New England does not need SSR’s Maine is the only area that produces because bubar built it from the ground up when he was number 1 Rep
Oh Bubar we thought lying lips were an abomination to the Lord.New England does not need SSR’s Maine is the only area that produces because bubar built it from the ground up when he was number 1 Rep
No no bubar. Don’t try and delete posts. we want to see how crazy you are.Some days it is a real struggle to make sense of life in a fallen world. I keep reminding myself that this isn’t what God wanted for us. This is what we made out of God’s perfect creation. I long for a new heaven and new earth where there will be no more hurt.
It is time for your medication Buber.
This guy Bubar is hung
I don’t work with ZOLLlv anymore, however I have had many people call me that are on the verge of a nervous breakdown. They all work for ZOLLlv and they work for diggggiulioooo. His manage by fear, make people do things they don’t want too and word against the lord is blatant. People have suffered cardiac issues, insomnia, anxiety, depression, panic attacks, family arguments. I tell people who reach out that the grass is greener. Not one person isn’t happier somewhere else.
mike has many voids in his life and takes them out on others