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Mitt Romney shopping for car elevators at his $12M La Jolla home

I'm not the one whining about someone being rich. Unlike owedummy, I don't think you have to put an upper limit on what is acceptable wealth, earnings, success, or prosperity. I am thrilled Romney will be the candidate and can remind people that owebama's plan and path is decidedly unAmerican.

A person who got to where he was through gaming the system and special considerations who then blatantly hates and wants to damage those who made his career possible is the one out of touch. Owebama sneering at all that has made America great and the fact of the nation's exceptionalism shows just how out of touch he is. Not with just wealthy, middle class, and the poor, but with anyone who believes in America.

BN often gets his tongue wrapped around his eye-tooth, so he can't see what he/she is saying.

I'm not the one whining about someone being rich.

I am not 'whining' about Willard's wealth either - I would just like to see him pay his fair share of taxes at a percentage equal to most middle class Americans. Republican's made the wealth an issue when John Kerry ran in 2004 - Why is it off limits now when the GOP candidate is in a similar postion?

Perhaps you can provide an answer to the question BB has been avoiding:

Was it envy, and OK, with you, when the GOP went after John & Theresa Kerry's wealth including the infamous 'Windsurfer' ad?

I know you are much smarter than the Bubble and look forward to your response.

BN often gets his tongue wrapped around his eye-tooth, so he can't see what he/she is saying.

Another defelction from the Bubble in his vain attempt to avoid a simple question:

Was it envy, and OK, with you when the GOP went after John & Theresa Kerry's wealth including the infamous 'Windsurfer' ad?

Since it is clear that BB would rather dodge the question, we will mark him down for yet another cut and run EPIC FAIL.

I am not 'whining' about Willard's wealth either - I would just like to see him pay his fair share of taxes at a percentage equal to most middle class Americans. Republican's made the wealth an issue when John Kerry ran in 2004 - Why is it off limits now when the GOP candidate is in a similar postion?

Perhaps you can provide an answer to the question BB has been avoiding:

Was it envy, and OK, with you, when the GOP went after John & Theresa Kerry's wealth including the infamous 'Windsurfer' ad?

I know you are much smarter than the Bubble and look forward to your response.

Why do you think investment income is taxed at a lower rate than earnings?

Grab a fire extinguisher and think about it.

Answer: No.

Now answer MY questions.

Since your answer is 'No' . . . Then why is it eny when Dems go after Romney and his wealth in much the same way the cons went after John Kerry in 2004? Please explain the difference.

I will now answer you questions:

Yes and Yes - And No, I am not contributing any more in taxes since I am already pay a higher rate than Romney and don't own a 12 million dollar vacation home.

See, that was easy!

Can't answer the question?

I don't see any relevance of Kerry's election to this one. It was his wife's inheritance, not earned wealth. The Kerry's wealth had nothing to do with personal success. No one had issue with Perot or Gore and their wealth either.

But you had no issue with Kerry's wealth. Or the Kennedy's. So why does Romney's mean so much to you?

Now, try again. Why is investment income taxed differently than earnings?
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I will now answer you questions:

Yes and Yes - And No, I am not contributing any more in taxes since I am already pay a higher rate than Romney and don't own a 12 million dollar vacation home.

I'm sorry, but as a dyed-in-the-wool libbie, you are not entitled to pay increases. If you don't hand over all of that incremental income to the government, you will not be doing your fair share. You are nothing but another greedy capitalist.

Financial well-being due to personal success is not allowed under Obamanomics. Now pay up.

Take your best shots at Romney (which aren't very good) but always remember that neither You NOR Romney is allowed to succeed.

What kind of lousy phony liberal are you? Obviously you're one of the hipocritical variety. "What's good for Goose is good for...uh...the other Ganders.

I'm sorry, but as a dyed-in-the-wool libbie, you are not entitled to pay increases. If you don't hand over all of that incremental income to the government, you will not be doing your fair share. You are nothing but another greedy capitalist.

Financial well-being due to personal success is not allowed under Obamanomics. Now pay up.

Take your best shots at Romney (which aren't very good) but always remember that neither You NOR Romney is allowed to succeed.

What kind of lousy phony liberal are you? Obviously you're one of the hipocritical variety. "What's good for Goose is good for...uh...the other Ganders.

Socialism is NEVER for the Socialists. It's for everyone else. I wonder what Mitt's car elevator cost, compared to Marie Antionette-Obama's junket to Spain, with40 of her closest friends. Bring this shit on all day libbies.

I'm sorry, but as a dyed-in-the-wool libbie, you are not entitled to pay increases. If you don't hand over all of that incremental income to the government, you will not be doing your fair share. You are nothing but another greedy capitalist.

Financial well-being due to personal success is not allowed under Obamanomics. Now pay up.

Take your best shots at Romney (which aren't very good) but always remember that neither You NOR Romney is allowed to succeed.

What kind of lousy phony liberal are you? Obviously you're one of the hipocritical variety. "What's good for Goose is good for...uh...the other Ganders.

The above rambling and incoherant response is yet another example of the Bubble not 'getting it' and going down his usual pathway to deflection once again.

The Bubble has said that is wasn't eny when the cons went after the Kerry family wealth and now his hypocrisy is on full display when Romney's riches are brought to the forefront. Why is it any different for Willard?

As for myself, I pay all of my required taxes and expect someone with Romney's wealth to simply pay his fair share at the same rate that myslef and many other middle class voters are currently being taxed at.

I don't see any relevance of Kerry's election to this one. It was his wife's inheritance, not earned wealth. The Kerry's wealth had nothing to do with personal success. No one had issue with Perot or Gore and their wealth either.

Nice try at continued deflection - I didn't think you would see any difference as you have proved time and time again to be the biggest hypocrite ever to grace this site. This isn't an issue of how a person got his money - The cons attacked Kerry over his family's wealth and now they are whining about Dems doing much the same to Romney. What gives?

But you had no issue with Kerry's wealth. Or the Kennedy's. So why does Romney's mean so much to you?

Now that the tables have turned and Willard's money is an issue, you try to minimize Dems doing much of what the cons did to Kerry.

Now, try again. Why is investment income taxed differently than earnings?

You need to try again at you usual SPIN - It is getting weaker with every word you type.

The above rambling and incoherant response is yet another example of the Bubble not 'getting it' and going down his usual pathway to deflection once again.

The Bubble has said that is wasn't eny when the cons went after the Kerry family wealth and now his hypocrisy is on full display when Romney's riches are brought to the forefront. Why is it any different for Willard?

As for myself, I pay all of my required taxes and expect someone with Romney's wealth to simply pay his fair share at the same rate that myslef and many other middle class voters are currently being taxed at.

Sorry. If YOU FAIL TO cough up your extra dough voluntarily, you're not a true liberal. Obama himself said so.

Any schmuck can pay what is required. A true Liberall would pay extra to help his fellow man and make sure that everybody has a "fair shot".

As for Romney, he IS paying his fair share.

1. He has already paid personal income-tax on the money he earned, before he invested it. Probably 35%
2. He will continue to pay capital gains and dividend tax at 15%.
3. State Inheritance Tax in My State can be 20%. Fed Inheritance Tax =35%


Between High Income tax rates (Potentially 50%)

State and Federal Inheritanc Taxes will take up to 55%.

That adds up to 105%, people. But then what do you care, right? It's not as though you might have to support them while they get on their feet., right?

In his second term (may god strike me dead for saying this) Obastard will require paychecks to be sent to the workers on the basis of need, rathr than on the basis of ability.

Have no fear, my children.
If you want more of something, you need only to have your need validated by the committee as a whol. Shouldn't take much more than a ear or so.
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As for Romney, he IS paying his fair share.

1. He has already paid personal income-tax on the money he earned, before he invested it. Probably 35%
2. He will continue to pay capital gains and dividend tax at 15%.
3. State Inheritance Tax in My State can be 20%. Fed Inheritance Tax =35%

Yet another EPIC FAIL on your part.

Sorry but, 'Probably' doesn't cut it - Perception is reality and Romney's tax rate being lower than most middle class American's won't play well in the election this fall. After all, Willard is a guy who thinks the $375,000 'isn't alot' of money.

Aside from SPN's and BB's deflective responses, they both have shown a very sincere form of hypocrisy on their part as both had no problem when cons attacked the Kerry family wealth but now they whine about Dems doing the same thing to Romney.

Try as they might, SPN and the Bubble can't have it both ways.

Yet another EPIC FAIL on your part.

Sorry but, 'Probably' doesn't cut it - Perception is reality and Romney's tax rate being lower than most middle class American's won't play well in the election this fall. After all, Willard is a guy who thinks the $375,000 'isn't alot' of money.

Aside from SPN's and BB's deflective responses, they both have shown a very sincere form of hypocrisy on their part as both had no problem when cons attacked the Kerry family wealth but now they whine about Dems doing the same thing to Romney.

Try as they might, SPN and the Bubble can't have it both ways.
I have no problem if you wish to attack Romney's success, I do suggest that you learn something from him before you shoot him.

I have no problem if you wish to attack Romney's success, I do suggest that you learn something from him before you shoot him.

Let's see, I would like to learn from Willard why he isn't concerned with the very poor, why he thinks that $370,000 isn't alot of money, why he likes to fire people or how he will reset his 'Etch A Sketch' this fall.

That's a good start - Then we can move onto learning more about the money Romney has stashed in the Cayman Islands and Swiss Bank accounts.

Unlike your boy Zimmerman, I don't want to shoot anyone, besides Willard does a good job of shooting himself in the foot time and time again.

Let's see, I would like to learn from Willard why he isn't concerned with the very poor, why he thinks that $370,000 isn't alot of money, why he likes to fire people or how he will reset his 'Etch A Sketch' this fall.

That's a good start - Then we can move onto learning more about the money Romney has stashed in the Cayman Islands and Swiss Bank accounts.

Unlike your boy Zimmerman, I don't want to shoot anyone, besides Willard does a good job of shooting himself in the foot time and time again.

Sorry, kid, but you already shot yourself. You figure it out. After all, you'll be fifteen soon. Time to grow up.