an underage sex sting organized by Petaluma police and NBC News must stand trial, a Sonoma County judge ruled Thursday.

The ruling was the second affirmation from a Sonoma County judge that prosecutors have enough evidence to try Dr. Maurice Wolin of Piedmont on a charge of attempted child molestation.

Wolin’s lawyer had argued that the sting operation, run by the NBC program “Dateline” with the Internet watchdog group Perverted Justice, amounted to entrapment.

Blair Berk, a Los Angeles lawyer representing Wolin, also told Judge Arthur Wick that there was not enough evidence to show Wolin attempted to engage in sex acts with a minor.

Berk can appeal Wick’s decision in the state 1st District Court of Appeal.

Wolin, meanwhile, is scheduled to be back in court on Feb 21 for pretrial proceedings.

Wolin was one of 29 men arrested in August 2006 after they allegedly engaged in lewd Internet chat conversations with adults posing as underage boys and girls.

The men were arrested when they went to a Petaluma home expecting to meet teenagers, presumably for sexual encounters. Before they were arrested by police, they were confronted by an NBC reporter.

Many of the men, though not Wolin, spoke on camera.

At least a dozen cases have been settled with plea bargains that included about nine months of jail time. Defendants also were required to register as sex offenders.