Mike Johnson Promoted?

Why do people keep talking about this guy. Who cares? So he is a dork that should not have been promoted and lacks skills. Enough already! Quit if you are so unhappy here

Why do people keep talking? Because there is no rhyme or reason for promotions anymore. It has nothing to do with skill or past performance. It only has to do with whether or not you are one of Dave's favorites. This latest promotion to the PSR division in Florida is a prime example. She has never expresssed interest in management, has not been through DM assessment, has not been a trainer, has not won a PAC, but she is a favorite of Dave- another stupid move by DD and his boys.

The guy needs to relax I can tell you that. If you've ever had the unfortunate experience of riding with him then you know what I mean!! It's brutal! I have heard that reps (good reps, who have been around a while) are quitting left and right on him. Such a shame.

He is actually really nice to work with. The ride alongs are fine but what he does with your ride along report is another. Wherever you are currently ranked will look very similiar to your report. EX: if you are new and ranked poorly he will show where you need to improve imediately and make you feel like you will be fired soon. If you are currently highly ranked your review will be fantastic.....He is a bullshit artist................What makes me mad is that you need both. You need to look at rankings and then have a mgr that can decide if the person is talented or good in the field. With mgd care a good rep can be poorly ranked and vice-versa.... A managers ethical input helps keep pharmaceutical co's strong. The "Mikes" of the world who cover their ass for a living are what make Pharmaceutical companys weak. The last thing a company needs is 500 people backstabbing and playing politics. Sorry Mike I had to write this one you deserve it!!!

Wow. You dug deep for this one. I applaud your dilligence. No, we will not take Mike back. We also want nothing to do with that asshole Dave Dumb-zalski. If they are running the show at Leo, you better get your resume polished up because the doomsday clock is counting down.

MJ is (the best example of) a no talent, self-important, get-along, 'yes man' ever encountered. And in this company, thats saying something. His only discernible ability is to be the hatchet man for whomever he is currently servicing.

That describes him but also says all you need to know about the power structure at WC. Any manager/regional that believed in coaching, uniting, improving, accomplishing, are gone. the ones left dont think for themselves they just slash and burn, over and over, killing relationships, continuity, credibility and respectability in offices and among peers.

And then they cant figure out why their highly sophisticated candidate search and hiring system (LMAO!) doesnt find a winner or a 'Type A crazy' every time. You want to know why WC? Because you're still 5-10 years behind the curve in HR just like everywhere else and improving hiring is done with experienced, insightful, educated eyes not by some 24 year old DM wielding some poor psychological test that some shyster sold Roger promising better employees but really being nothing more than infomercial-type salesmanship and hokum.

O yeah, MJ. Never deserved to be hired in the first place based on past record. Never deserved any promotion here: Poor record while here. Amazing what ass-kissing and pure unadulterated blaming others and blind agreement with the boss can do.