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Chris Christie: Mitt Romney Should Release Tax Returns Immediately

You can't handle getting called out on the carpet or when you are proven wrong - Your ruse is up and you have gotten broken off - Deal with it.

How would you know. Link us to where I was wrong. GO!!

[note to readers: there will be no proof provided, because BN LIES. Instead he will engage in his usual name calling and repeating of his claims that he is both unable and unwilling to prove.]

For starters, you took the 'Food Stamp President' thread out of context, which by YOUR standards is a LIE.


Note to readers: 4DView LIES by the standard HE set. He will come back and respond with his usual name calling and repeating of his claims that he is both unable and unwilling to prove.
You didn't point out anything that was wrong. I quoted directly from the article.

So, prove I was wrong: Are the MORE people on Food Stamps now, than when the Food Stamp President took office in 2009?

Easy question. Yes or No.

[note to readers: BN won't answer the simple question, because he knows if he does he loses. Instead, he'll repeat some of his nonsense...anything to avoid the truth that Obama the Pink Drone President is also the Obama the Food Stamp President. Yes, you can get the Obama defense program in a toy store near you.]

Note to readers: The above response is yet another example of 4DView being unwilling to admit he is wrong. He will continue to LIE and put forth his opinion disguised as fact here on the Poli Board. By being unapable of civil debate, he has gotten broken off and I will no longer participae in his insane therapy session. He will see this as some sort of 'victory', but in fact the whole board has witnessed the cancer he brings here each time he 'appears'. It is also clear that his priority is to attack and hurl basless charges against other RP's.

The plane just crashed on the runway and 4DView is the last to realize it.

Expect some sort of response from him similar to the drone like posts he submits here on a daily basis.

Note to readers: The above response is yet another example of 4DView being unwilling to admit he is wrong. He will continue to LIE and put forth his opinion disguised as fact here on the Poli Board. By being unapable of civil debate, he has gotten broken off and I will no longer participae in his insane therapy session. He will see this as some sort of 'victory', but in fact the whole board has witnessed the cancer he brings here each time he 'appears'. It is also clear that his priority is to attack and hurl basless charges against other RP's.

The plane just crashed on the runway and 4DView is the last to realize it.

Expect some sort of response from him similar to the drone like posts he submits here on a daily basis.

You keep hiding... YES or NO