Michelle wreaks havoc wherever she goes. She also has mad skills in the used car salesman department. How else can you explain how she persuaded Vas to hire her and Giovanni from BMS? She brings chaos, confusion and malice to every company she works for. We have people from 4 companies on this thread sharing their horror stories. People from Mars, Danone, BMS and now Novartis. All these people can’t be wrong. So ignore the few people on here who try to defend her. These are her minions. Her modus operandi is to hire junior, not qualified, semi competent people who are given bigger titles, titles that they would never get elsewhere. This makes them very grateful and loyal to her. So look at all her hires at Novartis with very jaundiced eyes. My advice to folks is to keep a low profile and stay away from Michelle until she self destructs and move on to her next job. Because make no mistake, she will self destruct. It’s disheartening how one person can willfully cause so much pain, ruining people’s lives. She is callous, mean, vapid, self unaware and frankly intellectually challenged. She has been given so much power and wields it with a heavy, cold hand. So much pain, to so many. How does she sleep at night? May God have mercy on her soul. Stay strong Novartis team, this too shall pass.