
I was excited...until management ruined it with excessive nightly feedback and busy work, daily morning conference calls and being treated as though this is our first day as a rep ever

Wow, you guys will literally bitch about ANYTHING. Great job with a great company, new indication, incredible pipeline, stock that has increased by a factor of 6 in the last 4 years, a revolutionary solution to managed care obstacles and you log onto CP to drag your company through the dirt because they are asking you to talk to your boss on the phone too often. Can't imagine what your life must be like. Nothing eill ever live up to your idea of what you are owed by this world...sad

Wow, you guys will literally bitch about ANYTHING. Great job with a great company, new indication, incredible pipeline, stock that has increased by a factor of 6 in the last 4 years, a revolutionary solution to managed care obstacles and you log onto CP to drag your company through the dirt because they are asking you to talk to your boss on the phone too often. Can't imagine what your life must be like. Nothing eill ever live up to your idea of what you are owed by this world...sad

Easy with the "you guys." It's pretty obvious that the vocal minority of unhappy, whiny, woe is me reps are the ones who comment here. I agree with the sentiment but just be careful making the mistake of putting this negative mentality on the entire sales force. Most of us care about what we do, who we do it for, and how well we do it.

Easy with the "you guys." It's pretty obvious that the vocal minority of unhappy, whiny, woe is me reps are the ones who comment here. I agree with the sentiment but just be careful making the mistake of putting this negative mentality on the entire sales force. Most of us care about what we do, who we do it for, and how well we do it.

STFU! You brown nosing bitch! Go leave some success stories about how the doc you are blowing is writing 8 Rx a week.

Easy with the "you guys." It's pretty obvious that the vocal minority of unhappy, whiny, woe is me reps are the ones who comment here. I agree with the sentiment but just be careful making the mistake of putting this negative mentality on the entire sales force. Most of us care about what we do, who we do it for, and how well we do it.

I'm with you.

Better question is if you are so UNHAPPY then why don't you go work somewhere else? I will answer my own question- it really doesn't matter what the subject is with your type- you likely bitch and moan about every aspect of your life. Work is just one of the categories you touch on. The reason you do it here is because the real people are sick of hearing your shit

So who is killing it with gold cards and getting a sweet promotion and who is bombing it and going to quit?

Honestly?? I'm out there crushing it. I realize this is a huge opportunity for us and I'm trying to maximize my reward from it, which I expect to be substantial.

But I will say that I really wish my RD and ZD would chill the hell out. We are busting ass to get to offices and make as many quality calls as possible on a daily basis. If they would minimize the distractions (trackers, excessive and pointless conference calls - thank god the daily huddle seems to have gone away-, daily call updates, the freaking call back initiative, etc), that would be the most helpful thing they could do. You always ask what you can do for us. LET US WORK!

Nothing is ever good enough. No matter what you do, it's never enough. You got 10 calls this Monday? Next Monday, hit those same offices again and try to get one more!

Desperation is the one thing that I know doesn't sell! At a time when we should be selling hard but confidently we are acting like the sky is falling from the top down. If a rep really called their offices back every single day or even a few times a week how long do you think it would take before they aren't welcome any longer? Wake up people no reps are doing this garbage because they aren't insane