MM sales should be only 20 people big

so happy that my loser, suck-ass, protected,over-paid, lame SAEs will have to interview, and will lose to more qualified candidates, who actually might work more than 15 hours a week!!! The days of sitting at home all day are over, picking up your kids, listening to conference calls, getting pedicures, spa treatments, playing tennis, and going to the gym are over!! Bye, bye! Start interviewing, good luck finding another cake job, where no one gives a shit what you do all day.

You're gonna get your wish. MM will decrease to around 23 account executives. All of them will have direct contracted accounts.

KAM team will be part of field sales regions.

Have fun.

dog fight! They'll be too many people applying, and some old SAEs will not get jobs, once it's revealed that the never did their jobs in the first place. Nothing will be accomplished anyway! Good luck!