MM sales should be only 20 people big

They should definitely go back to Ram model and be assigned payers. Drop the fake responsibility for accounts! It's ridiculous to write an account and plan and justify a job that everyone else is doing. The IDNs should be aligned to Inspec teams, or the two should merge. Complete waste of money for SAEs who don't have any accountability for sales or any customer activity.

Marsh is definitely trying to justify this ridiculous model with overpaid team with absolutely no impact, responsibility, contracting ability. Go back to working with payers, there's no value in the organized customer space, walking all over everyone, trying to justify their jobs with the exact same resources as everyone else, and no metrics, responsibility. Cut this team down to right size!

Most SAE's have never worked in a Hospital. Some have never called on a specialist. The skills required to be become a SAE here at BI are more who your network is versus actually having MM competencies.
As an ISR, i do see value in the position. A lot frankly. However, case in point is my new ISR who has no experience, no relationships, no clue about Hospitals etc. Guy goes from PCP DM to SAE????? Because he's networked? God help us all.

My SAEs work part time, and take credit for everyone else's work. That's fair! no contacting ability, and nothing to do, but make Amos pieces. Please send more! God help them! Go to market and please go to work.

Read between the lines. If they are asking what customers want and aligning towards custom needs. They don't need more people writing MBOs. How many people are 50% MBOs. Or, 50% bullshit!

Overall GTM strategy. SAEs will be focused on payers, unless there is an actual fully integrated system/payor in a particular geography. They can no longer sustain a model where SAEs are assigned accounts that they've actually only ever visited on a website. Focus is on customer engagement model, not THE no engagement model. The curtain is being pulled back on those working part time jobs, and getting paid to sit at home.

Makes sense to some extent. They really only need 1 per state. Maybe 2 in a couple states like CA, NY and TX. Or have 2 per state; 1 for payers and another for larger IDN's.

With offices getting more and more restrictive on rep access, do we really need all the reps? More and more plans are putting in restrictive formularies that force a provider to prescribe certain products. Do we need reps to promote that? All that occurs at POS.