Misleading Recruiters

250-280K depending on provider accommodations. Tough to make less than 200K

Completely untrue! Try more like $130-$170K first year. 2nd year can be as low as $90K as the quota gets out of control fast. That's why 50% of new hires leave after after the first year. Same pattern holds true for RMs. The ability to reach the comp plan goal in the 2nd year and beyond is really not feasible anymore for the majority of RMs and TMs. Every territory and region has different challenges and revenue (which you are paid on) is completely outside of your control. Managed care, intake dept, billing dept, exceptions dept and negative adjustment gurus will all be out to help or break you. Hence, there is too much risk and too many things that can be beyond your control. Risk is great and you cannot control nor assure revenue recognition.

Completely untrue! Try more like $130-$170K first year. 2nd year can be as low as $90K as the quota gets out of control fast. That's why 50% of new hires leave after after the first year. Same pattern holds true for RMs. The ability to reach the comp plan goal in the 2nd year and beyond is really not feasible anymore for the majority of RMs and TMs. Every territory and region has different challenges and revenue (which you are paid on) is completely outside of your control. Managed care, intake dept, billing dept, exceptions dept and negative adjustment gurus will all be out to help or break you. Hence, there is too much risk and too many things that can be beyond your control. Risk is great and you cannot control nor assure revenue recognition.

No such thing as a misleading recruiter! Only stupid candidates that don't do their homework!

No such thing as a misleading recruiter! Only stupid candidates that don't do their homework!

The only candidates taking a job at ZOLL these days are the ones on the bubble with their current employer or have been fired. No one in the right mind will leave good job to come here. This place is a bad joke.

Why does everyone always talk about the great sales training from Enterprise and Hertz and ALWAYS leave out Alamo! Alamo reps are hands down superior to either of those wannabe's

i wanna cry everyday for taking this thankless job. Can't live off a base salary alone. Gonna be a great holiday season working part time on weekends to make ends meet. Thank you zoll.

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